Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 986: Xanadu

The next moment, suddenly bright eyes!

Below is a huge valley, the land is flat, and there is a fertile field, some crops and fruit trees are planted in the countryside, and a clear stream flows slowly. ◇ ↓ ◇ ↓,

In the middle of the valley, there is a small village, which looks like only a few dozen households. Some adobe houses and thatched houses are built, old and simple.

At this time, some villagers were walking slowly and contently in the countryside. Several children were chasing playful laughter. Chickens and dogs heard each other, quiet and peaceful.

This scene contrasts sharply with the villages and towns destroyed by the demons outside!

Seeing such a place, even Huang Yi inexplicably wanted to let go of the red dust, to escape the war-torn world outside, to live here in seclusion and live an undisputed life.

"[System Prompt]: You found the Peach Blossom Source, the experience value +300000."


No name is better than this!

This paradise is isolated from the world, surrounded by huge mountains in all directions, hidden between the mountains of the Jufeng Mountains, even if you want to find it.

At this time, the outside world was being madly raged by the demons, but it was not affected at all here, keeping its original quietness and peace!

To this day, Huang Yi, the first stranger intruder!

Huang Yi's cave is in the middle of a cliff. He didn't want to disturb the tranquility here, instead of flying down with wings, he put away his arms, grabbed a hanging vine with both hands, climbed into the valley below the cliff, and walked towards the village.

Here is a pink peach grove. The four seasons are like spring. The peach blossoms are blooming all the time. Some peach trees even grew some transparent and clear peaches. Looks watery.

A stream ran across the middle of the peach forest, and small groups of small fish swam around, occasionally popping out of the water to eat the peach blossoms falling from the trees.

The grasses on the shore are delicious and colorful, and the dew on the tip of the grass is shining with light. Occasionally, you can hear the crisp call of a songbird.

Such a quiet and elegant scenery. Let Huang Yi unconsciously relax his mood, even the pace became lighter, and soon came to the village entrance.

There is a huge banyan tree at the entrance of the village, which is so thick and lush with more than ten people. One by one, they hang on the ground, entangled with each other, winding knots, full of ancient meaning.

There is a huge stone under the tree. It seems that people sit on it all year round to enjoy the cool. Very polished. At this time, there were a few children sitting and playing, and the bright sun shone through the lush foliage and scattered on their faces, reflecting their smiles more brilliantly.

When they saw Huang Yi coming, their eyes widened and they looked surprised.

"Who are you? How did you get here?" A 15- or six-year-old child immediately stood up from the stone. Looking at Huang Yi asked. He speaks differently from the outside world, but still understands.

The rest of the children also stood up. They all looked at Huang Yi curiously, their eyes were clean and clear, spotless, full of innocence, like a clear spring in a mountain stream.

"I came here by accident." Huang Yi said gently, trying to show that he was not malicious. "Can you take me to meet the adults in your village?"

"Okay!" The fifteen or sixteen-year-old nodded, and climbed down from the big rock with the children, and began to take Huang Yi into the village.

As they walked, they frequently turned around and kept looking at Huang Yi, an outsider. He whispered a few whispers from time to time, and then laughed innocently.

Huang Yi suddenly noticed that these children were slightly different from the ordinary people outside. The position of their shoulder blades were all slightly raised, even supporting their clothes.

This scenario made him think of wings!

The human race, if it grows wings, sticks out from the scapula. But judging by the extent of the scapula bulge of these children, it seems that it is not enough to grow a pair of complete wings. I don't know what happened.

With deep curiosity, Huang Yi followed these children into the village.

The village was a little bustling, with three or two chickens and ducks walking in the countryside and pecking. Several dogs saw the children, rushed with their tails and rushed over, playing with their front paws on them. But after seeing Huang Yi as an outsider, he hesitated.

Soon, the adults in the village also found Huang Yi, and were shocked!

All of them stopped the things in their hands, walked out of their respective houses, surrounded the outsider Huang Yi, their eyes were full of curiosity.

They seem to be so isolated from the outside world that everyone's look is simple. Even the elderly did not have the kind of vicissitudes experienced in the eyes, as innocent as children.

They were wearing very primitive burlap linens, and the shoulder blades were all slightly raised, supporting their clothes.

"Are you from outside?" At this time, the oldest white-bearded old man in the crowd took a step forward and looked at Huang Yi and asked. He was so energetic that he didn't have the sense of late aging that the old man should have.

