Hero Cultivation

Chapter 94 - Alex

Once Julius had made it outside of the guild building, he rushed to speak with Alex who was his caravan diver that he told to wait for him while he dealt with some business inside the guild which was to speak to Ozel.

"Oh you actually came back, I thought you were just toying with me," said Alex.

"No no, I wouldn't dream of doing something like that. But seriously, have this, you need it more than me," said Julius as he passed the large pouch of gold coins which he earned from clearing the dungeon. After standing still for a while, Alex finally replied back.

"I'm sorry but I can't take this. Please take it back. You were to one who earned it," Alex said as he pushed Julius' hand back.

"Stop being so stubborn. This is why you got stuck in the dungeon with me in the first place. Just take it and think of it as a gift. I'm sure your family would appreciate it as well.

"Even so, it wouldn't right to take something so valuable away from you," Alex argued which made Julius sigh from disappointment.

"Okay then so be it," said Julius as he dropped the pouch of gold on the ground before disappearing from Julius line of vision.

"Where did he go? And why didn't he take the pouch with him," said Alex as he looked around just incase Julius was there. While at first he thought of going inside the guild to return the money, he remembered all the rumours about how harsh the members of the guild were.

"I'll just take it since if I don't, someone else will. If I see him another day, I'll just return this to him," said Alex to himself as tied his horses to a pole with the other horses before taking the pouch of gold and beginning his journey to walk towards his home.

After a while of walking in the darkness and as Alex neared his house, he was stopped by a group of 3 which surrounded him.

"Hey there man, what do you have in that pouch?" one of them which was wearing a full black outfit with a mask, similar to a robber's attire asked Alex.

"Please leave me alone, this is the silver I've earned to feed my family over the last 10 days. I have starving children, please allow me to see them," Alex begged as he lied since he couldn't allow the pouch to be stolen.

"Of course we'll allow you to see your family but you'll be leaving the pouch of silver here," the first one which spoke said to Alex.

"Please allow me to go for now, I'll pay you every day from now on. I really have a debt to pay today," Alex continued to lie.

"That's too bad, I guess we all have our own struggles," said another one of them before pushing Alex back and opening the pouch which Julius had gave him only to realize that silver wasn't in it. Better yet, it was gold.

"We've hit the jackpot! We'll never have to work another day in our lives!" the 3 of them said at the same time.

"Please, that gold isn't mine. I'm not allowed to give that to anyone," Alex begged.

"Huh? You're still here? Get lost you liar before we decide to kill you!" one of them told Alex who ran away from the scene towards his house with tears in his eyes after failing to keep the gift which Julius gave to him.

The next day, instead of heading towards his horses so that he could start driving his caravan for low level guild members, Alex rushed to the guild building of the battling barbarians so that he could speak to Julius even though he knew the dangers of the place.

"Excuse me but is there a really strong kid which belongs to this guild?" Alex asked even though he was trembling from fear.

"And who might you be? Are you looking to start some problems?" one of the guild members asked Alex in an arrogant voice.

"Stop that!" Ozel said to the guild member before turning his attention to Alex.

"I'm pretty sure you're talking about Julius. What business do you have with him," said Ozel and at that same time Julius walked down the stairs of the guild as he yawned.

"Why are you yelling this early in the morning?!" Julius complained before seeing Alex who was standing in the centre of the first floor.

"Alex, I'm not going to take back the gold. I told you that you can keep it," Julius said in an irritated tone.

"That's actually why I came here today. Not because I wanted to return it to you but because I can't. Since you disappeared last night, I decided to hold on to the gold until we next met so that I could return it to you but while I was walking home, I was robbed so I can't return it to you," said Alex as he looked down since he was ashamed of himself.

"What?!" Julius asked in an angry tone.

"Please forgive me, I'll find some way to get the gold back and repay you," Alex pleaded.

"That's not the issue here! Who robbed you? Tell me right now?" Julius asked as he grew furious.

"I don't know, it was the middle of the night and they were wearing black cloths wire a mask," Alex explained before Ozel interrupted.

"Give it up Julius. There's no point in chasing them. They belong to one of the strongest guilds in this world and they have connections to many other guilds, the people who robbed this man most likely belong to the guild known as 'dark day'. They're into pretty shady stuff like robbery and things of that sorts. It's gotten pretty common so they best people can do is get home before sun set. Starting a fight with them would basically mean that you're starting a war!" Ozel told Julius.

"Don't worry. I'll be going in on my own.. I'll be a one man army," Julius replied as his eyes darkened.

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