Hero Cultivation

Chapter 85 - Sandra

While Jun and Julius were having their conversation, a meeting between the real kings and queens of the great kingdoms was requested by Sandra.

"Why have to called a meeting between all 9 of us when you know the predicament which we're in with Henry?!" Mary demanded.

"Hey come on, let's hear her out," Henry said in the circle which the 9 rulers where sitting in.

"I know, if it wasn't serious, I would've only called upon everyone except Henry," Sandra replied.

"So what in the world is so important that we would need the help of someone who's our enemy," said Steward.

"Do you see this?" said Sandra as she pointed to a tiny cut in her cheek which caught the attention of everyone in the room.

"A mysterious figure came and attacked me during the night. Not only that but he was easily able to defeat my representative, the captain of my royal guards as well as myself with ease. The odd thing was that he didn't take anything of kill anyone before he left," said Sandra which baffled everyone in the room.

"Wait what?! A single person was able to defeat you? But how?" Henry demanded.

"I don't know, I still don't understand. He could've killed me but chose to let me live as if he was requesting a battle between us," Sandra explained.

"Wait it might be Julius and Jun! I don't know how but Henry's boy was for some reason a lot stronger than myself, say Sandra, did the figure which attacked you crash into your castle?" Steward asked.

"Yes! Did that also happen to you?" Sandra asked as she might have just found out who the person that attacked her was.

"Did they come in with a red dragon too?" Sandra asked with a glimmer of hope.

"No… Jun has a jade dragon. It hasn't been that long since I saw them so there's no way that Julius could have learned such a high level secret art. Plus, he a user of cultivation through battle so he shouldn't have a dragon in general," Steward replied which killed the light of hope in Sandra's eyes.

"Wait Steward, you said that Jun and Julius attacked you?! Why would they do such a thing?" Henry asked.

"Well, I kind of tried to lure Julius in so that I could capture him for myself but somehow I was defeated by Jun a first time then they both came back however the second time, Julius was the one that defeated me," Steward explained which angered everyone in the room for what he tried to do.

"Wait everyone, it has already happened so there's no point is getting mad. The important thing is that we find out who the person that attacked Sandra. Not only does it cause a problem for you but also for me as well. Let us create a temporary alliance for now," said Henry.

"So can we go and kill your son as revenge for what he did to me?" Steward asked.

"First of all you deserved it, secondly, that was most likely not my son who you fought. It was probably Jun who made a clone of himself then changed its form to look like my son and fought against you. He probably did it so that you along with the rest of us wouldn't dare to approach Julius while he's training. I must say, Jun has taken quite a liking to Julius. Maybe he's growing pretty strong. He might already be suitable to take on a guard or two," Henry said as he tried to praise his son.

"Oh Henry how mistaken you are. Your son is the devil himself. I'm sure that Julius was the one in both incidents. If he's grown this much, it'll just make my victory against him that much more enjoyable," said Mary to herself as she didn't mention a single thing which happened at her kingdom with Julius' second entity to anyone.

"So what are we supposed to do now? Is there even a guarantee that he'll even show up ever again?" Mary asked as she tried to contribute to the conversation.

"Well for starters, Sandra have you made sure that nothing valuable has been stolen for your kingdom?" Henry asked.

"Yes of course, that was the first thing I did," Sandra replied as she had completely forgotten to check the prison chamber where Dae and Knight were being kept since they had no value in the eyes of anyone there.

"Okay then, how about checking everything instead of just things which are valuable. That might give us at least a clue as to what the movies of the robber are," Henry instructed her.

"Okay!" Sandra replied.

"This meeting had come to a close, we shall resume here in a week after Sandra manages to gather the information about her castle," said Henry before calling a close to the meeting.

Once Sandra had arrived at the castle of her kingdom, she ordered an immediate search of everything on her castle no matter how invaluable they were.

After searching for a whole 2 days, nothing was found missing however Sandra continued to search everything, multiple times until she finally remembered something.

"No no no no no no, please don't tell me they're gone. Please for the love of everything good in this world tell me that they are still here," said Sandra as she ran towards the basement for the castle where the prison chamber was and where Dae and Knight were held prisoner.

"Master Jun, what would happen if someone found out that we stole Dae and Knight? They would easily know that we were building an army," Julius asked his master.

"Don't worry, I already took care of that. I managed to use the cloning secret art so that it still looks like they are unconscious," Jun reassured his student.

"Good, they're still here," said Sandra as she looked at the unconscious skeletons of the cloned version of Dae and Knight. Now she could return back to the meeting and tell the rest of the kings and queens that truly nothing was taken from her kingdom

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