"Yes! I accidentally found a cave. After I climbed in, I came here ..." Huang Yi simply explained the process of finding here, and then asked his doubts: "Why do you live here?" ? "

The old man caressed his long white beard, looked around Huang Yi, and slowly said, "Our ancestors lived in this place in order to avoid the war in the Oskan Empire. From now on, they have never gone out After that, I don't know if they are still fighting outside? "

"Oskan Empire ?!" Huang Yi was shocked when he heard the name!

This is the greatest empire in ancient times! It is also known as the last large empire in the history of the Second World. Its territory is extremely vast, and its ruins are found on every continent in the Second World today.

But the empire eventually perished and disappeared into the long river of history. All that remains is its Royal College, which has been passed down, and has gradually become the core force of the Second World, that is, the Royal Academy of Oskan.

The ancestors of these people actually came here to live in seclusion in ancient times, and have spent several epochs in peace, without knowing how many times they have escaped.

"Oskan Empire has long since perished. Even the East and West continents have been broken into hundreds of pieces ..." Huang Yi simply said the situation outside.

"It's changed so much!"

"The mainland is broken!"

"I don't know if the ancestor's legendary Yuchao Mountain is still there."

The crowd suddenly looked at each other and talked head to head. This is the first time in countless years that outside news has arrived here.

"Young man, you must be hungry to come here after wading through mountains and rivers! You might as well be a guest at my house and have a meal and rest for a while." At this time, the elderly white beard invited to Huang Yi.

"Okay! Thank you!" Huang Yi nodded, he was really tired.

The white-bearded old man smiled kindly and, while stroking his beard, turned his head towards the surrounding villagers and children and instructed: "Zongzi, Huahua, you two went to Taohuaxi to catch some grass carp, and picked up a basket of Lingshui peach by the way; Dongyang, thin, you kill two chickens, and then take a few goose eggs; Little gray rabbit, you and your father move two altars of aged peach wine, and then go to the vegetable garden to dig some sweet potatoes and lettuce; The wind, you two climb up the Ningcui cliff, pick some swan fungi, and then take two pine bird's nests; my wife, go and set fire to yourself ... "

Soon, the villagers enthusiastically prepared this sumptuous lunch.

Huang Yi followed Grandpa White Beard to his house.

That house is right next to a small stream bridge. There are several old thatched cottages. All the utensils are wooden and stone, clean and tidy, simple and simple, comfortable and cozy.

There is a tall fig tree in front of the house. The wide leaves shade the midday sun and cast a green shade. There are two rattan chairs under the tree, which are very smooth. It seems that people are sitting here all year round, looking at the mountains in the distance, watching the sun rise and fall.

Huang Yi came directly under the tree, sat on a chair, leaned back on the inclined chair, and looked out at the green cliffs in the distance.

A few pine trees stretched out from that cliff, covered with strange flowers and weeds, and a small waterfall fell from the middle like a poetic landscape painting.

"This is a fairyland!" Huang Yi sent a sigh from his heart, as if the whole soul had been sublimated, and all the killings and blood had gone before.

"That's why our ancestors lived here in seclusion and never got involved in the hustle and bustle of the outside world!" Grandpa Whitebeard said, sitting down in another chair. The two raised shoulder blades moved toward the middle, like a pillow, resting on the back of the chair, and the back of the head rested comfortably on it.

Huang Yi looked at the swollen scapula, and curiosity rose again, he couldn't help asking, "What's behind your back?"

The old man pursed his lips, turned to look at Huang Yi, hesitated for a while, and said, "That's the wings of degradation."

"Degenerate?" Huang Yi slightly hesitated ~ www.readwn.com ~ couldn't help feeling more curious, "Why good wings, why do they degenerate?"

The old man looked at the distant mountains and said quietly, "Because ... we are descendants of the Yu people."

"Human tribe ?!" Huang Yi was suddenly surprised and almost got up from the chair. "Is that the human tribe of the God-King Johns?"

"Exactly!" The old man nodded and stroked his white beard. "Johns! That was one of the greatest tribe in the history of our human race. It once led us to the most prosperous period. But also because He has caused the decline of our human race. "


As soon as the last chapter was published, I saw that some readers had already guessed it was Tao Hua Yuan. "Peach Blossoms" is one of my favorite texts in my school days. During the period when my mood was low last year, I was especially eager to go to such a place to hide from the world, but there is no such place in reality. I can only imagine it in the book. Addiction. The names of the people involved in the above are basically all the names of dragons registered by readers. (To be continued.) U

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