Hero Cultivation

Chapter 67 - Million

"Hey, is that the kid that got in your way?" the giant man in the front asked as he looked back to face one of the members in the back which nodded in agreement. After a closer inspection, Julius remembered who the person that nodded was. While he had a cast now, he was the one which tried to fight Julius.

"Hey there kid, you should learn to mind your own business but since you decided to hurt one of our own, we've come to give you some pay back," the tall man in the front asked.

"Hey Julius, do you know these guys?" Jun asked with a blank face.

"I know a couple of them. They were annoying the 2 girls which I was with yesterday so I got in their way. But they stooped so low as to hit a child so I taught them a lesson and I guess they came back thinking that they could win with greater numbers," Julius explained which made Jun sigh in disappointment.

"You shouldn't meddle with the matters of this world, now you've caused quite a lot of attention to be place on us," Jun scolded his student.

"My apologies. I'll be sure that he is punished adequately. Thank you for informing me about this," said Jun as he prepared to close the door before the man in the front forced it back open.

"We're not here to negotiate. That boy hurt one of my men and I won't settle until I hurt him just as he did to own of my own," said the man in the front with a full black beard.

"Okay then sure, go ahead but before you attack think about this. Do you not find it weird that this child manages to break the hand of a grown man without even trying? Maybe he's such a normal kid but how would I know," Jun sarcastically warned the tall man.

"I can do that too. I guess it'll be a test to see which one of us is the strongest! I swear upon my gang's pride I shall break every bone in this child's body!" the tall man in the front said as he charged towards Julius with his fist clenched as he prepared to blast the 14 year old boy into oblivion as the people behind him cheered.

*5 seconds later*

"Please forgive me for stepping out of line. I should have taken your advice, I shall take me leave now," said the tall man as he ran out of the hotel room with his gang as he rushed to the hospital with his broken hand.

"Okay then, let's leave before more of them come after us," said Jun as he along with Julius left the hotel and began to make way towards the alleyway which the magic wall was so that they could return to their own world.

As they were talking though, Jun spotted a sign that said "boxing for cash" which had 2 figures on the glass window of the store that looked to be fighting. The building itself looked massive and had nearly 20 to 30 floors which were all contrasted of glass in Jun's eyes. It was clearly a fancy place.

"Hold on Julius. I want to see what this place is about," said Jun as he took a quick detour into the store where there looked to be a cashier stand alone in the entire floor. To the right were 3 elevators and to the left was a door which looked to have stairs behind it.

"Excuse me ma'am but what is it that this place does," Jun asked with Julius standing behind him as he awaited eagerly to return to his home world so he could train.

"Well in here, people come to fight and who ever wins gets money. The more people that watch, the more money there is to offer. Of course I wouldn't recommend it for someone such as yourself as you look too skinny for the other fighters. You would probably just end up getting hurt," the cashier said to Jun.

"Don't judge a book by its cover," said Jun under his breath before continuing.

"Oh you're probably right. If that's the case, would you happen to offer any training classes. Not for me, but for him," said Jun as he brought Julius forward.

"Hmm, he looks a bit weak but with the proper training, he could be trained to be a fighting machine in no time," the woman said before adding on.

"Of course you're going to have to pay a hefty price for that," said the woman as she noticed the expensive looking suits which Julius and Jun had.

"I understand, how much will it be?" Jun asked.

"Well it depends on which trainer you want. There is the beginner deal for 50 dollars an hour. Intermediate deal for 200 dollars and hour and for the expect deal, I'll cost you 500 dollars an hour," the woman laid out the prices that they had. Of course she made them a bit more expensive so that she could take a cut of the money for herself but who would know since Jun looked to be very rich.

"Look lady, I'm not looking for him to become some expert amongst other experts. I want him to become the strongest creature to ever live. How about I make this deal for you. I'll pay 1 million in cash right now and pay another 9 million tomorrow. I want you to use every connection that you have to gather the best trainer for him and turn him into a fighting machine within one month," said Jun which almost caused the woman at the register to have a heart attack.

"O-O-One million? DEAL! Please consider it done," said the woman before quickly rushing to call someone on the phone.

"Hello boss. I know you said not to call unless it was important but it looks like it is important. We're looking at… 10 million in profit," said the woman as she whispered. Not even 20 seconds later. A man came out of the side ways door which looked to have stairs in it. It looked like he had just ran a marathon at the speed of lightning.

"I'll be taking over things from now on," said the man as he quickly began to breathe heavily from exhausting himself during his journey to the bottom floor at such impressive speeds.

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