Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1001: Arrow on the string

When Blade heard Huang Yi's words, his eyes lit up: "It turned out that you already had a plan. Why tell us now that we are really hiding us!"

"The plan depends on the timing. When the time comes, the plan has the value of implementation, otherwise it will only be exposed early." Huang Yi pursed his lips and looked around the crowd again, "I have arranged a few of your positions for you, You led various guilds to station together. Now, there are too many guilds in the heroic empire, with varying qualities, all kinds of people, and even some unscrupulous people will deliberately fan the flames and disturb the military. You must Try your best to stop them, and don't let them go out to stop the invaders. That is completely sent to death. It has no meaning. With the protection of the heroic empire's guardian, the enemy dares not rush in to deal with you.

"Okay, we must do as you say." Thunder God nodded.

Next, Huang Yi discussed some details with a few people, so that they started to act.

An hour later, the Hero Empire embarked on the largest maneuver in history!

At present, almost all Chinese guilds and Chinese players have retreated to the scope of the hero empire. The heroic empire is equivalent to the only remaining power of the entire China in the second world.

This transfer is equivalent to mobilizing all Chinese players!

These Chinese players have a variety of identities in reality. There are small market people, company bosses, student teachers, street gangsters, prison prisoners, government officials ... but in the second world, they all took off. In reality, the identities are just ordinary players. As long as they have time to go online, they are basically infected by this atmosphere of national mobilization and volunteered to travel to the frontier areas of the heroic empire. Contribute a little bit to my own war.

Orders were handed down from the top of the hero empire to the presidents of tens of thousands of guilds, and then layer by layer reached hundreds of millions of grassroots players. Armies began to gather quickly. Form a large army.

Teleportation formations in various cities began to carry at full capacity, sending an army to various frontier areas of the heroic empire.

Especially those key border areas. The mountains and the mountains are full of players. The mighty banner can't see the sky at a glance, and the sound of running horseshoes shakes the mountain.

On the navy side, Thor was the chief commander, and the captain of the heroic fleet, Tiansuo Xueyue, was the deputy commander. His Majesty includes all the guild fleets, such as the Sun Fleet, the Hero Fleet, the Xuanyuan Fleet, the Famous Generals Fleet, the Nether Fleet, and so on.

The various ports of the Heroic Empire are busy, especially the largest Heroic Port and Sunport. Thousands of battleships leave the port in an orderly manner. The sound of whistle is endless.

Air Force. Currently, only the Hero Guild has an airship battle group. Led by the head of the group, Wen Xiange, an airship loaded with ammunition and magic stones quickly lifted off from the airship to cover the sky and flew to the border areas.

The entire hero empire was mobilized up and down, and a pre-war tension spread quickly.

Countless Chinese players have long taken a sigh of relief, and now they have sharpened their swords, are aggressive, and have high morale, thinking that they will finally go outside the empire to kill the enemy. The showdown was won.

However, when they were transferred to the border areas, they were ordered to rest in place. At a stretch, I had to live in my heart.

A steady stream of players came online, and then continued to teleport to the frontier to be stationed, as if an arrow was placed on the bowstring, but he did not shoot out.


On the other hand, the invading army also learned about the dispatch of the heroic empire, and the leaders of various countries talked to each other, but they did not take it seriously.

There are demons, they will not lose in this national war, even if the hero empire exhausts everything to fight. To no avail.

But just to be cautious, all the superb experts. Or led a group of the most elite masters, went to the borders of the heroic empire. Confrontation.

The remaining troops and horses are still building in the occupied territories frantically, digesting the occupied land.


Time is passing by every minute, and it is getting closer and closer to the end of the national war stipulated by the system.

The world has set its sights on the hero continent, and nearly 10 billion players are all paying attention to this final battle.

The Internet, TV stations, and media from all over the world are covering this incident. The reporters squatted in the Second World without eating or drinking, reporting the latest situation at any time.

However, as the initiator of all this, Huang Yi seems to have no interest in all of this, and goes offline to eat as usual.

The cafeteria was obviously more deserted than usual, and the atmosphere was full of tension. Everyone hurriedly finished their meals and immediately returned to the cell to go on-line.

"A Yi, at this critical juncture, you don't actually stay in the Second World to host the overall situation, and you come to eat in the cafeteria yourself. This is a waste of your time! Let us bring you over!" At the dining table in the cafeteria, Wang Only, Tang Yunfei, Bawang and others were surprised when they saw Huang Yi.

"It's okay!" Huang Yi shook his head and said indifferently: "If some things work hard again, it's too late. As long as you make arrangements normally, then big things will not be panic."

