Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 985: Kyoho Mountains

At this point, all the spoils of the Dark Sacrifice were completely searched by Huang Yi. The shortcoming is that its magic pill has not burst out!

After reaching the high-level heaven domain, the demons have the ability to refining the alchemy into the body, refining their own magic refining and strengthening their own strength.

If you kill such demons, you won't get their magic pill. The same miserable acolyte killed by Huang Yi last time was the same, and no magic dan burst out.

Only a small part of the demons above the advanced heavens will choose to keep the magic dan. So far, Huang Yi only has one magic dan on the top of the heavens, that is, the 29o magic dan that was obtained after the last time he killed the fallen general!

That magic pill is a priceless treasure that allows a 29o-level person to take a step directly to reach the strength of one step. If it is used for alchemy and pharmaceuticals, this is also the top material. This level of magic dandelion, even if you look at the big 6 in the middle, it will make those large forces jealous!

The matter here has been completely resolved, Huang Yi decided to continue hunting and killing the next caster to maximize the destruction of this world of destruction.

According to the map just now, the nearest caster is located 700 kilometers away on the other side of the Kyoho Mountains. The Jufeng Mountain range stretches for thousands of miles and is deserted. There is no teleportation array nearby, and it can only take a long time to rush.

Huang Yi put away the wild god, and the wings behind him slammed into the sky again, and the body was re-raised to the sky, distinguished the direction, and hurried toward the Jufeng Mountains.

He is already a top celestial powerhouse, and his mobility is already very fast. In addition, his wing of freedom also has a passive effect, which allows him to increase his mobility ten times in a non-combat state.

His flying form in the sky was like a sharp arrow that cut through the sky, and he swept across a large area of ​​the sky with a whistle, quickly moving over the mountains. The scenery below flew backwards, and fields, rivers, and peaks flew behind, and countless villages raged by the demons rushed past from below.

But even with such a fast degree. Seven hundred kilometers is not a small number. In addition, while flying, he was distracted to pay attention to the movements around him, to prevent the demons from being killed suddenly. No place is safe outside the Empire of Heroes. It is possible to encounter the top demons everywhere, and if they do n’t, they will die.

After flying so intently, my body and mind will be very tired.

Huang Yi suddenly remembered Xiaolong very much. If you are riding on a horse, it will be easier, not only faster. And you don't need to consume your energy, this way will be much more comfortable.

After flying for a while like this, on the ground below, suddenly a village was emitting smoke.

At this time, there were thousands of demons, raging in the village, all the houses were destroyed by brute force, the villagers cried and ran away, but they were soon torn to pieces by demons.

The ground was covered with the corpses of the villagers, and all kinds of internal organs flowed. There is even Warcraft squatting beside some living villagers, eating their flesh raw, and those villagers' piercing screams pierced the sky.

"Huh? There are living people in the sky!" At this moment, some demons showed up Huang Yi in the sky and stepped up into the air.

"Roll!" Huang Yi fanned the wings of death directly, and the dense fire and fire blades flew over, turning the sky into a sea of ​​fire, and immediately burning those demons into firemen, and it generally fell from the sky in the rain.

To prevent the killing of those villagers. Huang Yi simply gathered the wings of death, fell into the tragic village, clenched the wrath of killing God, and slaughtered the demons scattered in the countryside one by one.

"Eh! Heh! Hey!" A demon family was chopped off by Huang Yi. Blood splattered, bones shattered, and the sound of dull flesh and blood hit one after another.

These demons are all ordinary demons, and their strength is far inferior to the masters of the Dark Sacrifice in a short period of time. Huang Yi was killed completely.

Only the dying villagers were left in the village, along with a few scared children hiding in the corners of the ruins.

Looking at those mourning villagers, Huang Yi had no choice but to shake his head, fly back into the sky, and continue to hurry.

At this time, the entire hero big 6 is almost like this. I don't know how many people are being tortured by the demons. I don't know how many villages and cities are being destroyed by demons. There are infernal purgatory everywhere.

Gradually, three hours passed.

Huang Yifei flew over countless towns and villages destroyed by the demons, saw countless **** people who were dying, and saw countless rotten bodies full of flies and maggots. As long as the survivors are present, he will try to save them. But for the whole big 6 situation, it is just a drop in the bucket and cannot bring about any change.

