Hero Cultivation

Chapter 69 - Eat

After Julius explained what he had spent the past 3 months doing to his master, the two of they headed back to the alleyway where the magic wall was which kept the 2 worlds separated from each other.

"Master Jun, what did you do for these 3 months while I was training?" Julius asked his teacher.

"It was nothing special. I had to tell Henry that I was giving all the gold to some random trainer in a small kingdom since I couldn't tell him that i was sending you in the other world because I'd he found out, he would surely kill me. After I dealt with Henry, I went back to my house to relax as I waited out the 3 months," said Jun.

"What about Stacy…?" Julius asked his master.

"Who's that?" Jun asked with a blank face.

"Give me your phone," said Julius as he took the cellphone which Jun had brought along with him to pick Julius up. Due to Julius spending a whole 3 months in the other world, he was able to learn to use technology to a certain extent.

"I feel horrible for her having to fall for someone like you," said Julius as he showed Jun his phone's screen.

"She called you multiple times and even texted you. How could you not know this?!" Julius scolded his master.

"Again, who is Stacy?" Jun asked as he completely forgot about the girl who he had met on the first day which he came to the other world.

"Ooh, I remember now, let's get out of here before we accidentally run into her," said Jun as he quickly walked through the transparent orange walls which only he and Julius looked to be able to see.

"I doubt that you would run into her again seeing as how vast this world is," said Julius as he also walked through the magic wall where Jun's Jade dragon was waiting for them in the wasteland.

"Do you want to relax for now?" Jun asked as he climbed his pet.

"No! I still haven't forgotten what Steward has done. I plan on getting my revenge on him. He will pay for the crime which he has committed," said Julius as he himself got on the dragon with his eyes filled with ambition.

"Well I think defeating him would be a little too ambitious. How about focusing on training your physical body for now and also levelling up through battle?" Jun asked his student as he commanded his pet dragon to begin flight and also snapped his hands which deactivated the secret art which limited Julius' strength.

"That's fine but speaking about strength, can you change the weight of my clothing so that I can wear it while I kill monsters so that I can level up and also increase my status points?" Julius asked.

"Don't worry, I've already taken care of that. I've prepared an outfit for you at my house which you can wear that meets the criteria which you're looking for.

Seeing as Jun had planned ahead, Julius stayed silent as he watched the dragon soar through the sky while taking them back to Jun's house. All while Julius continued to think about how things were at his father's kingdom and also his own continent which his 5 subjects were growing life on while he was training endlessly.

"Jun, you said that you went to my father's kingdom to settle the matter about the gold right? So did you speak to his representative or did you actually speak to him," Julius asked as he thought about what Jun had to told him in the past about his actual father not being present in Julius' life.

"It was the representative. The real kings and queen almost never show themselves unless it is for important matters, the only exception being Mary who freely lives her life as he doesn't have a partner nor children," Jun explained as they finally reached his house.

"How formidable of fighters do you think that the representatives are?" Julius asked thinking back to how the representatives had very strong aura.

"I should have mentioned this earlier but nearly all the representatives as the previous captains of the royal guards. As such, you can probably imagine how powerful they are," Jun replied.

The captains of the royal guards were insanely powerful, the only ones who would be able to stand against them being the actual kings and queens or Jun himself who his limits were unknown. Of course there were the subjects who followed Julius and some other exceptions which Julius was yet to learn about.

"Master Jun, I know that if I truly wish to start a kingdom of my own, I'll have to go to war with everything that the 9 kingdoms have to offer. My subjects can probably deal with the kings and queens however, I do not know if they were have enough strength to deal with their armies, are there any more formidable people on this world which might be able to join us in the battle?" Julius asked as he hoped that there were more people who could help them fight which caused Jun to sigh.

"Yes there is someone or some people who you might want to speak to if you're looking to add numbers. They're two liches who are capable of necromancy. It's a secret art scroll of the shadow monster tier which allows the user to summon an undead army. However it can only be learned through the method of absorption. There are only 2 people who have ever tried to use it, those being brothers called Dae and Knight. If you were by some miracle to get rid of the damage that has been caused to their brain just as you did so when it came to the dragon tier scroll, they would most likely join us in the upcoming war," said Jun.

"Well, I guess we know the next location we have to go to," said Julius as he got off the jade dragon.

"But first… we eat!"

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