At this time, Tang Yunfei, the deputy chairman of the Sun Guild, pursed his lips and asked: "Yi brother, why do you just let us be stationed in the border areas and not go out to kill the enemy? If your plan is to fight for the last A glimmer of hope for victory, then time should be very important to us. The national war is coming to an end, we should go out to fight as fast as possible instead of wasting time! Now, the enemy is building a fortress at all times. The fortress is very fast. For every hour of delay, there may be countless fortresses standing up and countless fortifications built. It will only be more and more difficult for us to fight them. And if you give up this national war, Why bother to mobilize the army? It is not necessary to wait until the end of the national war. Anyway, in this situation, we will definitely lose, and it is normal to not send troops. "

"Yeah!" The overlord nodded his head, staring at Huang Yi with his old and muddy eyes. "Since you issued the order, it is equivalent to giving you hope in despair, and awakening everyone's heart. Tears. Those of us who know you still can't bear it, but some other ordinary players can't help it. Most of the players who participate in the game are young men with a strong temper, and they are full of anger even if they know it There are masters of the Demons out there who also want to go out and fight hard. Now there have been too many mutiny incidents. Some guilds do not listen to orders and go out to fight the invading army without authorization. If you have not ordered to go out to fight, then after the national war, People will only pour anger on you, thinking that you have caused the defeat of this national war. "

The rest of the inmates all turned to stare at Huang Yi, waiting for his answer. No one knew why Huang Yi made such an abnormal plan.

With the attention of a pair of eyes, Huang Yi slowly and slowly finished the last meal, wiped the corners of his mouth, and smiled slightly: "Everyone is calm and restless, there are definitely opportunities to kill the enemy, but now go out to kill the enemy, but It is meaningless to die. This time the battle is no small matter, or you do n’t do it, you must do it. You can wait for my order with peace of mind! I have my own arrangements. "

After speaking, Huang Yi got up and left, returned to his cell, and left a lot of prisoners who looked at each other.

Huang Yi went to a toilet, relaxed a moment, and lay in bed to start recuperating.

Until the last 3 hours of the national war, he finally got online.

This is the last time he went online during the National War!

By the time he goes offline, this protracted national war is over.

Huang Yi first went to the forum and took a look.

As soon as I entered the forum, it was almost overwhelmingly posts about the Empire of the Heroes-

"On the last day of the heroic national war, God of Killing finally dispatched troops and started operations. So far, it has affected more than one billion Chinese players, the most in history!"

"Killing God ordered a troop transfer, but he was reluctant to fight, accused of being unable to return to the sky, tortoise in the heroic empire, relying on the guardian to save his life!"

"The heroic national war is about to fail! The eight demon gods, dozens of top celestial masters, and endless demons have blocked the borders of the hero empire. Even if the hero empire sends troops to fight, it is impossible to win again!"

"It is strongly demanded that the killing gods exhaust all the heroic empire and fight the invading legion to the end. The national war can be lost, but the dignity cannot be lost!"

"One of China's Top Ten Masters [Undefeated] Interview: Killing God is responsible for the invasion of the Demons and the defeat of the National War! You should confess your death!"

"The famous Chinese master [Second Doctor of Medicine] established the" Counterattack Alliance "to plot counterattacks and regain lost ground. There have been 1 million Chinese players joining in, and they have asked to kill God to surrender the command of the Hero Legion, and hand over all the resources of the Hero Empire. Wealth is uniformly distributed by the alliance to fight the invading legion! "

"Poetry man kills God, and rebukes some people fiercely: Heroes who have not killed God have asylum, you have already lost the hands of the demons!"


Looking around ~ www.readwn.com ~ There are relevant news about Huang Yi everywhere, some people accuse him, some people defend him, the argument between the two sides almost drowned the entire forum. His thin figure stood on the cusp of public opinion, surrounded by huge controversy.

The wishes of some people have always been very harsh. Before Huang Yi won the battle, there were praises everywhere, and he was worshipped as a god! And once he did not meet the expectations of the people, the people began to condemn him, as if he was an unpardonable person.

This is like the Olympics. Some athletes won the gold medal in the last session, and everyone went to praise him. And if you do n’t get a gold medal in the next session, you will become a sinner in no time, and you will be beaten into eighteen levels of hell, which is worse than an ordinary person who has not made any contribution.

It is often said that the eyes of the masses are clear, but in fact the opposite is true. The eyes of the masses are blind. Truth is only in the eyes of a few people, but the minority must obey the majority, otherwise it will be pointed by thousands.

People look forward to the hero's appearance, but they killed the hero with their own hands. (To be continued.)

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