Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 997: Johns' 6 Messengers

Huang Yi came to the stone room of the hero's prison, and the wings of freedom behind him flew slightly, and his body flew into the air quickly, reaching out and grabbing a key.

The number of this key is 102, and the criminal in it is almost 299, which is a super master who is nine steps into the sky. His strength can easily crush Huang Yi.

But this time we are facing a demigod such as the Four Knights of Apocalypse. The criminal's strength is still not enough. He must be a top 100 criminal.

Huang Yi let go of his hand and let the key escape.

He fluttered the wings of freedom again, and the figure hurried through the air, struggling to catch some keys.

These keys are almost all of the top one hundred and meet the conditions.

Holding these keys, Huang Yi walked through the labyrinthine cells of the heroic prison, and soon arrived at the top 100 cells.

After arriving here, the atmosphere was clearly dignified and quiet, unlike the roar of criminals as in other cells.

A bit of ancient power fell asleep here, the breath of Wei An oozing out through a thick door, making people creepy, breathing difficult, as if the soul was oppressed.

Huang Yi first took out the No. 99 key, slowly opened the cell door, and looked forward inwardly.

The next moment, he saw nothing!

There was nothing in the cell, empty!

This shows that the criminals inside have died.

It may be because it is too old, it may be because the serious injury has not healed, or it may be unfortunately died for various reasons.

Even a master at the demigod level, or even in a delayed cell like a heroic prison, is likely to die!

In the Hero Prison, the top 100 cells, in theory, have 100 masters above the demigods. But in fact there are not so many at all, some criminals have already died.

This is even more precious for demigod criminals, using one less and one is a non-renewable resource.

Huang Yi shook her head and sighed, she could only continue to change to the next one.

Today, however, he seems particularly unlucky. He opened three cells in succession and they were all empty!

Soon, there was only the last key left in his hand, and the number of this key was also the highest-68!

Huang Yi took a deep breath. When he came to cell 68, he opened the door that had been sealed for countless years.

The next moment, he finally saw a figure.

It was a juvenile full of feathers, with a pair of wide wings behind, and the feathers were violet. Gorgeous and elegant.

At this moment, he was sitting alone on the ground, holding his hands on his knees, and the violet wings behind him shook down.

His face was sharp-edged, his dark blue eyes full of depression, and his frowns wrinkled slightly, as if missing someone.

He is not as aggressive as other demigod criminals, nor does he have strong armor or weapons. He was sitting so lonely in the dark cell, full of poetic sorrow, like a sentimental teenager of sixteen or seventeen years old.

Look at this person. Huang Yi felt inexplicably familiar. He had feathers all over his body and a pair of wings behind him ...

Is it the human race?

Huang Yi suddenly hesitated. He just came out of Taohuayuan and had a very detailed understanding of the Yu people. According to the description of the Yuzu tribe, the characteristics of this boy and the Yuzu tribe are exactly the same!

"Are you a master of the Yu people?" Huang Yi could not help asking.

The boy in that cell turned his head, his dark blue eyes looked at Huang Yi, and nodded lonely: "Yes, I am from Yuyu of the Yu people."

His voice was very thin, unlike any other demigod. An opening was a majestic thunder.

Whether in appearance, temperament, or behavior, he looks like an ordinary boy.

Hearing the young man's answer, Huang Yi exhaled a long breath!

He has just gotten the wings of the Sunstrider. And the first way to repair it is to restore the power of the five thousand Johns feathers! He originally thought that he could only find some priests to bless, and it took a long time to recover.

Unexpectedly, there was a demi-level master of the human race! As long as it helps, then the feathers of Johns can quickly restore their power.

This is also a hidden effect of the hero prison. Races such as the Feathers, which have become extinct outside, are in heroic prisons. But there may be some left over.

"What's your name? Why was it held here?" Huang Yi continued to ask.

There was a glimmer of sadness in the boy's dark blue eyes. He lowered his head, buried his chin between his knees, and said quietly, "My name is Yu Feng, but Lord Johns gave me a name called" Han Xing Yu Wing ". I was his six messengers. First, he has traveled to many worlds to spread his faith for him. But it has also offended the missionaries in the Temple of Death, and all six of our messengers have been arrested. "

"Related to Johns!" Huang Yi murmured.

Johns, the god-sealer, deserves to be the greatest person in the history of the entire human race. Huang Yi glanced over his manuscript in Taohuayuan before, and also got the wings of the sunstrider made of his feathers. Now it's hard to see a demi-human demigod, which is related to Johns.

It seems that the entire history of the human race cannot escape the character of Johns!

