A few days later, in a meeting room in Dunmur’s China region.

There was a long black table with about twenty seats on the left and right sides, and it was about two-thirds full at this time. And these people, whether they are the presidents of the top ten guilds, or Lin Shushan, or the generals of the military guild forces, are all listed!

But at this moment, none of them spoke, and remained silent, as if they were waiting for something.

“Da da da……”

Suddenly, someone trotted in front of the meeting room door, opened the door at the same time, and made a gesture of invitation. “Mr. Chen, please come inside!”

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Immediately, everyone in the conference room stood up in unison, and looked towards the gate with their eyes.

“Da da da……”

I saw Fade Chen walking into the conference room slowly. His steps were orderly and steady, as if there was no pressure. He looked around the audience, his eyes were clear and calm, without any special emotions in them, but it gave people the feeling of great pressure.

This is an invisible aura!

In an instant, it enveloped their hearts overwhelmingly!

It made them feel extremely tense and their blood flow slowed down.

It even felt like my heart was beating so fast that I could suffocate!

“What a powerful aura…”

The faces of the people present changed slightly, their eyes were dignified, and they were a little shocked.

But at this time, if anyone among them dares to express this feeling,

Fade Chen must have been speechless and stunned for a while!

Is Shnima’s aura good?

In heaven, God is my witness, he really didn’t do any shit at all.

If you’re exhausted, you’re not nervous, you just relax casually.

The reason why such a thing happened,

To put it bluntly, in fact, these people are just scaring themselves!

Because during this period of time, they heard one after another, there are really too many scary rumors about Fade Chen! What is the 11th-level royal title, what is the third-level magic, what is the spokesperson of the Dragon Pavilion, etc…

These news gave them great pressure!

It even made them feel ashamed, inferior, and inferior, so that after seeing Fade Chen now, they felt some fear and fear in their subconscious…

To put it more bluntly, it’s actually just lack of strength, lack of confidence, and a guilty conscience.

You see, Fade Chen is different!

Its own hard power lies there. Full of confidence, not afraid at all!

Who are you? What status do you have? Sorry, not interested and don’t care!

In his eyes, the presidents of the top ten guilds, the generals of the military guild forces, Lin Shushan and Lin Lao, these so-called super bosses who are famous all over China, and even the world,

It’s really no different from ordinary players and ordinary passers-by. That’s all.

It doesn’t matter, it’s natural and fearless,

And this is the so-called aura!

At the same time, after being seated under the guidance of Mr. Lin Shushan, Mr. Lin took a deep breath, then turned his head to look at the people present, and said slowly.

“Everyone, I know that some of you already know Mr. Chen. Even if you don’t know him, you must be familiar with him, but after all, it’s the first time we meet, and everyone is not familiar with it. Let me introduce it to you solemnly!”

Elder Lin Shushan looked towards Fade Chen and said slowly.

“This is the spokesperson of Dragon Pavilion, Mr. Fade Chen! In addition, Mr. Chen’s game name is Tsing Yi Wuhen. If Mr. Chen has no objections, everyone can call him by his game name!”

“You can call me by my name, you can call me Wuhen, whatever…I have no objection.” Fade Chen said with a smile.

Everyone was silent for a while, and someone slowly got up, bowed slightly to Fade Chen, and said.

“Lich Heaven, Di Jun, I have met Mr. Chen.”

Obviously, although Fade Chen said that, he can be called him a little casually, but Di Jun is not really stupid enough to take it seriously. It’s okay to listen to such words, really? Fools do that.

At the same time, someone stood up again.

“Shenmeng, Liu Qiankun, met Mr. Chen.”

Immediately afterwards:

“Elemental Field, Elemental Wings, I met Mr. Chen. It’s the first time we meet, please give me more advice in the future.”

“Aspire to the top of the world, King Xiang Yu, I have met Mr. Chen. I have admired his name for a long time, but seeing him today, my reputation is well-deserved…”

“Buzhou Mountain Temple, the dream never dies, I met Mr. Chen…”

All of a sudden, the super bosses in the Huaxia region stood up one after another, respectfully bowed down to Fade Chen, and greeted them respectfully.

If anyone was watching here at this time, they would have been scared out of their wits!

This is so crazy that I dare not even dream about it…

This kind of scene is really a monstrous power, one person deserves it!

Lich Tianting Dijun, Shenmeng Liu Qiankun, Elemental Field Elemental Wings, etc.

And the generals of the military!

These are the top existences in the entire Huaxia region.!

Usually, which one of them is not high above and overlooks all living beings?

When will you be in awe and respect for a young man like you are today?

This kind of battle is simply terrifying, terrifying! If someone else was here, I’m afraid they would have been scared to death! However, Fade Chen still didn’t change his expression, he accepted it calmly with a smile on his face. .

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