Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1011: Moment of revenge, 1 side slaughter

& The next moment, Huang Yi raised the anger of killing God in his hand, and issued the final declaration towards the entire hero continent in the king mode: "All the people of the hero continent, listen to my orders! Take your weapons and will All the invaders are killed, one is not left! The hero continent is our homeland, sacred and inviolable! The hero continent is our country, and will never be trampled by any invaders! We will use our lives to fight for our homeland ! "

After all, Huang Yi's body was suddenly high in the sky, and the wings of the four demon gods spread instantly!

Death Wing, Guardian Wing, Liberty Wing, and Killing Wing are all open!

The endless flames burned the entire sky and covered the vast sun, moon, and stars!

The huge shadow covered the whole land, covering countless shivering enemies!

"Kill!" Huang Yi clenched the wrath of the **** of killing in his hand, a bloodthirsty roar broke out, and rushed to the ocean-like enemy outside!

"The heroic continent is our homeland!" The next moment, the sound of a row of mountains and rivers burst out from the mouth of every Chinese player, shaking the sky!

The endless Chinese players rushed out from all directions of the hero empire, one by one, regardless of their figures, rushed to the invaders outside! The tide-like footsteps shook the mountain!

Hundreds of thousands of miles away, the blades, sharp swords, thunder gods, and garrison troops in all frontiers all used their strongest forces and rushed towards those invaders!

The demigod guardians of the heroic empire, like mad dragons, stormed into the endless crowd of people outside, pouring out the power to destroy the world!

At this moment, no matter who it is, whether it is a high or low strength, or even a life occupation, they have picked up hoes and mine picks. △, rushed to the enemy fearlessly!

The belief in revenge is burning in the hearts of every Chinese player!

The boiling blood fills the chest of every Chinese player!

Fierce fighting intentions erupted from the entire hero empire!

"My ants, haven't you just clamored to fight me? Now, here I am!" Just then. The voice of the wandering angel Kranaweigan sounded from heaven to earth, and it spreads back and forth between the mountains and rivers, like rolling heaven, enduring!

He is a virtual god, finally no longer bound by the borders, and can come out and pour out his mighty shore!

The wandering angel Carla looked down at the beings, stepping on the void step by step, and went outside.

He didn't rush, but seemed to have an invisible power. Locked all the enemies, even if he fled to the ends of the earth, he would not escape his will!

At that moment, all the enemies shuddered for a moment, and even the earth shuddered and fell in front of this deity!

"Boom boom boom!" Every step of the wandering ambassador Clarke made cracks in the sky. As if he couldn't bear his power!

At the same time, the divine light emanating from him became more and more dazzling. Like a rising sun, it brightens up the sky!

When the demons were bathed in this holy light, the body's skin directly emitted white smoke, and the body melted at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, one after another making screams.

From the earth to the sky, the demons are almost full of every inch of space. Many screams were too late to be emitted, and they were directly burned to death by the holy light of the wandering **** Carla.

The dense corpse of demons descended into the sky, and it rained on the ground in general! The heavens and the earth quickly became clear, and the space occupied by the demons was cleared with the naked eye!

Even the surviving demons. They also suffered continuous trauma one by one, and their strength dropped greatly! Only the Four Knights of Apocalypse, and the few top-level Celestial Demon Clan, barely resisted this holy light from the shore!

The wandering **** has not yet taken the shot himself, just a few steps to kill the endless demons!

On the other side, Huang Yi finally rushed into the hostile crowd, and the flames of deathwing instantly burned, covering thousands of demons and invaders!

The enemies were immediately burned into firemen, screaming and fleeing. But often before they took a few steps, they fell down, and even burned into fly ash.

The earth fell into the sea of ​​fire, as if it had become a doomsday volcano. Huang Yi in the boundless sea of ​​fire, turned into a series of phantoms, and shuttled back and forth in the sea of ​​man. The voice continued, and the stump of the limb was thrown into the sky all the way, and the broken body flew out.

He enters the flock like a tiger, wherever he goes, the enemy dies. Wherever he goes, the creatures are covered with blood and flow into the river. There is no one!

"Howling!" Just then, a loud dragon yelled through the world!

That's the dragon groan from Dragon Spike! The golden dragon scales on his body burst out with dazzling golden light!

His body suddenly soared into the sky, swelled violently, and quickly turned into a majestic golden holy dragon. Open a huge golden dragon wing, soar in the sky, cast a huge shadow, the noble breath is overwhelmingly suppressed, and people can only worship it!

