Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1002: The mutiny of the counteroffensive

Some people with ulterior motives also took the opportunity to find fish in the muddy waters of the forum, stir up the wind, and try to make a fool of Huang Yi's reputation. ≧,

For example, the undefeated and the second medical doctor, both of them are well-known Chinese game players, both have deep hatred with Huang Yi.

Undefeated, already secretly joined the demon race, or expensive as the head of the twelve destroyers-the lion.

Twelve men of destruction, led by him, were defeated by Huang Yi in the national final battle of Sun Island a while ago. Later, the undefeated invited the fallen generals, led an endless army of demons, and came to the hero continent to avenge them, which officially opened the curtain of the invasion of the demons.

It can be said that undefeated is the culprit leading to the invasion of the Mozu. But now he turned black and white upside down in the forum, and righteously accused Huang Yi of being responsible for the invasion of the demons!

The second brother to study medicine is China's former commander in chief of the National War-a good brother who wants to be born from the heart. They have long been secretly collaborating with the invading army, and they are plotting to destroy the heroic empire with several of the invading army leaders. As a result, the conspiracy was discovered by Huang Yi, which caused his Heavenly Medical Association to be destroyed. All Guild Territory and Guild City were compiled by Huang Yi.

He already had a deep grudge against Huang Yi in his heart, and now he took the opportunity to stand up and set up an organization called the "Counter-Strike Alliance". He also put on a face of national justice and asked Huang Yi to surrender the command of the heroic army Power, hand over all the resources and wealth of the hero empire to fight the invading legion.

Huang Yishu has too many enemies, not as bright and positive as the image of the blade. When there is a public opinion incident, he will soon be attacked by those enemies.

Fortunately, there are also sane people like poets who come forward to defend Huang Yi. Just a few words.

For the battle in the forum. Huang Yi always smiled. No interest in speaking to justify myself.

He casually read the latest news and entered the second world.


The headquarters of the World Federation, located on the outskirts of Tokyo, Japan, is a 100-story building. In front of the building, the flags of hundreds of countries are lined up in a row, extremely spectacular, symbolizing the world status of the World Federation.

At this time, there were more than a dozen soldiers. The flag of a Southeast Asian country is slowly being lowered, and that flagpole suddenly becomes empty.

There are already dozens of similar empty flagpoles, and the flags above have already been taken down.

The remaining flags fluttered weakly in the wind. Occasionally a strong wind blew, and these flags fluttered turbulently.

At the very top of the building, the current president of the World Federation, Oster, is standing in front of a huge floor-to-ceiling window and watching the slowly falling national flag downstairs. There was a hint of tiredness and anxiety in those majestic eyes.

Oster is a white man. Around the age of 50, since the assassination of the former chairman, Kitano Yasushi. He took over the position of chairman of the World Federation and continued to implement Kitano's policies.

Next to Oster, there was also a Japanese, short, but sharp as an eagle.

This Japanese is the new Vice President of the World Federation-Tojo Takeshi.

A while back, Qin Shiyu, the free organization number 9, assassinated Rosie Duncan, vice president of the World Federation, stole a large amount of confidential information and made it public to the world. The unseen activities of the World Federation have been exposed one after another, causing world uproar!

Those ignorant people who were caught in the drum suddenly saw the true face of the World Federation, thus setting off an unprecedented wave of anti-World Federation.

China, the United States, Russia and other independent powers have also contributed to the situation, and there is a tendency to overthrow the world federation.

On the other hand, Ni Dongde's military operations in the West African battlefield also achieved brilliant victories and liberated some countries. Subsequently, Ni Dongde quickly fought in Southeast Asia. The free organizations behind Huang Yi and the forces of Rose Prison throughout the Second World also cooperated, so that Ni Dongde's military operations quickly gained public support in the war zone. Some people even voluntarily revolted against the rule of the World Federation.

The troops of the World Federation quickly drowned in the ocean of the People's War, and they retreated. Even the soldiers themselves were shaken by the idea of ​​rebellion against the world federation and produced several military mutinies.

Almost every day, a country is brewing independence. Fewer and fewer national flags are flying under the world federal headquarters building. Originally the world's federal control of 70% of the world's countries, but now less than 50%. The world federation is in an unprecedented crisis.

"Another country is out of our control!" Tojo Takeuchi said with his hands on his shoulders, watching the slowly falling flag, said in a heavy tone.

"The three No. 1 Huang Yi of the free organization, Ni Dongde, the ace wanted, and Thoreshen, the fuse of the Pacific nuclear leak, are very important. They have huge forces behind them, and it will be very difficult to deal with them. Now, only I can do it according to your plan. "Oster said, turning to look at Tojo Takeshi, with a hint of tiredness in his tone.

