Hero of the Penalty Area

Vol 6 Chapter 206: Guardiola's ambition (first ask for monthly pass)

Chapter 206 The Ambition of Guardiola (The first one asks for a monthly pass)

In fact, what caused Guardiola's headaches was more than just Chen Yingxiong's strength.

Messi is no longer the unsolvable problem, and Chen Yingxiong escalates into an unsolvable bug.

What has changed along with it is that the original Cosmos Team Barcelona is no longer so terrible. They were suppressed by Real Madrid at home, and in the European arena, they have not gained honor for a long time. In the Champions League final last season, they were defeated by Bayern Munich’s trivial tactics. After the match, the extremely disappointed Barcelona players even said that Bayern Munich is not worthy of winning the championship because their play is a retrograde of football. Many other neutral fans booed, mocking them for not being able to lose.

Barcelona's status is no longer as crazy as before. People no longer look to them and are not afraid of them, so they get more trouble. This is like a snowball, becoming a vicious circle.

Part of the reason why Barcelona was able to sweep the world and clear the world in the past was partly because many teams were afraid of them. Just hearing their names made them scared, let alone fighting against them and defeating them.

Some teams are even busy chasing stars and have no intention of competing with Barcelona on a high ground.

Leverkusen will have a say in this.

When the two teams met in the Champions League knockout rounds, Leverkusen’s players were not thinking about how to beat Barcelona-this is normal, because the difference in strength between the two sides is too big. But everyone who is abnormal is thinking in advance how to exchange jerseys with Messi after the game. The whole team of players scrambled to exchange jerseys with Messi. What is the difference between this behavior and the fanatical star-chaser?

Can their behavior still be called professional players?

If there is no direct competition between the two teams, not the two sides of the game, then the Leverkusen players' approach is just personal freedom, they have the freedom to chase stars, and players can also have idols.

But in such an important game as the Champions League quarter-finals, is it really appropriate for a player on the opposing side to show off his star-chasing qualities so aggressively?

Later, the Leverkusen club also realized the evil results of the players doing this. They seriously damaged the image of the Leverkusen club. For this reason, they simply bought more than 20 sets of Messi’s in Barcelona before the second round. The jerseys, and then each person will send one to prevent them from fighting for Messi’s jersey.

But this does not reduce the influence of this kind of star chaser on the team's combat effectiveness.

In the end, Leverkusen was scored seven goals by Barcelona in the away game. The 7:1 score permanently nailed Leverkusen to the stigma.

Messi showed great power in that game and scored only five dollars.

It can be regarded as satisfying those fans, but I don’t know how the Leverkusen players feel about being pricked by the idol himself with five holes...

This game is a typical example of how powerful Barcelona was at that time. It is so strong that it can be defeated without fighting.

It is also because of their prestige that many teams surrendered when they heard that they were going to play Barcelona, ​​allowing them to win these insignificant games without blood, and put their energy into the most important games.

But now this kind of treatment no longer exists.

Nowadays, Barcelona is no longer the feared team. Many teams dare to smash with them. In some games, they must pay double the effort and price to win.

Guardiola feels a little bit of a disaster.

Especially in the European arena, since he took advantage of Chen Yingxiong's transfer to Liverpool and was unable to participate in the Champions League, he defeated Real Madrid and won the last Champions League for Barcelona. Barcelona has never won the Champions League again. .

In the 2012-2013 season, as the defending champion, Barcelona never made it to the finals. That season was also Barcelona's worst season. In the domestic stadium and the Champions League, it was completely suppressed by Real Madrid. His assistant coach Vilanova proved that he can only be a qualified assistant coach, but he cannot become an excellent head coach.

Therefore, Cruyff personally asked Guardiola, who was resting at home to recharge, to come out again.

In fact, Barcelona’s performance is not as bad as everyone thinks, especially after Guardiola’s re-emergence, he led Barcelona to the Champions League final in the first season of coaching. It is a pity that they did well in the Champions League final. The defending Bayern Munich had nothing to do, and was eventually dragged into a penalty kick, and then lost to Bayern Munich in a penalty kick.

After that game, many Barcelona people were unconvinced and believed that the champion should belong to the better-performing Barcelona, ​​because Barcelona has much higher than Bayern Munich whether it is possession time, number of shots, shots to the goal frame, or number of passes. , Why did the weaker win the championship in the end?

