As the strength of Green Dragon City continues to grow, Chen Fei’s mentality has already changed.

The presidents of the top ten guilds, and the generals of the military guild forces may sound bluffing, but to put it another way, listen, these people are not even a purple elite hero! These people don’t even have the ‘mere’ 11th-level arms.

Still great? Are you still a boss? Still bluffing?


In this day and age, strength in games is the most important thing, everything! Outside of games, what about the power, the high social status, and the wealth? As thin as paper, worth nothing.

The power in the game can be realized in reality,

It means that this has become an era where personal force is paramount!

As long as your personal strength in the game is strong enough, then you can dominate everything in reality! Ascend to the sky. As a result, the monstrous power fell into his hands…

26 Compared with this, all power, money, and identity are all fake. Meaningless.

It is precisely because everyone knows and understands this truth that Fade Chen is fearless and treats it calmly. The people present are so self-absorbed and knowledgeable, they all respect Fade Chen, respectful and respectful, and dare not offend or neglect in the slightest…

To put it bluntly, no one is a fool to get to where they are today. Stupid people would have died long ago and would not be able to make it to where they are today.

“Everyone, Mr. Lin, to be honest, I’m not very interested in this kind of occasion, but because I’m taking the initiative to fight, I can only have a beginning and an end. But if it’s possible, let’s make it simpler.”

“For example, when will the national war start? Where is the venue? Where is the opponent? You can mention things that you think are important.”

Fade Chen said.

As soon as these words came out, everyone froze for a moment, looked at each other for a few times, and then looked at Lin Shushan and Mr. Lin. The latter coughed a few times and said softly. “In that case, let me make a long story short.”

“First of all, the preliminary round of the national war is the intercontinental competition, which is the intercontinental competition for our teams in the five continents of Asia, Europe, North America, Australia, and Africa.”

is different from the previous life,

The blue stars in this world only have five continents, namely: Asia, Europe, North America, Australia, and Africa! There are not as many countries as there were 233 in the previous life, only thirty or forty.

However, all weak and weak countries were directly or indirectly occupied and annexed when the global gaming era had just arrived.

A country that still has independence today has more or less heritage and strength.

Among them, Europe and North America are the strongest, Asia and Australia are equal, and Africa is the weakest. Whether it is the strength in the game or in reality, it is the same.

After a pause, Elder Lin Shushan continued. “The intercontinental competition is a model where n chooses 3, n chooses 2, and n chooses 1. In Asia, n chooses 3, in Europe, Australia, and Africa, n chooses 2, and in North America, n chooses 1.”

“North America chooses 1 from n? Why?”

Fade Chen froze for a moment, feeling a little puzzled.

“Because today’s North America is almost equivalent to a country.” Lin Shushan and Lin Lao shook his head.

Fade Chen was stunned for a moment, then shook his head immediately, and came to his senses.

Because he didn’t pay much attention, he was still at the stage of his previous life regarding the situation of the countries on the Blue Star. However, this is not the previous life after all, and the situation in each country is very different.

Take North America as an example. Canada, Mexico, Jamaica, and Cuba are all gone. Except for three or two kittens, there is only one country left—the United States!

Therefore, the saying that North America is equal to the United States is indeed true. Nothing wrong.

In addition, there are seven countries in Australia. Australia is the strongest, followed by New Zealand and the Solomon Islands.

There are eleven countries in Africa. Egypt and South Africa are the only ones.

There are 17 countries in Europe, such as Russia, Germany, France, Britain, and Italy are very powerful.

However, since the advent of the global gaming era and Blue Star’s great changes, six countries including Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and Italy have formed an alliance, which is equivalent to a country to the outside world, known as the European Union.

Therefore, strictly speaking, there are only two relatively powerful countries in Europe,

That is Russia and the European Union.

The others are cannon fodder and have no sense of existence.

As for the rest of Asia, it is the most competitive place.

Huaxia, cherry blossoms, Korea, Southeast Asia, India…

They are all relatively powerful among Asian countries!

Among them, China and India are more powerful in reality, but Korea is the strongest in the game! Southeast Asia is next! Then there are the three major countries of China, Sakura, and India running side by side, and they are evenly matched…

“The knockout round of our national war in Asia is over. There are five winners, namely China, India, Korea, Sakura, and Southeast Asia.”

Old Lin Shushan’s eyes flickered and said. “And in the next intercontinental finals, the top powerhouses of our five countries will compete together for the final places in the global finals of the three national games.”After a pause, Lin Shushan said with a serious face. “If we can enter the global finals, it means that our goal has been achieved this time. Because we must enter the finals to ensure that we will not pay or be harvested.”

“What’s the meaning?”

Fade Chen was puzzled.

“In every national war, all countries that have not reached the global finals are equivalent to losers! Compensation for the losers needs to be provided. These compensations include game resources and real-world resources. The winners who enter the global finals, According to the ratio of 10, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, the compensation resources of those defeated will be divided!”

Elder Lin Shushan explained. .

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