Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 998: Wandering god

Chapter 998 The Wandering God

After being held for countless years, the six demigods of the human race finally regained their freedom and gathered together in the wide aisle outside the cell.

"Oh! My dear, I miss you day and night, I didn't expect to see you again in this life." At this moment, a woman wearing a gemstone all over her suddenly burst into tears and rushed into a male Yuren Weeping softly in my arms.

The male feather race, dressed in a black robe, wearing a pair of glasses, holding a crystal ball in his hand, exuded the brilliance of truth and wisdom. At this moment, he was also very excited, hugging the woman tightly, and the wings behind him were still trying to gather forward, firmly covering each other.

This pair of men and women is the guardian star Yu Tianyi and the falling star Xia Moyu. They are a pair of lovers, both of which are from the Yu family.

After being imprisoned, they were separated and separated into two separate cells, separated by only one wall, but they would never see each other forever.

Since these epochs, they can only think of each other day and night, and they are not reunited until today.

"I can finally see the warm sunrise again ..."

"I long for the breeze to blow ..."

"I'm about to forget how to dance in the snow ..."

The other demi-gods of the Yuzu race also chuckled at each other, full of emotion and excitement in their tone.

They come from different clans of the Yu people, with some slight differences in appearance and various abilities.

With the exception of Yufeng's melancholy boy, the other five demi-gods of the human race exude a super-strong demi-god field, standing side by side, like mountains, making people only look up.

In its heyday, the Yu people were one of the strongest races in the Second World. From these six messengers, we can feel some of the glory of the Yuren tribe. Although they have been held for countless years, they are born with a touch of noble temperament, which is not comparable to ordinary races.

"Now, I have a request." Then. Huang Yi looked up at the six demigods of the feather race, and flew out the wings of the Sunstrider in his hands. "This pair of wings. The wings of the Sunstrider are the last epic hero of your feather race— —The Sunshine Icarus's lifelong masterpiece. The five thousand feathers on this wing are the feathers of Johns, but now they have lost their power. I want to ask you to help me repair them. "

"Are we the characters from the Sun?" At this time, Zhaoyang Chalklis, the dawning light from the Sun of the Feathers, opened his mouth, and there was a sparkle in those golden eyes, "Icarus ... this The name is a bit sad! Judging from the ancient language of our human race, the words Icarus mean 'light of the setting sun', not an auspicious name. Our sun-clan people generally like the sun and the scorching sun, For example, the name of Lord Johns. It means 'Light of the Sun', and my name is 'Dawn of Dawn'. Few people will use the sunset and sunset as their names. It seems that the human race at that time was indeed It's very much gone. "

"But he can become an epic hero, but this is beyond me!" At this time, the storm black hole · thorn bird took the conversation, it came from the wind, and it was surrounded by a never-ending wind, blowing it Feathers are undulating. "Before we went to jail, it was an unprecedented heyday of the human race. The number of heroes born was countless, but there were only a few epic heroes. Six of us are just legendary heroes. No epic deeds have been made. Yi It was not easy for Carlos to become an epic hero in the era of the feathered people! "

"Since this is the lifelong masterpiece of the last epic hero of the Yujin, we are willing to help you repair it. We were six messengers under Lord Johns and were very familiar with John feathers." At this time, another woman The Yuzu tribe spoke quietly. She comes from Piao Xue's. She has snow-white feathers on her body, as beautiful as snowflakes. Her temperament is high, beautiful and pure, like a goddess of ice and snow, spotless.

"Thank you so much!" Huang Yi put down his heart and passed the pair of Sunstrider wings.

There are six demigod masters of the feather race, together to restore the power of these 5,000 pieces of Johns feathers, the speed should be very fast. At that time, the first repair process can be completed, and the pair of wings can be worn to play its role.

Huang Yi was full of anticipation. He didn't know what attributes the wings had so far.

However, for this wing to truly regain its peak power, it must complete the second step of the repair process. That is to find three thousand feathers that are not weaker than the feathers of Johns. But this kind of feather is too hard to find. Even the feathers of the six demi-gods of the human race in front of you are not eligible, and you have to wait until later to work out a solution.

Now, with these six demigods, the hero empire wants to resist the Four Knights of Apocalypse, and there is no problem at all.