Tojo nodded his head, squinting his eyes slightly, and a gleam of cold light flashed in his eyes: "In reality, we are already in an irreparable disadvantage. Only in the second world has we opened the breakthrough. Musashi Miyamoto they immediately The victory of the national war will be achieved, and then the day of the heroic empire's demise. The free organization behind Huang Yi will greatly weaken the forces in the second world. And the forces we control in the second world will have seven With the help of the Devil, he will surely be able to master the Second World. Once we have control of the Second World, we will have the opportunity to recapture everything we used to. "

In the end, Takejo looked up at the sky outside the window, looking forward.


After Huang Yi went online, he appeared on the top floor of Longdu's Hanging Garden.

At this time, the dragons have been deserted a lot. Looking down the entire city, the streets and alleys are sparsely crowded, many shops have been closed, and most people have been transferred to the border area.

The dean's projection, still standing still, seemed to have never moved.

He noticed the appearance of Huang Yi and said solemnly: "Kill God, you are finally here, and your national war is coming to an end. Now, I and the guardians of the nine heroic empires are with the seven demon kings. The battle in the long river is difficult. Once you lose the national war, all the guardians of the heroic empire will temporarily drop their strength. At that time, the seven demon kings can easily defeat us and break free from the long river of time. Your heroic empire The end will soon be coming, followed by the demise of the entire Second World! This is not just a simple national war, but a war about the fate of the world. "

"I know! The reason I transferred troops is for this war." Huang Yi nodded solemnly. Looking into the distance, like looking at the future of this world, is also looking at his own future.

Just then, he suddenly received a message, which was sent by Qin Siyu—

"Yi brother, just now, some of the players in the Second Counterattack Alliance of the Doctor of Medicine asked Dragon Thorn to take the initiative to fight the invading army, and incited a large number of players to mutiny. Dragon Thorn's nature is not good at communication, simply direct The killing of some players in the 'Reverse Attack Alliance' has caused public outcry. Now the situation is about to get out of control. I have personally come to deal with this matter. "

Huang Yi frowned. The place he arranged for Dragonthorn was west of the hero empire, near the green plain. However, the army he arranged for Dragonstab did not include any men and women who were second medical doctors.

It seems that the second brother of Xueyi deliberately sent those under him to the past. Among the top five super-class players in China, Dragon Spike is the least proficient at communication and the most likely to conflict with players. Now something really happened.

Huang Yi decided to go and handle the matter personally. He immediately targeted Qin Shiyu and turned on the Ring of Heroes teleportation function, and directly transmitted to the incident site.

In front of him, Huang Yi came to a vast grassland.

At this point, there was a hustle and bustle on the field, looking at the densely packed players, directly to the horizon.

These players are divided into two camps, one of which has a lot of familiar faces, standing in front of the Heroes ’Guild, the head of the battlefield, the sunset, the head of the replica group, the apprentice, the Assassin ’s Anonymous, and others. And Qin Shiyu.

The other camp is relatively unfamiliar. Players in this camp are tied with a red turban on their foreheads. The words "Reverse Attack Alliance" are written on it. It seems that they are the troublesome players in the Reverse Attack Alliance. Among them, headed by a soft-faced mage player, the name was not hidden, but appeared generously, named Wu Kecong.

The players in the two camps are very clear-cut, confront each other, and quarrel fiercely.

The sudden appearance of Huang Yi ~ www.readwn.com ~ immediately attracted everyone's attention. The two sides immediately stopped the quarrel and locked their eyes on Huang Yi.

"Brother God, you're finally here!" On the side of the Hero Guild, everyone greeted them as if they had found the backbone of the main body.

Qin Shiyu also moved his steps, approached Huang Yi, and whispered softly: "I have persuaded Dragon Spike to stop him from killing any more, but these counter-attack league players are relentless."

Huang Yi nodded, turned his head to look at the dragon thorn, and reached out and patted his shoulder: "Dragon thorn, it is really difficult for you, let you face this kind of troubles, let me do it next!"

The dragon thorn stood still, pouting, even in the scolding of the crowd, he never said a word. Until Huang Yi talked to him, he nodded slightly.

At this time, Huang Yi finally turned his head and looked around at the counter-attack league players, and finally locked his eyes on the player named Wu Kecong, who said coldly, "I will give you five minutes to explain , If you can't say a reason to convince me, I will kill you all, and I will do it myself. "(To be continued.) U

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