Hero Cultivation

Chapter 70 - Shower

After eating another dish composed of rabbit and vegetables, Julius stood up in anticipation as he wanted to see the outfit which Jun had prepared for him.

"Master Jun, where is the outfit which you promised me?" Julius asked with a pondering gaze as he looked around the house for it.

"Don't be so stupid as to think would leave something that heavy here. It's on the ground under the mountain. If I were to leave it here, this entire mountain could collapse," said Jun as he informed his student. While the way Jun spoke about the outfit frightened Julius, it only served to make him want it even more so he could train.

Julius quickly rushed outside and leaped off the mountain top as if it was nothing before landing on the ground with ease. In front of Julius was a pair of black trousers and a black t-shirt which Julius attempted to put on. However just as Julius tried to pick up the t-shirt, he felt as if he was a baby trying to pick up a mountain. Even with the pebble training, this was just too much for Julius to handle but he wasn't about to give up.

By this point Julius himself had realized that he had a special ability which allowed to adapt to things quickly as long as he tried them and didn't give up on them. It didn't matter how difficult the task was, as long as Julius started on it, he would be able to master it in no time.

As such, Julius, with all his might crawled inside the t-shirt even though it felt like he was getting squished by a mountain. Yet, Julius just continued to stay inside it until he got comfortable enough to move with the shirt. At first, Julius was only able to crawl until he could use all 4 limbs to crawl like an animal. Soon after he began to slowly walk until that itself turned into stable walking. Then came speed walking, after that came running. It was like watching a baby learn how to move but it was a sped up version of it.

Seeing as he was able to move to a certain extent with the t-shirt, Julius attempted to wear the trousers which he experienced the same problem as he had done with the t-shirt. Nevertheless, Julius learned to move around in the trousers just as he done so with the t-shirt. After a while of getting accustomed to his new outfit, Jun himself handed Julius a pair of long yellow gloves which looked to be those that were used to wash dishes. Julius unknowingly accepted and watched as they fell on his toes with the might of 20 giant skyscrapers. It had turned out that Jun had augmented their weight so that they would be used as training items for Julius. Along with the gloves, Jun had also bright some boots to train Julius' feet.

"I feel like I'm going to die," Julius complained.

"Would you like me to lessen the weight of the items? It's totally fine, it's too much for you to handle," Jun mocked Julius while trying to get him motivated.

"No! Don't change the weight, I'll be fine. I just need a few hours and I'll get used to this," said Julius. Hearing those words, Jun climbed the steep mountain and went back into his house so he could transform back into his old man form as he was growing tired of his real body.

That entire day, Julius spent learning how to move around in his new training cloths, even though night had rolled around meaning that it was time for him to cultivate while sleeping, Jun allowed his student to skip out on one day so that he could go to sleep the following day feeling accomplished.

The next morning, Jun went down to the ground under the mountain to check up on Julius who had begun to run at regular speed much similar to how he would be able to if he hadn't done any training. This was of course due to the fact that he was wearing his weighted cloths and if he had taken them off, there would be an astronomical difference.

Seeing as his student wasn't tired, Jun headed back to the top of the mountain so he could rest for the day and check up on his student when night came.

After night finally rolled around, Jun went down to the ground to see his student who was running at the same speed which he ran at when he had the augmented pebbles in his hands. That meant that Julius was able to match the speed of the previous version of him that wasn't wearing any augmented clothing. The frightening part was what Julius would be able to do if he took his augmented clothing off.

As Jun watched his student run, he realized that Julius had a different loo in his eyes, much similar to that he had when he first got out of the elevator. His breathing was concentrated, as if if something even came close to him, he would make it disappear from existence. As such, Jun simply cleared his throat which with that sound alone got the attention of Julius.

"It's night time already?! Time goes by so fast nowadays," said Julius not realizing that he had already trained through the first night and it was the second night.

"Don't worry, you can train again when you wake up, it's not like the cloths are going to run away from you," said Jun as he watched Julius take off the weighted black t-shirt and trousers to reveal the white t-shirt and grey trouser which he had been wearing under it which were covered in sweat.

"Come on, you can take a shower when we get home. I'll fill the water storage with water using a simple secret art. It'll be cold water though so don't complain," said Jun as he begun to walk back to his house once again with his student following his from the back with a smile on his face.. For someone so strong, Julius was awfully causal and nonchalant which caused some strange looks from Jun from time to time.

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