Hero of the Penalty Area

Vol 5 Chapter 220: Nine games or ten games? (First, ask for monthly pass)

The 220th chapter is nine games or ten games? (First, ask for monthly pass)

For "Red Bear", the song is set, but it does not mean that they can move to the Anfield stand to engage in cantata.

After all, only a few backbones and managers have heard it. They need to let all the members of the Red Giant Bear hear this song and learn to sing it.

For this reason, they put the song on the website of their fan club, and at the same time emailed every registered member to remind them to pay attention to this matter on the website.

Members can listen online on the website or download to their own electronic devices to listen. In addition, the full text of the lyrics is also distributed under the song, so that everyone can sing and learn.

Strive to learn this song as soon as possible, and then use it on the court to cheer for Chen Yingxiong.

Of course, this requires a process... It is not anxious.


In the last league game before Christmas, Liverpool defeated Swansea 3:1 away. Chen Yingxiong had one goal and one assist.

After this game, the media exclaimed again.

Because Chen Yingxiong has surpassed his record of scoring goals in eight consecutive league games in a single season in the 2011-2012 season.

Although the record for consecutive goals in a single season has not been created by him, it is already quite remarkable.

Because in the Premier League, the most is eight rounds. Aldridge's one was created in the League of Legends era.

In terms of the Premier League alone, Chen Yingxiong's nine consecutive goals have set a record. If you count the top leagues in England, he has already tied Aldridge, and with only one game away, he can create a new record that belongs to him!

Score ten consecutive rounds in a single season!

Only at this time did the media with hindsight discover Chen Yingxiong's ambition!

He originally wanted to set a new record!

This was exclaimed.

They all said that although Chen Yingxiong has set a record of scoring goals in 13 consecutive league rounds, it was cross-season. In a single season, no one can achieve a record of scoring consecutive goals in nine league rounds.

Looking at Chen Yingxiong this way is very interesting!

However, they still underestimated Chen Yingxiong's determination and ability.

The mission requires fourteen consecutive games.


After playing against Swansea, the Liverpool team participated in the Christmas dinner hosted by the club.

At this time last year, Chen Yingxiong revealed his ambition to score at least 20 goals in the Europa League in a single season. Unexpectedly, Chen Yingxiong finally exceeded this goal by a large margin and scored three in the Europa League. Ten balls!

So what new plans does Chen Yingxiong have that can scare people to death this year?

At the dinner, everyone was very concerned about this issue, second only to the various bonuses promised by the club owner Chen Xing.

"Really not. Nothing." Chen Yingxiong shook his head to answer the questions of his teammates, "This year I will be low-key, very low-key..."

Suarez sneered at Chen Yingxiong's statement.

"Even if the world is end, you can't be low-key, hero!"

Chen Yingxiong rolled his eyes: "Anyway, I don't have any special plans. I just play as usual, win game after game, and then... try to bring back a league championship to Liverpool fans."

"Isn't this the team's goal this season?" Sanchez was strange.

"Yes, this is my goal!" Chen Yingxiong nodded.

"Hey, it's boring!" Scotter waved his hand.

"It's gone, it's not good to watch."

Everyone left Chen Yingxiong one after another.

"Hey, what kind of attitude do you guys have!" He was surrounded by everyone just now, and suddenly became a lonely man, Chen Yingxiong was very depressed. This group of utilitarian people!

After a while, Suarez slipped back and went to Chen Yingxiong and asked mysteriously: "You really don't have any big plans?"

His expression was like connecting with an underground party.

"Don't worry, I will never yell at you this time!" He made a zipper on his mouth.

Chen Yingxiong shrugged, shook his head and spread his hands: "Really nothing..."


"It's a puppy to lie to you!" Chen Yingxiong swears by raising his hand.

"Come on, call twice and listen!"


In the roar of Chen Yingxiong, Suarez fled.

Chen Yingxiong actually has a lot of plans, but none of these can be told to his teammates, because he has to rely on his own strength to complete, he doesn't want the whole team to help himself, although this proves that he is popular, it will be despised by others. I feel that I have been pushed up by my teammates.

Since it is necessary to prove it, it will prove to be thorough, so that everyone has nothing to say. Don't even try to find the slightest problem from me while holding the microscope!

So he had to disappoint his teammates.

In fact, he knows that everyone is kind, and he should be grateful to them. But...now I can only thank them in my heart. I have taken this love to Chen Yingxiong, but these tasks...I have to complete them by myself.


