Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1003: In the name of the king, declare your death

Huang Yi's aggressive momentum pushed the counter-attack players back a few steps and looked at him slightly nervously. ()

Wu Kecong, headed by a gentle smile, took a step forward, staring at Huang Yi, and said: "Kill God, Dragon Spike, you are super-class masters, you should go out and fight the invading army! Turtle shrinks to kill us in the hero empire What are these compatriots? "

"Yeah! You should lead your army immediately to fight the invading army, not hide in the heroic empire!"

"The national war period is about to end, and now there is still a last hope for killing the enemy! Don't be afraid of death, go out and fight!"

"Hero Empire has such a powerful force in the air, but does not go out to fight, it is better to give us all the resources and personnel, and let us counterattack the alliance to lead and guarantee victory!"

With Wu Kecong taking the lead, the players in the counter-attack alliances have recovered a little bit of confidence and shouted one by one.

Some reporters also spread among them, broadcasting everything that happened here to forums and TV, and showing it to audiences around the world.

Huang Yi stared at the crowd calmly and asked, "You have been asking us to go out and fight the invaders to the end. Why don't you go?"

Wu Kecong shrugged: "We have no equipment. We have no strength. Even if we rush to fight, it is useless. But if you have such good equipment and such high strength, you must take responsibility to fight the enemy to the end. ! "

"Yeah! We don't want to go out to fight, but we don't have this strength. But you are different. You are all powerful people and you should rush to the front! If you give me the equipment, I don't care Said, go out and fight right away! Guarantee the victory of the national war and win glory for Chinese players. "

"Kill God, you should donate the wealth of the heroic empire and arm us ordinary players. We promise to go out and fight immediately. You have so many resources and wealth in your spare time. But you are not willing to contribute, it is too selfish!"

"When the country is in crisis, we should not care about personal gains and losses. Since you have money, you must donate them, otherwise you will not be patriotic."

"Yes, yes! We have no money. If we have so much money, we must have donated it!"

"If I also had a powerful force like the Hero Empire, I would do everything to go out and fight the invaders at once! Definitely not shrink here like the **** of killing!"

Counter-attack those players. Every righteousness said in a stunned manner, his face was upright, and it seemed to be filled with patriotic blood.

At this moment, Huang Yi's palm flickered, and he took the wrath of the **** of killing from the storage ring, and plunged it into the ground!

This action immediately frightened the players of the counter-offensive alliance, and the reporters held their breaths, all staring at Huang Yi.

Huang Yimo stunned the wrath of God killing himself in the ground. Slowly said: "I didn't bother to waste time and justify these things with you, no matter how you scolded me for framing me, I wouldn't care. But today you are involved in Dragon Spike, he is not good at talking and he doesn't know how to protect himself Reputation, the people who killed you, caused misunderstandings. He is the master I have tried hard to invite. Next, I have an obligation to say a few more words for him to preserve his reputation! "

Huang Yi paused and continued: "I admit, I, Dragonstab, Thor, Blade, Sharp Sword, and other masters of the heroic empire. They do have very good equipment, a lot of gold coins, and it is hard to imagine you The resources have the strength that you can only look up to. But are we born with these things? Did they steal them from you? Did they get them for nothing? How much effort did we make, How much effort and time it took to make everything you have now ?! "

Speaking, Huang Yi's sharp eyes, like a knife, swept through the eyes of the counter-attack league players, and asked sternly: "when we are not eating, drinking, and struggling to level, what are you doing? Sleeping in bed under the blanket What were you doing when we were born and dying to get those equipment? Watching a small movie and flying! What are you doing when we take our lives to fight? What a waste of good time to enjoy! Now we work hard With the equipment, wealth, resources, and strength, you stand up and start calling us unkind, asking us to hand over everything for you! You have never worked hard, but you have to share the fruits of the efforts of others! You are greedy for life and fear for death , But blame others for not fighting desperately! You have fallen into waste, but blame us for not pulling you! You did nothing, but blame us for not doing well enough? "

This series of questions from Huang Yi suddenly made those counter-attack league players look stiff!

At the same time, these words passed through the eyes of reporters to audiences all over the world, to the ears of those who scolded Huang Yi in the forum, and to those who blindly accused the heroic empire.

For a long time, Huang Yi rarely refuted other people's scolding, but this time, he finally spoke to the world for the dragon thorn!

