Hero of the Penalty Area

Vol 6 Chapter 205: Return to Udney Park


The Liverpool players saw the great popularity of Chen Yingxiong in the city at the airport, but this was not enough. In the following days, they fully realized Chen Yingxiong's fans in this city at the Zenit training base in St. Petersburg. In my mind, there are multiple statuses.

Every day in the coming year, whether in the morning or in the afternoon, there are crowds of people outside the training base, all Zenit fans.

And all these people came to see Chen Yingxiong.

After the training is over, Chen Yingxiong will be surrounded by these people, give them autographs, take photos with them, and meet their every request.

At first, Chen Yingxiong was always welcome. Later, these fans were too enthusiastic, and Chen Yingxiong had to ask for forgiveness. He said that if he signs on again, his hand will be cramped. I've never been injured, but I'm going to be injured more than the fans.

Everyone laughed for a while, but let Chen Yingxiong go.

For Chen Yingxiong, the Yodeni Park Training Base carries too many memories of him.

When he returned here to train on the first day, he finally muttered the name, and would stop and watch if he didn't see a place he was familiar with to see if there was any change from his own memory.

No post at all.

This training base is exactly the same as what he saw nine years ago.

At that time, he was still a youth team player in this training base. He lived in the dormitory inside the training base. He practiced hard every day, looking forward to getting ahead in one day.

At that time, let alone in the world of football, it was unknown in St. Petersburg. Playing a game in the youth team, seeing a few reporters was so excited that I thought I could become famous.

On the second day after the game, I would go to the newsstand outside the training base to buy those Russian-language newspapers. I was excited to see if any media mentioned me.

I was really young at that time...

At that time, who would have thought that Chen Yingxiong would become a dragon in the future?

At the age of 26, he scored 500 goals and scored 102 goals in a single season...

I'm afraid he wouldn't even think of it himself.

This is really a dreamlike nine years, nine years of rapid development, nine years when he went from being a blockbuster known by no one in the local area to a blockbuster.

The starting point of all stories starts from here.

He does use this place as a springboard, but that doesn't mean he won't have feelings for it.

Especially after nine years of leaving and returning here, the memories of the past were like a flood that broke through the floodgate, instantly submerging him.

He knew what this humble place meant to him.

He never thought that he would return to the Udeni Park training base, because he would definitely not return to Zenit to play. At that time, he firmly believed that his future was in rich clubs. Even if he retires, he should retire in rich clubs, because the top players naturally have to end their careers in top clubs and cannot go to the Middle East or the United States. , Those third-rate teams in the third-rate league retired with almost no attention.

But he did not expect that even so, he would have the opportunity to return to Zenit and train at the Yodeni Park Training Base.

The latter is what he misses most.

Youdney Park training base is not the top level in the world, even in Russia, it is only considered to be the upper-middle level. Training here will not improve his abilities.

He just thinks that before an important Champions League final, returning to where he started and training here is a very meaningful thing.

And this meaning will give him great motivation and make him do better in the finals.

So, Barcelona is going to be unlucky.


It has been three days since Chen Yingxiong arrived in St. Petersburg with Liverpool. During these three days, the St. Petersburg media had surrounded the training base in Udni Park, with long guns and short cannons facing the training ground and training base.

The fifteen minutes of public shooting every day is the most lively time for the media.

These days, newspapers and TV news in St. Petersburg have been flooded with news about Liverpool and Chen Yingxiong on the Internet.

But no one feels bored. This is the first time Chen Yingxiong has been so close to everyone since he left Zenit. Why don't everyone get a little bit of his news? How could it be annoying?

The last time Chen Yingxiong came here to fight with Naples, the weather was bad, and they were enemies. It was impossible to use the Yodeni Park training base, and it was impossible for everyone to come into contact with him so close.

Watching him training on the training ground wearing a Liverpool jersey, fans have lamented that time has passed and the changes have been tremendous.

"Think about how young the hero was at the beginning... arrogantly more than calm and inadequate. But look at him now, oh...years make people grow old, but they also make people mature!"

"If I only look at the current hero, I can't imagine what he was like when he played with us... The changes are so big..."

"Yeah, yeah, who could have thought that a hero would become so powerful? I suddenly felt that he was beyond the scope of our planet... He is an alien!"

Fans gathered to chat about topics related to Chen Yingxiong, and at the same time, from the growth and changes of Chen Yingxiong, they also saw the traces of the passage of time on themselves.