In fact, not only the teammates, but even Martin O'Neal, Chen Xing, and Niang are looking forward to what will happen at the dinner. Chen Yingxiong revealed his amazing plan, just like last year.

Because they all felt that Chen Yingxiong was unwilling to be lonely.

He will surely do something surprising.

For example, this time, scoring in nine consecutive games in silence, tying the record of Liverpool legend Aldridge.

He had never said it before, and everyone didn't expect that much at first.

How can I think that there will be nine games...

But until the end, Suarez or Chen Yingxiong did not come to power.

It seems that Chen Yingxiong really has no ideas this time.

Martin O'Neill felt a little regretful.


At this dinner, the Liverpool club unified their understanding internally and determined the idea of ​​taking the league championship as the top priority.

The team currently ranks first in the league, occupying the throne for fifteen rounds, and has not lost it yet. If you don’t dare to talk about competing for the league championship, it would be too hypocritical. Of course, you can say humbly that we are not contenders for the league championship, but that is to confuse the enemy. If the team doesn't say it clearly, it will affect the morale of the team and make the players have other thoughts, thinking that the club has no intention to win the championship, so the requirements for themselves are naturally not so strict.

This tone cannot be vented.

Announcing that the goal is to win the league may bring some pressure to the players, but the positive effects will definitely outweigh the negative effects.

So the first thing at the dinner was Chen Xing's announcement of the bonus distribution plan if the team won the league championship.

In order to stimulate the team to win the league championship, Chen Xing bleeds this time and took out five million pounds as a reward for winning the league championship. You know that for a team like Chelsea that is not bad for money, their Premier League winning prize is only 2.6 million pounds...

The incentive for the bonus is huge. I heard that the boss wants to give out so many bonuses to reward everyone. The players suddenly became emotional and geared up one by one. I can’t wait for tomorrow to be the last round of the league. Then everyone wins the opponent and wins the historic league championship. The pound has been divided up!


The Christmas dinner is to increase the players’ sense of belonging to the club, relax everyone’s emotions, and boost morale.

The purpose of this Christmas dinner was basically achieved. Liverpool's morale is high now, and it doesn't need to be excited, but it needs to relax.

The best way to relax is to tell everyone that if you complete your goals at the end of the season, you will get a lot of money.

After the Christmas dinner, Liverpool went into training and preparations.

At the same time, the results of the UEFA Champions League knockout match against the draw came out.

Liverpool did not draw with the two Champions League favorites.

They were drawn together with the giants Juventus from Serie A.

The media have said that UEFA’s draw is nothing new, and the Premier League will definitely touch the Serie A teams. Anyway, the teams in these two leagues are fighting each other and ultimately cheaper in La Liga.

This lottery is definitely not a good lottery. Although Juventus sank for a while because of the match-fixing case in the past few years, they have now risen strongly. In the first season of Chen Yingxiong's departure from Naples and Serie A, Juventus also won the league with an unbeaten record. The champion announced the return of their king.

Juventus focus on stability, this team is very good at playing tough games.

The last thing many teams want to encounter is Juventus.

If Liverpool want to go further in the Champions League, Juventus must pass the hurdle.

However, by then the competition for the league title is estimated to have begun to heat up. If the two sides are distracted, I am afraid... there will be problems!


In the last game of the first half of the season, Liverpool played against Middlesbrough at home. This was originally a very ordinary league, not a strong dialogue. The newly promoted Middlesbrough definitely has no strength to beat Liverpool away.

But everyone is still very concerned because of Chen Yingxiong.

Before this game, Chen Yingxiong had scored nine consecutive league rounds, and he scored a total of 18 goals in these nine league rounds.

Averaged two goals per game.

This result allowed him to tie Aldridge's single-season nine-round consecutive scoring record.

As long as he can continue to score goals in the game against Middlesbrough, he can create his own record for consecutive goals in a single season.

Everyone is waiting nervously. Will Chen Yingxiong be able to set a record, or will he be knocked down by the tremendous pressure and fall to the finish line?

Such things are not uncommon. After all, the great sense of accomplishment of setting a record is a dangerous temptation, which can be a motivation or a hindrance.

Players may not be able to concentrate on the game on the court because they care too much about the record. Or eager to score a goal because of pressure.

But everyone who plays knows that haste is not enough. Going a goal doesn't mean you can score if you want to score.

A normal heart is the most important thing.

But how many people can keep calm in the face of such a huge success temptation?

There are old men who have gone through strong winds and waves. Is it possible for a young and vigorous player to maintain a calm mind?

So the record-breaking matter is actually quite suspenseful.


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