Hero Cultivation

Chapter 60 - Allan

"Did I not mention that? Yes, this boy is Henry's son," Jun replied to Allan. Hearing his words, Allan bowed to Julius immediately.

"Greetings your majesty, it is an honour to be in your presence," said Allan which caught Julius off guard as he didn't expect that type of treatment from a king specially since the rulers of the great kingdoms had never done anything close to that.

"No no, it's completely fine. You don't have to bow or anything. I'll be in your debt shortly so there's no need to be so formal," Julius said nervously which made Allan raise his head once more.

"Okay then, please follow me," said Allan as he headed inside the castle at which right before he entered, he spoke to one of the guards.

"Please find the tailor and get him to us as fast as possible," Allan told the guard which ran off quickly as Julius and Jun followed behind Allan as he went inside the castle.

While the 3 of them waited for the tailor to arrive, Jun and Allan began to talk about all the things they had done since the last time they saw each other. As for Julius, he just stood in the same spot as he listened to them taking endlessly until the tailor finally arrived like a hero which came to save Julius from boredom.

The trailer quickly scanned both of them before shaking his head as if he had completely memorized what he needed to do.

"Wait, can I come with you to see how the suit is made?" Jun asked in a rather suspicious tone.

"That's unnecessary but if you just want to watch then be my guest. I already have the exact size for the boy but the old man needs to have a new one quickly made for him, it should only take about 30 minutes at best so sit tight," said the tailor before going away towards the staircase of the castle as if he had a room stationed there. Of course, Jun went along with him while Julius was left standing there with Allan.

"Please come with me sir," a maid said as she came up behind Julius.

"Oh, okay," said Julius after getting startled for a moment as he had be surprised from the sudden voice behind him. He just followed her without asking any questions as being a maid at the castle probably meant that she could be trusted.

After a while of going up the stairs onto the 2nd floor of the castle then walking around to find a room, the maid point Julius inside a room which was completely clean, meaning that it was a guest bedroom.

After a short while later, the same made came back to hand Julius his suit.

"Would you like me to help you put it on?" the maid asked.

"N-no thank you. I'll be fine on my own," Julius replied as he took her question to be very weird.

After accepting the suit then closing the door to put on the suit, Julius came out of the room 20 minutes later with the suit put on as best he could. When the maid who was still waiting on him outside the door saw him, she quickly gave a look of disappointment before leading him back into the guest room.

"My apologies prince Julius, I cannot allow you to be seen looking like this. Allow me to properly fix some things which you missed," said the maid as she fixed his shirt's collar then properly tying his red tie. Next she smoothed out all the rough parts of the suit with her hands before pulling out a comb from her dress pocket which Julius hadn't noticed before. Using the comb, the maid parted Julius' hair in half and combed it to look more stylistic than an average bowl-cut middle part.

In that moment, the maid which had been fixing all of Julius' flaws reminding the prince of Liz who had taken care of him since he was nothing more than a baby. Having the maid there to oversee him and take care of him showed Julius how much he missed his home. Even so, he couldn't go back yet, not in the shape he was in. He would only cause trouble for the kingdom which was why he needed to attain strength.

"Thank you," Julius said nervously as the maid finished fixing his mistakes.

"It's my pleasure," said the maid as she began to exit out of the room while also expecting Julius to follow behind her. Julius got the hint and went down the stairs with her.

"What took you so long!" a young tall man which wore a fancy black suit jeans along with a black shirt, black coat with a red tie in his neck. His black silky hair which was pulled back with a gel like substance made him appear to be more professional.

"Who is he?" Julius asked Allan which upon hearing Julius' words burst out in laughter.

"Come on, you're joking right? How could you not know it's me!" the man in the suit said.

"I've never seen you in my entire life…" Julius replied with a straight face.

"It's Jun! I'm your master and teacher!" the young man yelled out.

"Oh wow."

"Mister Allan, are you sure you didn't accidentally let a mad man into your castle on accident?" Julius asked.

"No I haven't young master. He indeed is Jun. He's just in his true form right now," Allan replied.

"True form?" Julius asked.

"Yes, it's my true form. I have a form which is my real body which never ages due to the rank of cultivation I'm on and I also have my old man body which is how my body would look if it did age. I prefer to use my old man body because it stops…" Jun said before stopping himself.

"Anyway, with this body, I'll be able to go where I promised you without looking weird," said Jun in a young man's voice.

"Oh that's right, I forgot to ask, where are you two even going?" Allan asked out of curiosity.

"Uh, we're going to go to another one of the great kingdoms for a business trip with someone who might have a weapon I've been looking for," Jun quickly came up with a lie.

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