"It's really our pride, such an outstanding player actually made his debut from us... Oh, it's cool to think of it!"

"Come on hero! Kill Barcelona! We will always support you!"

"The hero is here! Oh, he is here! Hero——!!!"

There was a scream of female fans in the distance.

Even these crazy female fans are exactly the same as they were seven years ago.

When Chen Yingxiong heard the scream, he took the time to wave his hand over there, and the scream became louder.

"Oh, even the female fans' reactions are exactly the same as they were back then. I'm so relieved!" Chen Yingxiong heard the reactions of the fans and said to Scotter beside him.

Other teammates looked with envy, jealousy and hatred at the group of female fans in revealing and **** clothes and plump bodies, and secretly cursed Chen Yingxiong in the three seasons of Zenit for not knowing how many Russian blonde girls have been harmed.


Surrounded by the enthusiasm of Zenit fans, Liverpool's preparations are actually very relaxed. Because for Chen Yingxiong and Scotter, in St. Petersburg, they seem to have returned home.

I am very familiar with the plants and trees here.

If it weren't for the Champions League final to be played now, the two of them might have to go to the places where they often fought with the teammates from Liverpool.

Even so, as soon as the plane landed in St. Petersburg, Chen Yingxiong turned on his mobile phone and spread the hero posts to gather the members of the former Zenit St. Petersburg food and drink group. It was agreed that once the Champions League final was played, they would do it. A party event between Zenit St. Petersburg and Liverpool to celebrate their victory-the final has not yet played. In Chen Yingxiong's view, the Champions League is already in his pocket.

No one can lose to Barcelona.

So Liverpool will never lose in this game.

Others didn't understand his self-confidence, but Chen Yingxiong knew it very well. He has a psychological advantage to Barcelona. At the beginning, he was not as strong as he is now. Barcelona is in full swing and is a super team with no solution in the world. He has never been afraid.

Nowadays, Barcelona has been updated, old players have retired, new players have not fully kept up, Guardiola's second entry is not very smooth. He is not even afraid of Barcelona.

At the beginning, that Barcelona can win six championships in a season and fight on several lines at the same time, so there is no conflict for them. But now? In order to compete for the Champions League, they even gave up the domestic league, allowing Real Madrid to win the championship trophy two rounds ahead of schedule in the domestic league, but they also defeated Real Madrid in the semi-finals as they wished to get tickets for the Champions League final.

What's so scary about such a Barcelona?

Hero Chen doesn't have a headache for Barcelona at all.

But Barcelona is having a headache for him.

Guardiola feels a headache now.

Because he didn't know how to contain Chen Yingxiong.

This question made him a little embarrassed, but there is no way, this is the reality.

It's really Feng Shui turns around.

When his Messi swept the world football, scoring goals, honors and championships were soft, all opponents were thinking about a question: when we are against Messi, what should we do and how should we do it? Can you stop him?

This is like Goldbach’s conjecture in football, with almost no solution.

But now the protagonist of this problem has become Chen Yingxiong.

For physical reasons, Messi is short, thinner, poorly headerd, and not good enough on his right foot. These are his weaknesses. As long as his weakness involves tactics, he can still be guarded.

The question is, what weakness does Chen Yingxiong have?

He has such a strong body, tall body, excellent headers, strong confrontation ability, and excellent foot skills. Although he doesn't dribble often, people who have seen him dribble think that Chen Yingxiong's dribbling is basically very solid. of.

In addition, his shooting skills under his feet are very accurate, so he can be said to be very versatile in shooting.

In addition, he also has an excellent free kick...

You said, how do you guard against such a monster's perversion? What are his weaknesses?

Maybe... the left foot?

Guardiola's mind just came out of this year all at once, and he would throw it away in the next second.

Chen Yingxiong's 62nd league goal this season was a beautiful left-footed volley. If this is luck and misunderstanding, then based on Guardiola's understanding of Chen Yingxiong, his left foot actually has a very high level, but he is used to shooting with his right foot, and Liverpool The whole team is used to feeding the ball with his right foot. But if he thinks that he is not good at the left foot and forces him to control the ball with his left foot, he will definitely die miserably...


What a headache!

Guardiola thought for several days, but still didn't think of a way. Annoyed, he couldn't help holding his head with his hands, like pulling a bunch of hair down from his head. But after touching the scalp, he realized that his head had run out of hair...

It's the most painful if you want to catch it, but you can't catch it...

Guardiola felt so depressed that he even got his hair right. (To be continued.


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