"I just happened to see a descendant of your Yuzu tribe, and that might be the last batch of Yuzu tribe in the world. If they want, I can let you meet them." Huang Yi revealed tentatively Got the news.

"Is there only the last batch of Yuren?" Yu Feng muttered softly, and the sadness in her eyes was deeper. "Then no one will fly with me in the rain! Remember that time, I Soaring in the rain with those of Mu Yu's partners, sometimes it is a spring breeze, the raindrops are light, falling on our faces, with the fragrance of spring mud. Sometimes it is the heavy rain in summer. We burst into the rain curtain with laughter. Chasing each other in the heavy rain. Sometimes it is the sorrowful rain of autumn. We sit on the branches and watch the yellowed autumn leaves fall by the raindrops. Sometimes it is the winter rain with snowflakes. Watching how the raindrops condensed into snowflakes. Li Yu's favorite is Xia Yu. Every summer, I will go to her and sit next to the listening cliff on Yuchao Mountain, listening to the dullness that comes down from the dark clouds. Thunder, waiting for the rain ... "

Yu Feng's face is full of memories, saying that I don't know how many years ago.

Some things have gone on for countless years, but I remember them vividly.

"You must love the girl named" Li Yu "!" Huang Yi guessed.

"I don't like her." Yu Feng said, holding her knees tighter with her hands, "I fell in love with her."

"Then you and her must be very happy while listening to Yuya and the rain." Huang Yi fantasised.

"No, that's loneliness." Yu Feng shook her head, and her thin voice was even more lonely. "It's happiness to love someone, and loneliness to love someone."

Huang Yi stunned God, in his opinion, there seems to be no difference between loving someone and falling in love with someone. Perhaps it was because he had experienced too little in love.

Huang Yi simply stopped thinking about it, and took out the national flag of a heroic empire, and asked Yu Feng: "Would you like to come out? As long as you promise to be my empire guardian, you can restore freedom. Spring, summer, autumn and winter Rain, you can bathe again. "

Yu Feng pouted, finally nodded, and said, "I do."

The voice dropped, and a new name appeared on the national flag in Huang Yi's hand.

At this point, the hero empire has another demigod guardian.

Huang Yi immediately removed the seal of the cell.

The lonely and melancholic boy inside stood up slowly, fanning those violet wings and flying out.

His breath is very calm, standing next to Huang Yi, like a companion of the same age, without the high pressure of other demigods.

Looking at his lonely and lonely figure, Huang Yi inexplicably felt that he was a bit pitiful, and could not help saying: "You just said, you have a total of six messengers, all of whom have been arrested. Then how many cells are they in? I will go and take them. Put it all out, at least to make you no longer alone. "

"They are in cells 67, 69, 70, 71, and 72. They are members of our other clan, Yufeng." Yu Feng replied.

"Then you're waiting here, I'll get their keys." Huang Yi dropped a word and immediately returned to Shishi.

Next, Huang Yi spent some time, and finally got the keys of the remaining five messengers and released them all—

Guardian Star Yu Tianyi (level 300, number 72)

The demigods from the genus ‘Luo Xing ’s’ like to soar under the stars. They are born astrologers, know the positions of all the stars, and can predict the future based on the changing maps. One of Her Majesty's six messengers, the companion of the fallen star Xia Moyu.

Fallen Star Xia Moyu (level 300, number 71)

A female demigod from the Yuren clan 'Luo Xing's', guarding the star Yu Tianyi's partner. Love to collect falling meteors and refine them into gems. As she flew in the stars, the gems in her body shone, making herself a star. One of Her Majesty's six messengers.

Storm Black Hole · Thorn Birds (Class 300 ~ www.readwn.com ~ No. 70)

The demigods from the "Following the Wind" of the human race live by the wind and have a light body. They can travel around the world in the wind like leaves. Good at all wind magic, can create soft and healed breeze, and can also create violent destruction. One of Her Majesty's six messengers.

Eastern Snow and Snow Bamboo (Class 300, No. 69)

The demigod from the Yuren tribe 'Piaoxue', the famous iceberg beauty of the Yuren tribe, the feathers of the whole body are composed of hexagonal snowflakes, and they like to fly when it snows. And never fall. One of Her Majesty's six messengers,

Dawning Zhaoyang Chalklis (level 300, number 67)

The demi-god from the "Zhu Ri Clan" of the human race, whose name means "dawn of dawn", because its eyes can emit golden light, just like the dawn of dawn. Chased the early morning sun with Johns and became his messenger. (To be continued.)

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