Hero Cultivation

Chapter 95 - Aura

"Don't worry. I'll be going in on my own. I'll be a one man army," Julius replied as his eyes darkened.

"It's not worth it. Even with your power, you won't be a match to all the strong members which the guild along with allied guild have. You'll just end up throwing your life away. I won't allow you to do that! Specifically now that you've started to respect me!" Ozel yelled.

"Relax. Just let the kid do as he wishes. Even if he ends up getting defeated, he won't die, that's one thing I can guarantee," said Jun as he called back Ozel.

"You should be more worried about him that me! You've spent so much more time with him," Ozel argued.

"That's precisely why I'm telling you to let him go. You've yet to see the demon he is. And to be honest, I'm not sure you would like to see that sight in the first place," Jun warned Ozel.

"Okay fine! But you better come back here in one piece! You hear me Julius?!" Ozel yelled as he watched Julius walk out of the guild building.

"Got it guild master Ozel," Julius replied as he walked out with Alex following him so that he could apologize more.

"Cece, give him IT," said Ozel as he turned to the girl which worked at the front desk of the guild which also acted as a serving stand which sold booze.

"Are you sure?" Cece asked with a confused face which Ozel replied to with a nod. Seeing this, Cece opened a compartment inside the front desk before pulled out a long blade of some kind which was already sheathed in a black sheath.

"Wait up Julius," said Cece as she followed the boy who had just left guild before handing him the sheathed katana.

"What is this?" Julius asked her with a confused look.

"Believe me, it'll come to be very useful in your battle," Cece said before leaving after handing him the blade.


"Like I was saying, if there's anything you ever need, I'll do it before you can even ask," Alex continued.

"Why are you like this? I said it's okay. I'm going to get the gold back for you and then you can give it to your family just as you should've have previously. But since you're so persistent, I want you to take to to the place where the guild known as 'dark day' is located," said Julius.

"Of course! Consider it done??? wait, I CAN'T ALLOW YOU TO BATTLE THEM FOR ME!" Alex yelled in worry.

"But you said that you would do anything I said? Are you saying that you lost both the gold I gave you and you're not willing to listen to me?" Julius asked sarcastically so that Alex would listen to him which made Alex regretfully get his caravan ready.

After getting ready, Julius got inside the caravan which after that, Alex began to long journey towards another small kingdom where the dark day guild was located.


"W-We're here," said Alex in a quiet tone hoping that Julius wouldn't hear him so that he could just turn the vehicle around and go back to the kingdom that he came from.

Unfortunately for Alex, that wouldn't happen as Julius jumped out of the caravan with his anger filled expression as he held tightly to the blade which Cece had give him along with the dagger which he still had on his pocket that Zo had given him.

"You can go back now. I don't want you to see what's about to happen," Julius ordered to which Alex nodded to and headed back from where he came from.

Right in front of Julius was a large building which dwarfed the even the batting barbarians guild building. The building itself was made of half black stone while the other being made of a white glowing stone of some kind. The front of it had a page sign that said "Dark Day" which told Julius that he was where he needed to be. Without anything said, Julius walked inside the building like was normal.

The inside of the first floor was rather similar to that of the guild he was from except everything was bigger. At one of the buildings was a crowd which were all laughing. At a close glance, Julius noticed 3 people who were the centre of attention as they showed off piles of gold coins while everyone else stared at them with envy.

"Hey guys, that's so much gold! Where did you get them?" Julius asked with a fake overjoyed expression.

"Haha, we stole them from some poor idiot who was carrying them in the middle of the night. We almost scared his soul away," one of them said as he continued to laugh.

*Drip* *Drip*

Not even a second later, Julius' fist was covered in blood as he had broken one of the robber's noses and made him unconscious. Seeing this, everyone instantly jumped back as they prepared to fight him all at once.

"Why are you fighting us? We're all part of the same guild! Come to think of it, I've never seen you before. Who are you?" another one of the robbers asked.

"I am the grim reaper," said Julius as he stared into the robber'a soul which in that moment caused darkness to leak out of Julius' body that made everyone in the room start suffocating. This had only happened one other time and Julius hadn't even realized it and even now, Julius didn't fully understand what he was doing. All he knew was that he was letting his hatred out.

"That was my gold you stole! I gave them to him as a gift and you dare steal something which doesn't belong to you?! I'll make all of you pay," Julius continued to grow furious.

"What's all the noise about?" said a voice as it walked down from the stairs of the building which didn't seem to be affected by Julius' dark aura.

"Save us, guild master Hermes" one of them pleaded as their voice disappeared.

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