His head quickly evolved into a sloppy dragon head. Two long dragon teeth protruded from the mouth of the dragon. The light was shining like a treasure in heaven and earth. It was his artifact, the tooth of the holy dragon!

This is a big skill of Dragon Dragon New Learning, called "Sacred Dragon Form", which can be temporarily transformed into an adult golden Holy Dragon!

Adulthood is the strongest stage for all dragons, and even Huang Yi's dragons have not reached it!

"Howling!" The dragon thorn once again issued a bright dragon yin, and the huge body smashed directly towards the sea of ​​people on the ground!

He did not use any skills, so he used his huge body to hit the crowd!

"Boom!" The impact of the earth-shaking eruption erupted, and a large number of enemies were directly crushed to death, and the dense crowd was thrown out in all directions! A large area was emptied from the crowd!

The dragon's huge body began to roll on the ground, and every time it could crush a large number of enemies!

His golden dragon wings patted toward the ground, just like a fly, patting an invading legion directly into a meatloaf.

He grew up with a dragon's mouth, bite into the crowd fiercely, and a corpse was directly pierced by his dragon's teeth, strung on it, blood splattered.

At this time, the dragon thorn has turned into a mad dragon, writhing on the earth, no one can stop it!

With the leadership of Huang Yi and Dragon Thorn, two hundred million Chinese players quickly rushed into the enemy crowd.

The light of various skills has covered the sky, covered the earth, colorful, colorful, and a brain pours down towards the invading army and the demons.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" A magic cannon also spewed a dazzling light, blasted into the crowds of enemies outside, blasted huge pits, and raised huge mushroom clouds. The enemy company No dregs left.

At this time, every Chinese player is a dragon and a tiger. Between raising his hands and throwing his feet up, he shows the shocking power and explodes far beyond his previous strength.

Those invading army players, with almost no means of resistance, fell down piece by piece!

Just now, the players on the hero continent have enjoyed the post-war rewards and their levels have been greatly improved. And in the next 10 days, the members of the hero mainland will increase by 50%, while the invading army will weaken by 50%!

Such a big attribute gap cannot be hit at all! Even an ordinary soldier on the hero continent is enough to compete against the other elite master.

"Don't you ridicule us for not coming out?"

"Don't you provoke us before?"

"Don't you say we want to destroy the country?"

Chinese players are yelling while attacking the invading army!

The suppressed anger for a long time was released at this moment and turned into their power!

The reporters who broadcasted live, constantly adjusted their positions, gazing back and forth across the entire battlefield.

Looking at it from high altitude, the Chinese players, like a pouring flood, quickly rushed out of the hero empire, directly flooding those invaders and demons.

Those who watched the live broadcast seemed as if they were also thrown into this vast battlefield. An individual's heartbeat accelerated, he held his breath, and widened his eyes.

Everyone was dazzled, and all kinds of light were lit from the battlefield, and they couldn't even see it. The sound of endless shouts, explosions, screams, and skills sounded in my ears ... all of them were intertwined, and I couldn't even hear them clearly.

The scope of this war is too wide. There are wars everywhere in the sky, and chaos and chaos everywhere!

In addition, the rest of the heroic empire is all like this, whether it is the army led by superb masters such as blade, sword, and thunder god. The guardians, headed by the six demigods, Marshal Diago, Sea Dream, Night Rain, Blood Hand Shura Rihong, Stormwind Prodigal, Liuyun, and Yuren Tribe, are all desperately killing in the enemy crowd. !!

No matter in which area, there is a one-sided slaughter!

The hero continent is irresistible!


"Damn! How could it be so!" All the invaders and demons ~ www.readwn.com ~ all pale and shivering!

Even the Four Knights of Apocalypse showed a flustered expression on their faces, staring at the wandering angel Carat!

The warhorses under their command were about to stand still, their knees were slightly softened, they kept backing, and they trembled hissingly.

None of them have reached the level of virtual gods, and they are not the opponents of the wandering angel Kela! He has a post-war reward, which has increased his strength by 50%!

"Quickly withdraw!" At this moment, the four knights of the apocalypse issued an order, immediately turned the horse's head, and ran away towards the distance.

At the next moment, all the enemies turned around and began to flee wildly behind!

Looking down from the air, it seems like the whole land is retreating, and the endless sea of ​​people are retreating, directly to the horizon! (To be continued.)

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