Guardiola did not pay attention to these nuisances. He regretted losing the final, but this final also gave him confidence.

He originally thought he was facing an endgame after he came back, and it would be troublesome to clean up.

How can I think that in the first season, Barcelona was like a group doping, and reached the Champions League final... He had a bolder idea in his mind, that is to let Barcelona rise again in Europe and regain her dominance. .

He wanted those people to tremble all over when they heard the name Barcelona again.

It doesn't matter if you didn't win the championship in the first season, you must win in the second season!

For this reason he even gave up La Liga. Because no matter how many La Liga champions take, it also gives people a feeling that the pattern is too small. After all, no matter how unbearable Barcelona is now, it is not difficult to dominate in La Liga. The La Liga consisting of 20 teams is still divided into two teams in the Western Super League and 18 teams in La Liga.

So it is necessary to regain the La Liga championship, but there is no need to worry. It's the Champions League champion who can explain the problem most and has a blockbuster effect.

Only by regaining such an important championship can the whole of Europe and the whole world announce that the invincible Barcelona that year is back!

So he values ​​this Champions League final very much, more than last season...

He hopes to win this championship to prove the rise of Barcelona.

It’s just that it’s useless for him to value it, because Barcelona’s opponent in the Champions League final this season is Liverpool. If it is only Liverpool, then Guardiola is not afraid of Liverpool, but the problem is that Liverpool have Chen heroes!

If Barcelona wants to re-emerge, it must pass the hurdle of Liverpool.

Is this God’s test of Barcelona?

There really is a bit of truth... If Barcelona can beat Liverpool with Chen's hero, then in the world, what team can stop Barcelona's re-emergence?



Guardiola has been studying the video of the match between Chen Yingxiong and Liverpool day and night, hoping to find out the clues, this kind of life began from the day when the final opponent was determined.

During this period of time, Guardiola was like an ascetic monk. He was trendy and fashionable. A person who paid attention to his image turned out to be rough and thin, with sunken eye sockets and a haggard face.

He devoted all his energy to studying Chen Yingxiong.

As a result, he hadn't figured out how to deal with Chen Yingxiong until the first day before the game.

But this will not hinder Barcelona's preparation training. Because Barcelona's training is not aimed at Liverpool, in the offensive, they only need to play Barcelona football to get their opponents.

The problem is defense, which is the biggest headache for Guardiola.

Other Liverpool players are not to be afraid of, but how do you guard against Chen Yingxiong?

Guardiola has no answer.

Seeing that the game was about to begin, he still couldn't figure out a way. In the end, I simply crossed my mind-Lao Tzu and Liverpool attacked!

Yes, counterattack!

Since there is no way to fight defense, it would be better to fight offense.

Facts have proved that it is useless to defend Liverpool. Only Arsenal have succeeded in defending, and none of the other teams have succeeded. Especially Newcastle United, the poor Magpies, they replaced all the offensive players, all of them were defensive players, and all of them were retracted into the 30-meter area. In the end, Chen Yingxiong got five goals...

Anyway, defensiveness is not Barcelona's strong point, but offense is. Why should we exploit our weaknesses and avoid our strengths?

Liverpool's offense is very sharp, but our Barcelona offense is not weak.

You have Chen Yingxiong, we have Messi!

No one is worse than anyone.

After his thinking turned the corner, Guardiola's ideas came through instantly, letting him want to attack, which he is best at.

Give full play to the characteristics of Barcelona, ​​firmly control the football at their feet, use their tacit pass and run coordination to tear Liverpool's defense line, and then rely on Messi's personal skills to break into the penalty area to score.

As long as your team can firmly control the football at your feet, it can offset Liverpool's offensive threat.

After all, football is the safest at your feet.

This is the creed of Barcelona football.

If you can't control the football, you can't control the game.

If you can't control the game, you can't win the game.

Guardiola figured this out, and suddenly stopped worrying about how to deal with Chen Yingxiong.

I feel much better.

Tonight, he can finally get a good night's sleep.

For Guardiola, this is really not easy.

This is the first time in the past two weeks that he can sleep peacefully. This is very important, because tomorrow's game will not be easy. He needs enough sleep, rejuvenation, and a clear mind to deal with this game. (To be continued.


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