Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1004: Provocation

Gradually, the screams from the sea of ​​fire became weaker and thinner. Alas,

In the end, all the screams disappeared, and the sea of ​​fire went out!

Everyone looked at it, and saw that there were only densely scorched bodies in that area, lying lying side by side, with a miserable death, like a scene in purgatory.

In the endless corpse mountain, Huang Yi stepped out of the corpse step by step, the cloak rose back slightly, and the wrath of the **** in his hand dripped with blood.

He looked down at the corpse all over the ground, his face calm, without any change.

All of them stared at Huang Yi motionlessly, as if looking up at a **** who judges all beings.

Many people did not expect that Huang Yi even killed Chinese players at the last moment of this national war, and he had no feelings!

No patriotism or fellowship can restrain him at all. He will only do things according to his own ideas, even if misunderstood by more people.

However, after killing so many Chinese players, Huang Yi did not produce any evil value.

Because he killed within the limits of the heroic empire, this is his own territory, which can be exempted from the punishment of malicious attacks.

If it was in other parts of Heroes' Continent, he had slaughtered players of his own country on such a large scale, and he would have become famous.

Finally, Huang Yi stepped out of the sea of ​​corpses. He looked around the crowd and said, "We don't want to shrink into the territory of the heroic empire all the time, but just go out and kill the enemy now. It's completely death. It's meaningless. The presence of you here is a strategic arrangement, but I ca n’t tell you now. Please be calm. "

Talking. Huang Yi set his sights on several reporters. Through their live broadcast, all Chinese players were warned: "If anyone comes out to incite the army, stir up relationships, and force others to go out to fight, the end will be the same as the group just now. Within the scope of the hero empire, I said Well! "

After all, Huang Yi turned his head and looked at a mountain peak at the end of the grassland.

That mountain is called Luye Mountain. Just outside the hero empire. On the other side of the mountain is the fertile Greenfield Plain, which is one of the best areas occupied by the invaders, and many fortifications and fortifications have been built in it.

Luye Mountain is majestic and tall. On the top of the mountain is a wide highland. A group of people and flags can be seen faintly above it. It seems to be monitoring the movement here.

The two sides looked at each other like this, but no one stepped over the thunder pool.


The soldiers and horses on the top of Green Field are the nine superb masters of the invading army and the elite players they led.

These players are well equipped. Gorgeous light was faintly radiating from the body, and the momentum was soaring. Although they are not many. But it is the essence of the entire invading army. As for the ordinary players, they stay in the occupied area and race against the clock to build fortresses and cities.

Nine superb masters are gathered at the forefront of the team, looking at the direction of the hero empire.

They stood on a high ground with a wide field of vision and a clear view of the scene ahead.

In the distant national borders, all Chinese players are densely packed, and they are directly in the sky, but they are all motionless, without stepping out of the national borders.

In addition, there is a breathtaking demi-god guardian in it, exuding a surging breath of divine power, even if it is far away, it can make people shiver, it is obviously the kind of guardian of the virtual **** level.

Just now, they witnessed Huang Yi slaughtering those counter-attack league players.

Huang Yi dispatched troops on a large scale, but did not come out to fight. He even killed the players who claimed to fight in the counter-offensive alliance. This weird tactic left these invading forces scratching their heads.

"Do n’t we just wait here? Although we seem to be winning, I still have some uneasiness in the face of killing the gods." At this time, Ding Yao looked at Huang Yi within the border of the mountain, slightly. Said worriedly.

"It's a bit risky to wait like this." The floating disturbance also nodded. "Although we have the help of the demon demigods, they dare not rush in to fight against the virtual **** of the hero empire. It's good to lead the army to fight, and those demon demigods can kill him. Even if something goes wrong, we have to return to the occupied area behind, where there are so many fortresses built, which is enough to ensure our safety. "

"Let's do this! I'll take a look and see if I can draw him out!" At this moment, Miyamoto Musashi eagerly tried.

After speaking, he split into an avatar, stepped into the void, left the green leaf mountain, and flew directly to the direction of the heroic empire.

Soon, this avatar of Miyamoto Musashi arrived a few hundred meters outside the borders of the heroic empire.

He stopped in the air, and when the white samurai uniform was blown up by the wind, although only one person, it exudes boundless momentum.

All the Chinese players in the national border immediately found his arrival, and all turned to stare at him.

