Hero Cultivation

Chapter 92 - Acting Hero

Once everyone had left the guild building due to Ozel's remarks, the guild master continued to speak to Jun.

"So Jun you still haven't told me, why do you refuse to make your own guild?" Ozel asked.

"It's too much work. What would I gain from creating my own guild. The only perk is being able to go to the council of the strong. Other than that, it's endless paperwork and having to deal with useless people joining your guild. I would just like to enjoy my peaceful life and train a student or two when they're extremely talented," Jun replied with a smile of his face as he imagined the days of him simply drinking tea at his house in the mountain while breathing in the fresh air.

"Come on, that's not all being a guild master is all about. You also gain fame and wealth but most of all, you gain family. You become surrounded by people who care about you and each other as if they had the same blood, it's a bond that can't be found anywhere else," Ozel argued.

"Sure, you might enjoy that but all I see of it is a nuisance. I won't judge you for what you find joy in but I'm sure it's now for me," Jun replied.

"That's why you're going to die alone," said Ozel as he made a childish face as Jun before going back to catching up about what they've done during the time they hadn't been together. Well it was mostly Ozel speaking since Jun mostly spent his days relaxing.

"Excuse me, can you take me to this place?" Julius asked one of the caravan drivers.

"Sure but it'll cost you a lot," the caravan driver said as he assumed that Julius wouldn't have the money needed since the illusion cast on his made it look like Julius was a poor commoner.

"How much will it cost in gold coins?" Julius asked the driver.

"Gold coins? He's got to be bluffing. There's no way that a kid like him has something so valuable," the caravan driver thought to himself.

"It'll be 2 gold coins for the trip from here and back," said the caravan driver as he just wanted to get the conversation over with.

"Great," said Julius as he handed the driver the 2 gold coins from his pocket before jumping into the passenger section.

"Let's get going, I want to get there as fast as possible," said Julius as he wanted to finish the mission in record time.

"W-What? He actually had the gold coins and he gave them to me like it was nothing. If he some rich family's kid that's playing some sort of social experiment… at the end of it, if I treated him well, he'll give me a lot of gold coins? I better play it safe and be nice to him as well as do as he says," the caravan diver said to himself before whacking his horses so that they would go at top speeds.

"We'll be there in a couple hours in we continue at this speed. It's rather far so a couple hours is the best I can do," said the caravan driver out loud so that he could impress Julius more.

Just as the caravan driver had promised, in a just a few hours the caravan came to a sudden stop as the caravan driver wiped sweat off of his face and yelled out.

"We're here!" he yelled out which let Julius know that it was time to come out of the caravan.

"Thank you so much sir. It'll only take me a short while to complete this mission. I'll be back as soon as possible," said Julius as he took the mission paper out of his pocket which told him to look for a dungeon gate.

"Now… where could it be?" Julius asked himself as he looked around in the open grassy field for a double door standing in the middle of nowhere.

"Is that what you're looking for?" the caravan driver asked as he point to a double door right to the side of Julius.

"Oh, thank you. I can't believe I didn't see that before," said Julius as he walked towards a the door and opened it wide before going in there.

"Wait why didn't I realize this before? He's too young to be in dungeons, I should stop him now," said the caravan driver to himself as he rushed to stop Julius.

"Don't go in there! You'll get killed!" the caravan yelled as he reached out for Julius arm and after a final push managed to get a hold of Julius wrist.

"Good, now that I've got you, we can leave this place in one piece," said the caravan diver as he turned around only to see the closed double door.

"Oh no… we're locked inside!" said the caravan driver as he began to panic from the fear of having to deal with actual monsters.

"Why did you follow me in here? Don't you know these places are dangerous?" Julius asked with an annoyed face as the lights of the dungeon began to light up as they revealed the dry ground which was cracking and had began to turn crimson red. The dungeon was extremely hot and there were Murillo large dog looking things in there.

"Hell hounds," Julius said as he turned around to face them.

"Stay here, you'll be in danger if you go up against them.

"But no! I can't allow you to fight them on your own, you're just a kid," said the caravan driver as he got up and held Julius by the wrist before pushing him back so that he would face the hellhounds even though he knew that he was far too weak for them.

"I seriously hate people like you. Sacrificing yourself while trying to act like a hero won't make a difference.. We both know that you're too weak for them so just step back and let me do my job then you can do your job later," said Julius as he stared dead into the caravan driver's eyes as he stepped forward to face the hell hounds which were getting hungry and wanted to eat someone.

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