Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 984: Dark Duke's Skull

After that, Huang Yi used his 240-level god-level professional skills—


[Decision]: Absolute skill, consumes 200 points of anger, can directly kill all enemy targets within 300 meters radius, all health is less than 30%. Cooling time is 5 minutes.

In a flash of time, a dazzling blood glow emerged from Huang Yi's body, which swept away in all directions in a circular shape, covering the world within a radius of 300 meters!

This light of death completely ignored the obstruction of the blood sacral enchantment, and swept directly on the body of the dark sacrifice!

"嘭 ~" The body of the Dark Sacrifice trembled suddenly, then remained motionless, as if turned into a statue.

A gust of wind blew on the body of the dark sacrifice.

The next moment, his crippled body fell to the sky.

he died!

His health is already below 30%. After encountering Huang Yi's trick, he was immediately killed!

With the death of the Dark Sacrifice, thousands of skeletons thousands of meters away have disappeared. They are only summoned by skill effects. When the summoner dies, they all disappear.

Heaven and earth suddenly became quiet, leaving only Huang Yi. He stood still, holding on to the wrath of killing God, gasping softly.

He finally won the battle!

He alone killed a top-level Celestial Powerhouse of 285!

In the eyes of players at this stage, the top-level Celestial Demon Clan 285 is definitely an unattainable enemy and can only exist in myths and legends. Even a well-equipped large group will fight it.

But now, Huang Yi killed such a strong man alone! It only takes a minute or two!

His strength has climbed into the ranks of the top few in the world, surpassing billions of mortals.

Thanks to his Nefarem bloodline. And the **** class of eternal tyrant!

Huang Yi, a god-level profession, has four skills in total, but each one is extremely powerful. In addition to just the "Qing Jun side" and "decisive decision". There are two more skills-

Kill without pardon: Level 180 skill, consumes 200 points of anger. In the next 30 seconds, his attacks cannot be resisted by any skills and talents. Cooling time is 5 minutes.

诛 Nine Clan: A 210-level skill that consumes 200 anger. After using any skill against an enemy, this skill will affect nine enemies and be affected by this skill together. Cooling time is 5 minutes.

Among them, "kill without amnesty" has been integrated into the killing wings and can no longer be used alone.

The other three skills can be used individually. They have great power. However, it does not have the long cooling time or the high energy consumption, which can be used frequently. There are almost no disadvantages!

God-level skills in the eyes of ordinary occupations are ordinary skills in god-level occupations.

"[System reminder]: You killed one of the 72 casters of the annihilation. The annihilation has a gap and has been suspended."

Finally, this powerful formation that surrounded the entire hero empire was stopped by Huang Yishengsheng!

In addition, Thor, Blade, Sharp Sword and Dragonstab. They have also dealt with those casters. If they are finished there, then there will be more gaps in this method of extinction.

However, this is only a temporary victory, and there will definitely be more masters from the Devil side to make up for it. There will even be a second batch of demigods. The crisis of the heroic empire is far from over.

After killing the Dark Sacrifice, a huge experience value fell on Huang Yi's body!

Such a huge amount of experience could have allowed an average player to rise to several levels. But for Huang Yi, it is inconspicuous, just let the percentage of experience value move a little bit.

In addition, the death of the Dark Sacrifice also brought two kinds of numerical improvements to Huang Yi.

The first is the power of faith. The dark sacrifice belongs to a religious figure. After killing it, Huang Yi gained 1.5 million points of faith. One step closer to the 1 billion target.

The second is the power of Nefarem. Huang Yi's 270 level Nefarem talent, named "Transforming Nefarem's Power": After killing enemies with the power of the gods or the magic. It can automatically absorb the opponent's **** power or magic power and transform it into the power of Nefarem. The stronger the enemy. The greater the power of Nefarem transformed.

The Dark Sacrifice is a top-level Celestial Demon clan at level 285. After killing it, Huang Yi gained up to 5 points of Nefarem power. Under normal circumstances, Huang Yi can recover 1 point in three days, which is equivalent to half a month of natural recovery.

However, when he reversed the Bone Staff before, it cost 3 points. In fact, after this battle, he only had two points of Nefarem's power, which was acceptable.

Huang Yi reached out with a wave and summoned the immortal imitation body to let it absorb the soul of the dark sacrifice.

The savage **** immediately walked to the body of the dark sacrifice, squatted down, stretched out a large hand, and pressed it against his chest.

