Hero Cultivation

Chapter 59 - Son

"Wait, why did you even want it?" Jun asked which brought out a sinister grin out of Julius.

"Well you said that you wanted me to get captured by Steward so I thought that instead of me going, I would sent a clone instead…" Julius offered.

"Now that I think about it, it's not a bad idea but why do you want to do that?" Jun asked his student.

"Isn't it obvious? I want to go train while Steward is busy thinking that he can use my clone as his own weapon," Julius said.

"Fair enough. So what type of training do you have in mind?" Jun asked.

"Well, I got to thinking last night and I came up with an idea. I was thinking that you should great an outfit which is weighed down to the same degree as the pebbles you gave me yesterday or more so that I can train while I live out my normal life," said Julius.

"That's… actually a great idea. I've never tried something like that but it could actually work," said Jun as he raised his eyebrows in confusion as his student had actually made a suggestion which was useful.

"But wait, since you'll be training your body without doing anything, what do you plan on doing with the rest of your days? Maybe dungeon hunting? I can see that you thoughts things through," said Jun as he said words which never even came out of Julius' mouth.

"Umm, master Jun. That's what I've been meaning to talk to you about. Since I'll still be doing my usual training and still have free time… I was thinking… that maybe we could visit the other civilization on the continent side of the 9 kingdoms?" Julius asked as his heart pounded from worry that his master would scold him for even suggesting such a horrible idea.

"Sure I guess, but why would you want to go there?" Jun asked his student.

"Wait you're not mad?" Julius asked in a confused tone.

"No, why would I be mad? I've always wanted to go there myself and I can just use this as a an excuse. Plus, how dangerous can a group of people who don't even cultivate be? It'll be like a business trip," said Jun as he smiled at his student which brought ease to Julius.

"Great then, let's begin the preparations," said Jun as he began to walk out of the house.

Seeing as his student wasn't following him, Jun turned around confused.

"Aren't you going to come?" Jun asked which caught Julius by surprise for some reason.

"Oh, you want me to tag along?" Julius asked before following his master onto the jade dragon which was waiting for them outside.

"Where are we even going?" Julius asked.

"Where else would we go? We're going back to your kingdom to get supplies," said Jun as he turned to face his student who had just managed to get on the dragon.

"No! I mean, no thank you. Is there a way for us to go to another kingdom," Julius asked.

"Geez, do you hate your kingdom or something? Fine, we'll just have to go to one of the smaller kingdoms then," said Jun as he forced his dragon to take flight.

"Smaller kingdoms?" Julius asked.

"Let me guess, you've never heard about them. The education department of the royal family must be horrible if you don't know basic geography. Anyway, The great 9 kingdoms are at the centre of the over all great single continent which we have in this world. Outside of the great kingdoms is a great large circle right before the star shape of the continent begin to appear where thousands of smaller kingdoms are with their own peoples and cultures.

"Really?! Then can we go there?" Julius asked in a very clearly excited tone.

"Yes we can," Jun sighed before continuing.

"I have connections with a few of them so I'll be able to borrow a few gold coins and even some clothing for the both of us which look presentable so that we don't stand out in the least when we go to the other 9 continents," said Jun which Julius just nodded to.

After a while of flying, the jade dragon finally began to descend onto the ground towards a miniature version of the kingdoms which Julius had seen previously.

As would be expected, the dragon headed towards the castle like building as Jun had connections with the ruler of the kingdom.

After the dragon got close enough to the castle, Julius and Jun leaped off of Jun's pet and landed on the front door of the castle where someone seemed to be waiting for them there.

"Jun! It's been so long! What would be the cause of this lovely visit?" Someone who was wearing a crown and a cape which was the colour of royal red and a white outline said as he walked up to Jun. That person was very clearly the king of the kingdom. To make things more obvious, there was a line of guards which stood at both sides of the castle entrance while the king was in the middle as he stood on the red carpet which stemmed from the castle entrance.

"It had indeed been quite a while Allan. How have things been in the kingdom?" Jun asked.

"Oh you know, things are still the same as the last time you were here. This kingdom has been at peace thanks to all your efforts. And who's that behind you?" Allan asked.

"Oh him? He's my new student," Jun said nonchalantly.

"S-Student?! I thought I would never see the day where you would accept another student. This is a magnificent sight," Allan said as he seemed both surprised and happy.

"That's actually why I can here today, I wanted to borrow some money and 2 suits for me and my student because we wanted to go somewhere but my student doesn't want to go back to his own kingdom so we came here instead. Of course, just send the bill to Henry, after all, it's his son's expenses," said Jun.

"H-His s-s-son?"

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