Sometimes there were too many demons, and it was too time-consuming to kill them, and he could only avoid them far away. Otherwise, once they are entangled and stay for too long, his traces will leak out, and it is likely to attract a group of top heavens and even demi-level demons to chase him down, and he will also hate at that time And die.

He tried his best to hide his whereabouts, and hurried for a long time, and finally came to the periphery of Jufeng Mountain. There are no traces of the devils raging around here, and you can rarely relax and rest for a while.

In front of it is the Jufeng Mountain Range, where the peaks are unusually tall and steep, all of them are directly inserted into the sky, and the clouds are floating on the mountainside. Even when flying at high altitudes, I can't look up to the tops of these peaks, as if these peaks have stretched into the distant heavens, and they can't fly over from the top of the mountain.

This mountain range is extremely vast and treacherous. There are thousands of abyss everywhere. It is extremely dangerous.

Only by flying from the sky is there a chance to cross these peaks. But this is also very dangerous. Because you can't climb up to the top of the mountain and look at the direction, you can only walk between the mountainsides of the cliffs. It is easy to get lost.

The Kyoho Mountains have always been regarded as a forbidden area.

Huang Yi wiped the sweat on his forehead, took out the map again, identified his position, and confirmed the position of the caster again.

The caster is on the other side of the mountain and is blocked by this stretch of mountain. The straight line between the two is 200 kilometers. The shortest way is through the mountain.

And if it is to bypass this mountain range, it will take at least ten times more time. This mountain range is blocked horizontally in front, and it will take thousands of kilometers to fly around!

Huang Yi took a deep breath, slowed down his degree, and flew into this huge mountain range, and decided to take a short approach.

His small body, compared to these peaks, was as small as a fly. The height of his flight is only equivalent to the lower half of these peaks. The cliffs are high in all directions, and the sound of flapping wings spreads among the mountains and makes his debut.

The distance between some mountain peaks is extremely small, there is only a small slit, and a very flexible flight attitude is required to barely drill through, and you will hit a cliff if you are not careful.

Some birds and birds that perched on the cliffs were aware of the arrival of Huang Yi, and they all flew up. Some apes climbing and jumping between the cliffs screamed at him from a distance.

Huang Yi felt a sense of peace inexplicably. I have seen too many deaths and destructions before, and I feel unconsciously dimmed and depressed a lot. Now I finally have a lively place.

In this way, he flew for a long time without knowing how many peaks he had bypassed and where he was. Turning around and looking around, there are endless peaks of forest from front to back, left and right, you can't see the margins at all, as if surrounded by dense giants.

Suddenly, Huang Yi's pupils shrank, staring at the mid-mountain of a mountain in front!

There is a small hole in the middle of the cliff on the mountainside!

In this uninhabited primitive mountain range, such a cave actually appeared between the mountains soaring into the clouds!

This moment attracted Huang Yi's attention!

What's in this cave?

Could it be the lair of a bird and beast, hidden inside it?

Or is it the cave house of the hermit master, which has unique skill?

Or is it a naturally formed cave with nothing in it?

Huang Yi's curiosity is getting stronger and stronger, and he just happens to be a bit tired, so he simply decides to explore for a while, and see if he can encounter any adventures.

The Second World is extremely vast. No one can explore every area. Many adventures are hidden in this deep mountain old forest. After some players stumbled and fell off the cliff, instead of not dying, they also picked up the relics of the hermit's predecessors and have since become masters.

Soon, Huang Yi flew to the cave ~ www.readwn.com ~ to look carefully.

The cave was covered with thick vines, and the mouth of the cave was covered with moss and overgrown with weeds, which looked very natural and primitive. The cave was dark, I don't know how deep it was.

Huang Yi adjusted his flying attitude, gathered his wings, reached out and separated the curtain-like vines, and got into the cave.

The cave was very narrow, barely able to accommodate one person in and out, and there was faint air circulation, showing that the cave was not a dead end.

Huang Yi clenched his weapon and began to move forward cautiously. His shoes were stepping on some small stones on the ground, and the sound of rubbing sound came toward the deep of the cave.

No danger was encountered along the way, Huang Yi smoothly entered the depths of the cave. After a long turn of seven turns and eight turns, a faint light appeared in front of the cave, which seemed to be an exit.

He could not help but quicken his pace and immediately went out. (To be continued.)

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