Hero Cultivation

Chapter 93 - Purgatory

"Just leave this to me," said Julius as he leaped towards one of the hell hounds which was getting ready to pounce off the caravan driver and eat him. Julius quickly pulled out the dagger which he had received from Zo.

"I've been meaning to use this for quite a while now but never got the chance. Now, how did it go again," Julius said to himself as he pointed his blade forward as he prepared to slice the head of the hell hounds clean, however before he could do that, a clear set of instructions came to his head which was exactly what he was looking for.

Julius stopped himself mid jump before landing back in the ground. Once on the ground, Julius shoved the dagger in his hand into the ground as he clasped his hands together.

<<Special Trait: Purgatory>>

Julius had previously used a sub category which the core that was infused with the blade allowed but in activating the specific trait, Julius had finally managed to draw out the full capability of his blade.

Just as Julius used the special trait of his blade, the entire dungeon became engulfed in the fire which stemmed out from Julius' blade.

Every single one of the hell hounds in the dungeon got burned to a crisp, in turn instantly dying. Even the caravan driver almost got hit by the flame if it wasn't for Julius noticing him last minute and stopping the flame from reaching him.

Once he had finished his mission at the dungeon, Julius walked out of the dungeon as the caravan driver followed him in awe. After the two had exited the dungeon, the double doors began to disintegrate into nothingness as is they were never there in the first place.

After disintegrating, a large pouch of gold appeared where the dungeon's entrance used to be which Julius picked up and began to head towards the caravan which was near him after placing the dagger which Zo gave him back into his pocket.

"Who even are you?" the caravan driver asked wondering how such a small child could be a monster capable of slaying multiple hell hounds at once and also have possession over a blade that was infused with a monster core.

"Huh? I'm just a guild member of the battling barbarians," Julius explained.

"I already knew that since they're the only guild in our kingdom but still, that wouldn't make any sense since all their strong fighters end up travelling by foot or by a house which is their own since it's faster anyway. Why would someone like you take a caravan?" the caravan driver asked.

"…I forgot I was fast. Oh but an actual reason is that I don't know where the dungeon was located since I'm not familiar with the area," Julius replied.

"You're weird kid. Get inside, I'll take you back to the kingdom. If you ever need a ride from now on, just ask me and I'll give them to you for free since you saved my life and all," the caravan driver offered.

"That probably isn't a good idea since I'll be going on missions every day. Don't worry, I'll still come to you but I'll continue to pay for the rides since you probably have a family of your own to take care of. It would be wrong for me to indirectly harm them," said Julius as he entered the passenger section of the caravan.

As the caravan driver stopped himself from crying due to how kind the commoner was to him, he got on the driver section and began to drive the caravan as fast as he could do that Julius could get back to his guild as soon as possible.

After only a few more hours, Julius had made it back to the kingdom where his guild was stationed in.

"We've made it back home," said the caravan driver as he watched Julius walk out of the caravan with the pouch of gold in hand.

"Thank you once again for saving my life, it was an honour serving you," said the caravan driver.

"What's you name?" Julius asked the caravan driver which he found very puzzling.

"Alex, my name is Alex sir," the caravan driver replied.

"Okay then, wait just a moment here Alex, I'll be back," said Julius as he rushed off towards the guild.

"That sure is one weird kid," Alex thought to himself.

"Look here Ozel! I got the gold from the mission! What do you have to say to that?" Julius asked as he yelled out loud once he had gotten inside the guild.

"No way, he actually did it," said Ozel with a surprised face. However the people who were more surprised were the other guild members.

"How come he gets to call you with just your name?!"

"Why doesn't he call you 'guild master Ozel' like the rest of us?"

Julius just stood proudly while he heard all of the complaining.

"You can call me Ozel when you can clear a B- ranked dungeon in less than a day with the travel time included while being on your own. Can any of you useless trash bags do anything even close to that?!" Ozel yelled back at them before turning his attention back at Julius.

"Good job Julius. You have been moved to the higher echelon in this guild. You've proved yourself so of course you'll be treated better. You'll be provided with your own room in the guild and you'll be provided with higher tier missions," said Ozel in a regretful tone yet a happy one as well since he didn't want to admit that Julius was strong but he was happy that Julius was at his side.

"Thank you guild master Ozel. By the way since the gold is mine, I'm going to go waste all of it right now, I'll be right back," said Julius as he ran out of the guild building without allowing Ozel to finish.

"Wait… did you hear that Jun?! He called me guild master Ozel! You see, he respects me!" Ozel said in a proud voice.

"Is gaining the respect of a kid that impressive to you?" Jun asked sarcastically.

"You know what I mean," said Ozel as he sat back down on his stool.

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