Hero Cultivation

Chapter 84 - Change

Once Julius had woken up from his slumber, he had realized that he was no longer flying but was instead on the mountain top where Jun's house was located.

"So you've finally woken up," said Jun as he continued to sit on the ruby dragon.

"Yes and I think I have some good news for you," said Julius as the two skeletal figures known as liches woke up from their slumbers as well.

"Where am I?" the two of the asked simultaneously with the same tired voice.

"No way, you managed to wake them up without even touching them?!" Jun said in an over joyed voice.

"I guess I did," Julius replied with a tired smile.

"Sir! You're the hero that saved us! Thank you for all you've done for us! We can't ever repay you for the generosity you've showed us. If there's anything we can do, please tell us and we shall do it or die trying," the skinny lich said to Julius.

"I guess they all end up being loyal subjects after all," said Jun as he sighed.

"First of all, how about you introduce yourselves to me," Julius asked.

"But of course. My name is Dae and this one is my brother, Knight. We tried to absorb the shadow monster tier scroll but ended up in a permanent coma due to it. It even turned us into these monsters which you much find repulsive," the skinny one explained.

"No no, I actually don't mind. My name is Julius and this is my teacher, Jun. I woke you up from your slumber because I seek your power. I want to build my own world but the people who currently rule this world wouldn't like that so when they find out about my plan, there will surely be a war which is why I want you to use your powers to create me an army," Julius explained.

"So will it just be us 3 and the undead army? Not that we care, we'll follow you to our graves," Dae, who was the skinny one asked.

"No, of course not. I already have a couple strong allies which will be able to take down the leaders of the enemy. The only problem would've been their army which we now have so there's no need to worry about that anymore since I have you. However it is still not time for the war to begin which is why you must go into hiding for now," Julius explained.

"Why would we hide? We would like to serve you right away," Knight explained.

"Thank you for your words but it's not that I don't want you at my side, it's that for the plan to work, we need to keep our armies a secret. That way, when the time finally comes, the enemies won't know what hit them," Julius replied.

"I understand, so where shall we go?" Dae asked Julius.

"Don't worry, my pet dragon will take you to the place where you'll be hiding. You should meet one of my other subjects there, just tell them that 'Julius' sent you and you'll be taken care of for the time being," Julius explained.

"So would you like us to do anything in the mean time while we're hiding?" Knight asked Julius.

"Oh right, I have a question for you. Does it take any stamina or time for you to summon the undead army?" Julius asked hoping that they would say no.

"Well, it doesn't take any stamina out of us to summon them but it takes quite a long time to actually summon them. Plus we'll also need an actual dead person so that we can summon them," Dae replied.

"Aww, that's a shame," Julius looked rather disappointed before he remembered something.

"Wait, never mind what I just said, it works out perfectly. There was a war which took place there 200 years ago. There has got to be hundreds of thousands of dead people there which you can revive. And they'll be able to join us…" Julius said before stopping himself.

"Anyway, you should probably go, the people we rescued you from are probably looking for you," said Julius before getting off the ruby dragon along with his master before sending off the ruby dragon towards the 10th continent.

"Wow, things ended up working better than you expected. You must be pretty satisfied. Would you like to celebrate?" Jun asked his student with a smile but when he looked at Julius, he saw that his student had a most sinister grin on his face.

"Stop that, you look like a villain," said Jun as he karate chopped Julius on the back.

"Sorry, I just got an idea from hearing that to summon the undead, you need to find a corpse," said Julius.

"So what of it? Isn't that to be expected?" Jun asked his student.

"You still don't get it? I'll just make things more clear. Think of the royal graveyard," Julius said and upon hearing those words, fear began to set in on Jun's face.

"No, you're not actually thinking of reviving every single one of the previous kings and queens of the great kingdoms!" Jun complained.

"I am planning to do exactly that. If we have them on our side. It'll be over before we know it," said Julius.

"But that's intruding upon the realm of the dead," Jun argued.

"So what? I mean we're going to do it to all the other people that died 200 years ago. There's no difference between the two groups other than the fact that one of royalty while the other one is composed of commoners. You realize that my goal is to end the divide between the two sides so whatever happens to the commoners can happen to the royal members. Plus, why are you so worried about them, they're already dead," Julius replied to his master.

"I guess you're right. Even I am not free of the ways of thinking which the world has made me learn.. Only you can change this world, Julius," Jun replied.

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