Hero of the Penalty Area

: Watching notes and predictions on the third day of the European Cup

Watching notes and predictions on the third day of the European Cup

First of all, I apologize: I’m very sorry. I went out yesterday because of something. I didn’t check the chapter when I uploaded the chapter in a hurry. I updated the duplicate content of two chapters.

Please wait a while and refresh it again, it should be fine.

Then talk about the European Cup.

I only watched one match yesterday, the match between Spain and Italy.

But I know the results of the two games, and I finally got it right this time!

Spain wins or draws, Croatia wins.

Yesterday’s game once again proved that the Italian football style is the natural nemesis of Spanish football. The Italians almost succeeded. I think they were a bit slack and too happy after taking the lead, and they were not focused enough on defense.

Otherwise, with this lead, the Italian can take away three points.

Yesterday, Bashen lived up to expectations, and once again had a brain cramp. When facing Casillas single-handedly, he didn't know what he thought of at that moment...

This may become a topic that everyone cares about after the game, right? I hope it's also called the Mystery of the Ages...

I haven't watched the game between Ireland and Croatia, but in terms of strength, Croatia is better than Ireland. There is no doubt about it. The final score also proved this.

Although the Irish would not admit it, they did come to make soy sauce...

After talking about the game in the early hours of today, let me guess the two games in the early hours of tomorrow.

France and England match, I am optimistic about France. The reason is very simple. England's squad is so incomplete that it almost makes people look down...

Sweden and Ukraine, the host may have some advantages, but Sweden is not a vegetarian either. I am optimistic that Ukraine will win or the two sides will tie!

Let's do this for now, let us reveal the answer at this time tomorrow, and see if we can guess!

Finally, ask everyone for monthly tickets as usual! ! !

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