At this time, the avatar of Miyamoto Musashi looked at the most conspicuous Huang Yi and dragon thorns in the crowd, and laughed loudly: "Kill God, Dragon Emperor, you two cowards, only hide in the hero empire, rely With the guardian of the demigod, our elite men and horses are now concentrated on that green wild mountain. If you still have a little courage, come out and fight with us! "

Huang Yi had his hands on his back and had no intention of going out. Yaoyao said, "You don't have to use such a bad radical, and we will fight you sooner or later, but not now."

With his eyebrows raised, Miyamoto Musashi continued to provoke: "Kill God, you are about to lose in this national war. Do you really want to give up the last chance?"

"Dragon Spike, everyone said that you are not as good as the blade, I think it is true! At least the blade will not be greedy for life, but you will only hide in the hero empire!"

"Are all Chinese players so numb? Now we invaders are building fortresses on your land to digest your mountains and rivers. You are indifferent one by one, willing to give us that land ..."

Miyamoto Musashi is provocative over and over again, and unpleasant words are passed into the ears of countless Chinese players. Many Chinese players flushed with anger and anger, but Huang Yi and Dragon Spike never gave an order to attack, and they had to stay inside and curse a few words.

"It's boring, a bunch of cowards!" Miyamoto Musashi couldn't help seeing Huang Yitie's heart. He shook his head and sighed, leaving.

This avatar of Miyamoto Musashi quickly returned to the Green Leaf Mountain, reintegrated into his own body, and shrugged his shoulders: "There is no way, killing God is just ignoring my provocations, we just wait for the end of the national war! "


In a corner of the hero empire, there are players, standing side by side.

One of them was wearing glasses, tall and thin. He was the second brother of a well-known Chinese master in medicine and the leader of the counter-offensive alliance.

Another player, with only a few dozen levels, is almost a novice. But all Chinese players know him, and he is China's last commander of the National Warfare-want to be born from the heart. However, after his collusion with foreign enemies was exposed, he was killed hundreds of times by Huang Yi and others, fell to level 52, and unfortunately reincarnation, not only lost his reputation, but also completely lost the opportunity to rise again.

Yesterday, he had secretly returned to the heroic continent, lurking in the heroic empire, waiting for revenge.

At this time, the second brother of Xueyi turned his head and looked at Yu Shengxin, saying, "Just now, the **** of killing Wu Kecong killed them. The **** of killing is still in the territory of the heroic empire, and he did not go out to fight sign."

Yu Xinsheng touched his chin, his eyes narrowed slightly, and groaned, "What is the idea of ​​the beast who killed God? Why did he dispatch the soldiers but not act? We must do everything we can to lure him out to kill the enemy , Kill him by the hand of the demons. "

"It's not necessary!" The second brother of Xueyi shook his head: "No matter what idea he has, it's useless. The last two or three hours of this national war are over. China will definitely be defeated. Whether they are killing the gods and their super-class masters, or the guardians of the heroic empire, all of them will be weakened. The demons will soon come in, and the killing gods will still die. We do n’t need to take any risk, just watch the changes! ”

"The man who killed God repeatedly came back at the last minute, we can't just let him go like this ~ www.readwn.com ~ We must force him to take a shot and disrupt his plan." Yu Xinsheng insisted, thinking about it, Proposed a plan: "Let ’s go! You lead the counter-attack alliance players, leave the hero empire, go out to fight the invading army. I send a message to tnt, let them cooperate, pretend to be repelled by you. This shows your The fighting behavior is effective and there is no danger. Does n’t killing God mean that going out to fight now is to die? But you successfully defeated the enemy, which is equivalent to hitting his face severely. At that time, more players will stand On our side, public opinion will even more violently ask God to go out to fight, even if he is still stubborn, those men and men under him will be shaken. "

The second brother of Xueyi bit his lip, hesitated for a while, and finally nodded: "Well then! I'll go now. At the moment. Both the **** of killing and the invaders are concentrated near the green wild mountain in the west of the heroic empire. From there he led his army and fought against the invaders. "

After that, the second brother of Xueyi left resolutely.

And if he wanted to be born from the heart, he immediately sent a message to t.n.t, and told him his plan ...

At the last juncture of this national war, both the invaders and some of the traitors within the heroic empire were trying their best to get Huang out of his hands. (To be continued.) U

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