Hero Cultivation

Chapter 58 - Scroll

"Let go of him Jun, this is a matter between me and you alone," said a man with full golden armour which has engravings on it which flowed the colour dark green much like Mary's bident except hers glowed the colour purple. In the man's hands were golden sickles which had the same engravings as his armour.

"Steward!" said Jun as he dropped the captain of the royal guards on the ground as he prepared to speak to Steward which had just came out of the crowd of guards near the staircase of the 3rd floor of the main castle.

"Why isn't the boy with you?" Steward asked asked as he began to walk towards Jun.

"You should already know that I'm not here to settle the main matters right now. I only came here to retrieve a scroll from you, matter of fact, give me all the scrolls back and you can keep the shadow monster tier scrolls with you until I come here once again," Jun informed Steward.

"You know I can't do that. Either the boy comes here or you don't get any of the scrolls," Steward replied.

"Give it right now. Steward, I'm not messing around anymore, either I get the scrolls or your funeral will take place much sooner than expected," said Jun as he looked at Steward with eyes that meant business.

"I guess we'll just have to see about that. You know you're out of your prime old man, you can't defeat me," said Steward as he prepared to swing his sickle at Jun.

"Then so be it," said Jun as he flipped back while activating 2 secret arts simultaneously.

<<Secret Art: Ice Age>>

<<Secret Art: Magma Age>>

First, a layer of thick ice covered the entire floor which held the legs of everyone there in place before the second secret art activated which made lava balls come out of Jun's hand and land on places where ice was wherever Jun directed them at. In doing so, Jun managed to melt the ice and create steam so he could hidden in the shadows as everyone's vision became foggy.

<<Secret Art: Hand Blade>>

Jun used another secret art to make his hand change shape and form into a blade as he came in from the shadows while preparing to stab Steward.

"You've used up a lot of your stamina from having to activate so many secret arts. How much longer can you go on before your old frail body fails on you," said Steward as he turned his head as his armour and blades continued to glow in the fog.

"Got you," said Steward as he manages to cause a keep cut on Jun's other arm before Jun's hand blade could reach Steward.

"I already told you Jun, you're past your prime, it was a mistake to challenge me, specially in my home where you know I have my war armour," said Steward as the fog began to clear and Jun could be seen laying against a wall as he held on to the arm which had been cut.

"I'll let you live for now but if you come back here without the boy next time, I won't be so generous," said Steward as he walked up to Jun with a look of disappointment as he expected more from his master. However even in his condition, Jun began to laugh hysterically which made everyone in the room think that he has gone mad from bleeding so much.

"Perhaps you've forgotten your place. I was much too lenient when it came to your generation. You've even got the audacity to believe that you're stronger than me. You're nothing but an incomplete project," said Jun as he continued to laugh.

<<Secret Art: Jun's Judgement>>


A few minutes later, Jun was standing up with his arm still bleeding but he looked completely fine. As for Steward, he was on the ground with his face pummelled and his armour completely destroyed.

Most of the guards just continued to stand in horror as they couldn't comprehend what had just taken place.

"You!" Jun said as he pointed at the captain of the royal guards which barely looked alive.

"Get me the box of scrolls, you can leave the rest of the scrolls here though, I'll be coming back here another day," said Jun as he directed the captain of the royal guards which did as he was told.

Once Jun had everything he came for, he got on his dragon which was just watching from the side lines and prepared to leave. However, before he got on his dragon, Jun looked at Steward which stared back at him with his helpless eyes. Jun raised his middle finger at Steward before getting on his jade and leaving the kingdom.

The next morning, Julius woke up to see Jun who was sitting in the same room as him, being the living room where Julius slept even though there was one other room which Julius just used to store his belongings which he got from the kingdom before he left to train with Jun.

When Julius looked at his teacher, he saw that he had bandages on his arm for some reason which instantly made Julius worry.

"What happened?!" Julius demanded.

"Oh this? I ran into some weak monsters and they managed to get to my hand before I realized it. I mean, my physical strength is pretty weak since I only cultivate through meditation," Jun lied as if he didn't just go in the middle of the night to raid a kingdom, humiliate the captain of the royal guards there and also torment the ruler of it

"I guess as long as you're not seriously hurt it's fine," said Julius with a sigh of relief.

"Guess what though?! I managed to get you that scroll you asked for from my friend. I went to visit him at night and he luckily had it," said Jun as he didn't want to inform Julius of what he actually did that night.

"Thank you so much master Jun!" Julius replied as he accepted the scroll from his master who had shown it to him in his hand.

"Wait, why did you even want it?" Jun asked which brought out a sinister grin out of Julius.

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