Suddenly, the sacrifice of the dark sacrifice turned into a thick bloodlight, submerged into the body of the Savage God, and strengthened an acupoint in the chest!

After being nourished by this super soul, the breath of the savage **** suddenly became more violent.

He was originally a muscular man with six arms and muscles. Last time it absorbed the painful acolyte at the higher level of the heavens, there was a pair of blood wings dripping with black blood behind it. After absorbing the soul of the Dark Sacrifice this time, his form has not changed much, but the whole body has become more condensed. The bulky muscles on the body have been compressed a lot, and the entire body has become slimmer and more flexible.

The Savage God is currently the strongest imitation of Huang Yi's cultivation, but it is still a lot weaker than Huang Yi itself. It is not very useful to encounter such a top-level field in the wild.

Unless it can be raised to the strength of the samurai **** of the sword, then when facing a strong man such as Dark Sacrifice, he can become an important helper.

After the death of the dark sacrifice, an ancient sheepskin roll burst out on the body, and fell on the mud beside him.

Huang Yi bent down, picked up the sheepskin roll and opened it.

On the sheepskin scroll is a detailed map depicting the geographical features of this large area. Five black dots are marked above, and one of them is the valley where Huang Yi is located!

This sheepskin roll is just a part of the "Apocalypse Array" schematic diagram, marking the detailed location of the five nearby casters.

In this case, Huang Yi can click on the map and go directly to the location of the casters without searching for it.

Huang Yi closed the map.

He took a deep breath, took a step, walked a short distance, and expectantly picked up the last booty--

Bone Staff!

This bone bone staff is a heavy treasure of dark sacrifice, adding too much power to it. If it wasn't for Huang Yi's reversal, then this battle might have been another result.

Huang Yi's long fingers gently rubbed on the bone bone staff. A warm, sacred breath emanated, and he was very comfortable. He quickly checked the staff's information.

This staff is quite special, the body is not particularly powerful. But the skull inserted at the top is not simple. It is an s-class treasure, far more powerful than the staff itself--

[Duke of Darkness · Skull of Midnight] (S-Class, Contract Treasure)

Demand level: None

Item description: The Duke of Darkness Midnight is a militant demigod under the command of the Lord of Darkness. He once commanded the Lord of Darkness to lead the army to the First World, but was blocked by the first world's barbaric god. It knows that it is not an opponent of the Savage God, but it still goes to challenge, fighting until the last moment of its life, never shrinking. After his death, the thoughts in his skull are still full of belligerent instincts, and he will never lose!

The skull cannot be crushed by enemies under the demigod. Spell attacks greatly increase the power of spells. Physical attacks can easily defeat enemy defenses. The specific effect varies with the strength of the user.

Even if it turned into bones, I would not give in! ——Duke of Darkness Midnight

This skull really is, as the Dark Sacrifice said, a skull of a dark duke, a demon power of the demigod level!

But even this arrogant existence was killed by the Savage God. It was the real saint of the first world. After the **** was sealed, he went to the demon world and became one of the 108 great deities. Huang Yi's imitation body is created by imitating it!

However, Huang Yi's focus is not on the origin of the skull, but on its type of division!

It is actually a contract treasure!

Contract-type treasures, also commonly known as "pet equipment" and "follower equipment" by players, are specially designed for contract partners!

Contract equipment is very scarce ~ www.readwn.com ~ and the quality is not high, such s-class ones are even more incompetent.

Huang Yi has never received such treasures before, and until today, he finally hit the first one!

Huang Yi turned his head to look at the immortal imitation body around him. He simply reintroduced the skill of "reversing the devil", reverted the bone bone staff into a magical item, and then handed it to the god, saying: "The The host has some connection with you, so why don't you use this bone bone wand! "

"Thank you, master!" The pretty **** nodded, reached out one of the hands, and took the bone-bone staff.

The Savage God is the deity of the demon world. This imitation body is also a magic system ability. After the bone bone staff is reversed to the magic system equipment, it can be used for it.

With this bone bone wand, the breath of the Savage God suddenly soared a great deal, the strength was raised again, and the gap with the imitation body of the Savage God of the sword was narrowed again!

However, this time the promotion is unconventional. The contract equipment is based on chance and cannot be met. Cannot be used as an ordinary means to enhance the strength of the Savage God. (To be continued.)

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