Hero Cultivation

Chapter 66 - Flaws

"What do you mean flaws?" Julius asked as if the white figure had lied to him.

"While it is true that for me to get passed on to another user, it needs to happen through a potion or pill, it doesn't mean that I can't take over your obey and create the potions then in the last moment move myself into said potion before the next user drinks it. That way, you wouldn't have control over anything and you won't be able to stop me," said the white figure. Although it seemed like Julius was cornered, he still had one last thought. While at the castle he wasn't forced to indulge in academic studies all that often, he was forced to learn basic king etiquette as he was next in line to rule that kingdom. That said, he needed to acquire negotiation skills and the ability to think on the spot which came in handy at this precise moment.

"Okay then do it. I mean Jun should be at the skill which you're seeking. Even if you think he's too weak, you can take over one of my subjects from the 10th continent. They're already at rank 20 so you can't complain," Julius said as he had figured something out.

"Well, there's no point in arguing. I can tell that you figured out why I'm assigned to be with you. It's annoying but it has to be you and you should already know why that is," the white figure said to Yuki.

"It's because I, as the prince of the greatest kingdom in the world would have the resources at my disposal to reach my maximum potential and also build strong allies. All to defeat a single person who is referred to as the hero, right?" Julius asked.

"That's exactly right. There's no one else better for the job. I thought about taking one of you subjects, that being Ian but he doesn't have the willpower that you do. To add on, in the future, you'll easily surpass him on your own, without my help," the white figure replied.

"If that's the case, why do you refuse to give me magic?" Julius asked.

"Like I said, you're not ready to use it. Magic actually has a lot of draw backs on your body as it drains it of most of its stamina. It's like having to learn secret arts by the chanting method. If you choose to do that, they consume your stamina but for you, you're able to use secret arts easily due to me just consuming them for you," the white figure explained.

"Speaking of secret arts, is there a limit on how many of the scrolls you can consume?" Julius asked.

"Not really. I'm pretty sure I can consume and endless amount of scrolls," the white figure replied which brought a smile to Julius' face yet Julius still had another question.

"What about the heaven tier scrolls, are there more of them and how many can you consume," Julius asked expecting there to be a couple more of the heaven tier scrolls and for the white figure to be able to absorb every single one of them.

"There are a lot of those scrolls but they're in the library of the limitless. However, I can not consume a single one of them. The only one which I know is one that I learned through the chanting method. The heaven tier scrolls are beyond this world, hence the name that they have," the white glowing figure replied which both disappointed Julius but also made him more curious.

"Wait, I thought that they were supposed to be erased from this world just like magic, so why would the library of the limitless have them?" Julius asked.

"That's because you're thinking of the fake library. Let me make you a deal, if you manage to impress me, I'll allow you to go into the real library of the limitless and even might grant you some magic," the white figure offered.

"Agreed," said Julius and right after he said those words, he woke up back at the hotel.

"So you're finally awake," said Jun as he was sitting on his bed while drinking coffee.

"Good morning master," said Julius as he yawned.

"Well, while you were sleeping, I managed to find out a couple more things. There's this thing called the internet and you can ask it anything and it'll give you the answer for it. It's like having a magical item at your disposal. Anyway, I did some research and you should probably know about them," Jun said before beginning to explain.

"Sorry master Jun but I'm not ready to learn right after I wake up. I want to do something," said Julius.

"Oh really, what do you have in mind?" Jun asked his student.

"What would you refer to as an impressive feat for me to accomplish?" Julius asked his master.

"Well that's an odd question but I'll entertain it. You've been doing pretty impressive stuff so far but I have an idea which just might allow you to surpass even the great kings and queens in one to two months. However, that's only when it comes to physical strength since you'll need to get the fighting experience from going to dungeons and fights monsters in the wild. Even so, if you get too strong, it wouldn't matter how masterful someone is in their technique, all it would take from you is one hit and your enemy would be defeated so I say that we go monster hunting before you get too strong," Jun suggested.

"So we're going to go back to our world now?" Julius asked.

"I guess so. We've already got what we came here for. There's no need for us to stay. We can come back after a while to see if we can get our hands on some samples of their weapons," said Jun as he got himself ready to leave with the suit case in hand. Julius followed him to the door as he wanted to get started training as well.. However once Jun opened the door, he was greeted with a large mob of people which looked pretty violent and they all had their eyes at Julius.

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