However, Huang Yi still can't be taken lightly. The seven demon kings have been standing side by side for many years. One by one, the strength has been accumulating continuously. A group of demigods have gathered under their hands, and some will come out later. Huang Yi thought about it and decided to release another top 50 criminal as the core guardian of the press.

He reached out and summoned the soul warhorse and rolled over.

At his own speed, he can't catch the top 50 keys, but the soul war horse has the ability to move serially and should be successful.

Under Huang Yi's instructions, the soul warrior immediately fluttered his light wings, hurried through the intersections of the hero prison, and returned to the stone room where the key was located.

Huang Yi's sharp eyes stared deadly at the one or two hundred keys flying in the sky, and a stream of flying lights reflected in the crystal eyes.

Soon, he locked a target, a key flying lightningly in the air, and it was ugly to see.

Huang Yi immediately urged the soul war horse to let it begin to brew the serial teleport ability.

The wings of the soul warhorse suddenly and violently fluttered, the frequency became faster and faster, and it accelerated to dozens of times per second, almost becoming the wings of insects.

Its familiar white wind elements finally condensed on its wings, giving off a erratic breath.

From now on, it can perform the serial teleport ability!

Huang Yi's legs caught a horse's belly, and the translucent body of the soul warhorse suddenly disappeared completely and appeared directly in front of the key.

The key was aware of the danger, changed direction instantly, and flew into the distance with a flash of white light.

The soul warhorse teleported again, always chasing after it. The light body appeared in every direction from time to time, often only appearing for a moment, and then emerged from another place, people can only glance at it, unable to lock its trajectory.

But the flexibility of that key is also comparable, always avoiding the soul warhorse.

In this way, after twitching for dozens of times in a row, Huang Yi finally grabbed that key!

The key was constantly struggling, like a loach with strong power, Huang Yi grabbed it deadly, took it to his eyes and looked at it.

There are only two numbers on this key--


Sure enough, it is the key to the top 50. Criminals at this level are often the top-level demigods, also commonly known as "virtual gods". All the divine powers in the body have been transformed, and they are eligible to begin to impact the god-defying realm!

Among the current demigod guardians of the heroic empire, only the black Takasma cat has reached this level!

In addition, the dean is also a strong player at this level, and he has a finished artifact like Georgia's time, which has far more strength than ordinary gods, and even the seven demon kings are very afraid.

"It's hard for you, let's go!" Huang Yi said, patting the head of the soul war horse.

The wings of the soul warhorse finally relaxed, and they no longer fanned hard, and the white wind condensed on the wings slowly dissipated.

There was a hint of tiredness and pain in its eyes. During its entire life, it could only teleport 3000 times at most. In order to grasp the key, it had been consumed dozens of times.

Soon, the soul war horse took Huang Yi to the door of cell 46. The six demi-gods of the human race also all followed, and at this time they stopped talking and seemed to have a little awe of the existence inside the door.

Huang Yi turned over and dismounted, inserted the key, and slowly opened the door of the cell that had been sealed for countless years.

In cell 46, there was a homeless man.

He wore a tattered robe with a dim scepter in his hand. The scepter was originally set with many crystals, but now it is all dim.

However, his temperament is very noble, fair-skinned, bright-eyed, long-bodied, and soft-faced. Although he is dressed in tatters, he cannot hide his temperament in the slightest.

The six demi-gods behind Huang Yi were already very noble, but compared with the person in front of them, they were still inferior.

"Hello, I'm the warden of the heroic prison. My name is God of Killing." Huang Yi took the lead in making an opening statement and politely said to the criminal inside.

"Kill God?" In the cell, the wanderer-like person looked at Huang Yi up and down and shook his head slightly. "I've seen many gods in my life, whether they are in the realm or in the realm, but I have never seen them. God as weak as you. "

"Have you seen a lot of gods?" Huang Yi suddenly became interested ~ www.readwn.com ~ Who are you? "

The wanderer showed an elegant smile, and owed a gentleman's grace, saying, "I am a wandering goddess. My name is Carla. I am from the **** world and once followed the great forest goddess.


Ask for a recommendation ticket. Thanks to hundreds of friends, such as Zhonglianghao, Shuguang Zhaoyang, Anosi Shiva ~ Xin Ge, and the Five Freaks, for their great rewards in the near future.

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