"You, which one of your eyes saw we haven't worked hard?" Wu Kecong sweated coldly on his face and forced himself to calm down.

"My eyes really can see!" Huang Yi said, directly opening the eyes of time, looking at Wu Kecong's past!

Suddenly, everything that Wu Kecong had experienced before was shown to Huang Yi's eyes like a fast-moving movie.

Huang Yi put on his eyelids and said, "Last night at 10:30, you called two prostitutes at the Dragon Hotel in Dragon City, messed around in the room for one night, and paid for one thousand gold coins when paying the bill. Disputes. At that time, Dragon Spike and I were fighting desperately with the Demons, trying our best to protect the heroic empire and let you have a safe place. "

"How did you know ?!" Wu Kecong asked subconsciously, taking a step back involuntarily, full of horror!

He never expected that such a private matter was actually spoken by Huang Yi in the public!

Huang Yi ignored him, and pointed out another counter-attack league player, and continued, "You, for half a month, have been following a female player, peeping into her private life from a distance, and even secretly collecting the paper towels she discarded . And during this time, we fought hard in the national war! "

"You ... how did you know!" The player stepped back suddenly, staring at Huang Yi with a stunned look.

Huang Yi sneered, and continued pointing all the way-

"You carried your good brother last week, was in the pub with his girlfriend, and took off her underwear as a collection."

"You, you have secretly joined the Demon Clan. Last night, you were still in the Bone River, and met a Demon Demon Clan, but now they are rightly accusing us!"

One by one, Huang Yi pointed to the past, and said the picture seen by the Eye of Time relentlessly.

Whoever Huang Yi pointed to, it seemed as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, taking a step back in guilty conscience, waiting like a trembling wait for trial.

Those who could not see the light were immediately exposed to audiences around the world.

Finally, Huang Yi stopped and closed the eyes of time, which did not embarrass any more people.

There was a dead silence on the field, and those players who counterattacked the league turned blushing and kept their heads silent. Their arrogant, righteous, patriotic look all disappeared without a trace.

At this time, Wu Kecong swallowed his throat and shrieked inwardly: "No matter what, you are now confined within the heroic empire. If you don't fight the invading army, you will not be patriotic!"

"Is this your final explanation? Sorry, five minutes have passed." Huang Yi said, and stretched out his hand directly, pulling the wrath of the **** of death off the ground, pointing straight at the players of the counter-attack alliance , Solemnly spit out a paragraph--

"I, kill the gods, in the name of the heroic continent of the continent, the supreme commander of the heroic legion, and the king of the heroic empire, declare that you have committed an unforgivable capital punishment within the territory of the heroic empire, and hereby sentence you to death! Immediate execution!"

With Huang Yi's ruthless words, the wrath of the **** of killing immediately sent out boundless killing intentions, forcing those players who counterattack the alliance to turn pale and start to retreat involuntarily!

Afterwards, the swarms of Wuhe turned around and started running away frantically, just like the flood of the dyke, and they exploded in all directions in an instant.

Some of them had revenge against the heroic guild, some were deliberately disturbed by the second brother of Xueyi, and some were following the wind to touch the muddy water. Now they are all regrettable, and they just want to leave this place quickly.

At this moment, Huang Yi's body suddenly rose to the sky, spreading the wings of the demon behind the sky and casting a huge shadow!

Then, a wing of death flared!

"Whoo!" The endless fire blade ~ www.readwn.com ~ suddenly screamed and flew out, pouring down towards those players who counterattack the alliance.

The blazing flames burned in the crowd, and instantly spread into a huge sea of ​​fire, covering all the players of the counter-attack alliance and blocking the sight of outsiders.

Huang Yi's body rushed into the crowd in the sea of ​​lightning like lightning. The wrath dance of the **** of death in his hand became a phantom and began to kill these players with his own hands!

"Yeah!" Huang Yiru entered the flock, and the figure quickly shuttled through the crowd, so fast that he couldn't see clearly. Wherever he went, blood splattered, and the stump of his limbs flew up along the way, scattered across the ground, and no one could stop it.

Those players in the sea of ​​fire suddenly screamed hysterically, using all means to escape frantically. But often before they could take a few steps, they fell into the sea of ​​fire.

Those players outside the flames of fire can't see what happened in the flames of fire. They can only hear a scream of screams from the inside, but they stop shortly. (To be continued.)


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