Hero Cultivation

Chapter 83 - Monster

<<Special Trait: Flower Garden>>

Frozen in place by the beauty of the pink petals in front of him, Julius couldn't move for a moment. It was like time had stopped for him. He only snapped out of it when blood began to drip from his cheeks as he realized that he had been cut by the enemy.

"Damn, I really put everything I had into that attack, I guess this won't be as easy as I thought," said Sandra who was behind Julius.

"Look, even if your durability is great, your attacks won't land since I'll just keep using my weapon to stop you. Just give up now and leave. This is an opportunity of a life time, I'm willing to let you escape with your life," Sandra said to Julius.

However even with her offer, Julius stayed silent as he prepared himself to go all out in the battle so that he wouldn't have to deal with Sandra's weapon. Seeing that Julius was still willing to fight, Sandra just sighed before pointing her blade forward.

<<Special Trait: Flower Gar->>

Before Sandra could finish casting her weapons special trait, she stoped as her face began to quickly turn red as she tried to gasp for air.

Without even being able to see what had taken place, Sandra was placed in a head lock where instead of using his hands, Julius used his feet to wrap around her neck while he pointed Zo's dagger at Sandra's cheek before slicing it just as Sandra had done to him.

Once Sandra lost enough air to get on her knees, Julius let go of her so that she wouldn't die since that wasn't part of the plan. In that exact moment, Julius heard a whistle which was the signal that him and Jun agreed upon when it was time to leave. As such, Julius jumped out of the castle as landed on top of his ruby dragon which had already began flight before leaving the kingdom.

"Did you get Dae and Knight?" Julius asked his master.

"Yup," Jun replied as he pointed towards the two large skeletal figures with one being skinny while the other one was much wider. Although they were skeletons, they were very much alive as Julius could sense their aura. Both Dae and Knight wore robes which looked a bit too luxurious as they were covered in intricate designs with most of them being made of golden patches.

"Wow, so those are the liches which are capable of necromancy. I'll get to working on curing them once we get back home," said Julius.

"How did it go with Sandra and her guards?" Jun asked his student.

"As expected, they were no match for me," Julius said as he smiled while taking off his mask.

"Then why are you bleeding?" Jun asked.

"Well, I ran into some trouble at first with Sandra's weapon. I thought that I wouldn't be affected by them since my mental fortitude is so strong but for some reason, I was captured by it for a moment," Julius explained.

"For a moment? You should be very grateful. Once anyone is captured by her flower garden, they can escape. The only way out is death," Jun explained.

"Well I guess that makes me feel better about myself. Anyway, I should probably get myself to sleep, I need to cultivate right away," said Julius as he fell asleep, leaving jun in charge of the ruby dragon.

As Julius went to sleep he woke up in the empty void where he had been so many times whether it was to talk to the whole figure, battle against other figures or even the scroll beasts. Nevertheless, Julius was very familiar with the place however he didn't know why he was there in that moment.

Julius looked around until he finally met the reason why he was summoned.

Julius met the gaze of 2 enormous liches which were in a mage's attire while they looked down at Julius. With just a single look, Julius knew that they were the figures of Dae and Knight. The most bizarre thing was that they weren't moving on their own but were instead being controlled by strings as if they were puppets. The puppet master was an even larger figure which looked to have a human figure but was surrounded in black shadows.

Instead of speaking like the dragons from the dragon tier scrolls, all the shadow monster did was laugh. Getting irritated of it, Julius leaped towards it as he prepared to kill the monster that was controlling Dae and Knight however it wouldn't be that easy as right before Julius could reach the monster, a smaller human figure in armour leaped to counter Julius and sent him down to the ground of the void.

As Julius looked around, there were hundreds of thousands of these soldiers all marching towards Julius with the intent to kill.

"Necromancy? Dammit, I can't kill all of them even if I use thousand swords a hundred times. If only I had another mass area attacking secret art!" Julius complained.

"Perhaps I should take this," said a familiar voice and when Julius turned around he realized that it was the white glowing figure. Julius' figure pointed his index finger forward before drawing a circle and pushing it towards the army of the undead.

Everything which the circle touched turned to dust and all that was left were the two figures of Dae and Knight along with the shadow monster.

Right as the shadow monster began to laugh as it put its hands up in a motion which indicated that he was going to use his stings to make the figures he was controlling do something insane, Julius' figure jumped in and ripped the strings out of the shadow monster's grasp before placing the shadow monster himself in a head lock. Finally, Julius figure began to twist the shadow monster's head until it was forcibly decapitated.

"What a monster," said Julius as he watched the white figure drop the shadow monster's head into the empty void along with the rest of its body which was already falling.

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