Hero Cultivation

Chapter 68 - Training

After some talking and negotiating, the boss of the building came to an agreement with Jun that he would find the best trainers in the world and turn Julius into a fighting machine but he would need 3 months to do it instead of the initial 1 month that Jun wanted.

As for the money, Jun payed 1 million up front and also gave the rest of the money to the boss so that Julius' life expenses would also be taken care of which the boss gladly accepted. The next day, just as Jun said, he returned with the rest of the 9 million which he said he would pay as he has gone off to his own world, borrowed more gold from Allan which he made Henry pay him back for later on.

Seeing as all the money had been taken care of, Jun left Julius at the care of the boss who gave Julius his own room in the building while he awaited for the trainer which he asked to come as fast as possible due to the money which was at hand. The following day after, the trainer urgently came to the building to fulfil his duty.

However before the trainer had come, Jun had used one last secret art on Julius which would momentarily make most of not all of Julius' strength disappear. This secret art only worked if the victim agreed to it which Julius agreed to as it would make him less overpowered than he already was.

Seeing as Julius was supposed to focus on technique alone instead of strength, that was what the trainer did. He didn't bother to ask the client questions or give them advice as he wanted to stay on the good side of anyone who would have money to throw away that easily on some random weak kid.

As the trainer expected, while he placed Julius and asked him to perform some basic techniques, Julius had quite a lot of trouble doing even the most easy things however as the days passed, Julius began to absorb the information like a sponge and began to preform the more complex moves with ease. This pattern continued to grow until there was nothing left for Julius to learn and yet there was so much time left. As such, the trainer called upon other skilled trainers which came along just to watch the rise of a monster and help raise it as well.

Even with all the books and information which was available, Julius was picking stuff up too quickly. He even learned ancient martial arts which seemed to have been lost over time.

With one month remaining until Julius' training would come to an end but nothing for him to learn, Julius was sent to a training camp far off in the mountains. While it was a challenge for him to get accustomed to the training style which they used being to fight with a long ranged wooden pole that taught him to dodge quick attacks while also teaching him to attack quickly as well. The mountain training took Julius about 2 weeks which left him with another 2 weeks remaining which his main trainer used to fly him to another continent and send him to a school which taught the art of sword battle.

While it would take several years for a person to master the art, it took Julius 10 days to master. After the flight back to the building which Jun was supposed to pick Julius up in, there were 3 days left which by that point, all the trainers had exhausted themselves and just allowed Julius to watch all the recorded fights from the best boxers which the world had to offer. Of course during those 3 months, Julius continued to cultivate in his sleep which allowed him to rank up several times.

The only thing which Julius missed out on was strength and speed training as Jun hadn't placed his density augmentation secret art of any of the clothing which Julius had. However in the up side, Julius would soon be able to show what all his training would result in.

The reason which Jun chose to make Julius train in the new world instead of his own world was because the people of the cultivation world didn't have to rely of technique since if him they had strength, they would win and that was how things worked. However, just to make sure that Julius would be unquestionably the strongest creature alive, Jun forced him to learn technique and also attain strength. It was indeed the birth of a monster unlike any seen before.

After 3 more days, Jun finally came back to the building to pick Julius up so that they could go back to his own world and focus on his own training.

Right at the sight of Jun, the cashier quickly called for Julius to come down from his room as Jun had finally come to pick him up. After about 10 minutes an elevator door opened and right away, Jun could tell that Julius was the one inside it.

Such intoxicating aura which resembled that of death itself. There was definitely a change in how Julius was 3 months ago to that of now.

Even monster would he helpless in the face of the demon called Julius.

As Julius exited the elevator, he looked at Jun with eyes which looked so dark that it felt as if he was being swallowed by evil.

"Hello there Julius," said Jun in a deep voice as he stared at his student back which had grown in height and also put on some muscle due to his eating regiments.

"Hi master Jun! I finished my training," said Julius in a cheerful tone which shocked the cashier who thought that there would be a death match between Julius and Jun after seeing their stare down.

"How was it? Did you learn a lot of things? Because I'm pretty sure your father is getting sick of us spending all his money and is hoping to see some results soon," said Jun as he himself became cheerful again.

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