Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1012: Heaven's hole card is finally here!

From the end of the national war to this one-sided massacre, just a few breaths passed!

The super-first-class leaders such as Miyamoto Musashi, the Pope, and so on watched their own men and women falling down piece by piece, while the masters of the demons who helped them fled madly, as if they were dragged into a nightmare.

According to the original development of the matter, the battle situation should be reversed. They should destroy the heroic empire and enjoy the one-sided slaughter. Those members of the heroic empire who killed God are the targets of slaughter.

现在 But now, even their most powerful reliance, the Four Knights of Apocalypse, have given orders to retreat, this war has completely failed!

国 In this national war, they were completely defeated in an instant, and their lives and the future were all taken up.

And all of this is because of heaven's confession!

He just resigned, and rewritten the ending in an instant, ruined all their hard work and efforts, and ruined their beautiful fantasy for the future!

He killed all of them!

"Damn! Heaven, you have to pay the price!" Miyamoto Musashi yelled with a distorted expression, pulled out the Toyo sword and attacked the heaven directly next to him!

In addition, the seven superb masters of the pope, the turmoil, Dante, Ganges, Ronald, and the French Emperor all poured out their inner anger and launched their own attacks against heaven!

Dazzling skills Guanghua, horrible power fluctuations, poured out from each super-first master, poured from all directions towards the heavens, and sealed his every escape route!

Wu Tiandao is alone, surrounded by the invading army and the demons, as if to be drowned next moment!

"Do you really think that you can kill me?" Tian Dao smiled indifferently, shaking his palm, and suddenly took out something-a spear!

The whole spear is stone-like, like stone tools used by primitive humans in the ancient times. Above it is a blood groove composed of cracks, simple and atmospheric!

上面 This quaint stone tool. An endless breath of divine power spurts out into the sky, as if to crack the sky!

Those pouring out attacks, those dazzling skills. All of them were bombed out at once, and we couldn't get close to Heaven!

一 As soon as this spear came out, it seemed as if it had become the protagonist of the entire world, and the immense momentum suddenly attracted everyone's attention!

At this moment, the whole world seems to have only that spear left! Almost became the center of the world!

"That's ... spear of the sky!" Then. Some scholars blurted out, even shaking their voices!

Crack the sky spear!

Hearing this fabulous name, everyone was stupid one by one, staring deadly at the spear in the hands of Tiandao!

Under the attention of the whole world, Tiandao stretched out his slender fingers, slowly rubbing a crack on the stone spear, and said lightly, "Yes, this is the spear of the cracking sky! The first artifact in the world! "

After saying that, Tiandao lifted the spear of the sky sharply, and the surging divine power burst out. Turned into a red beam of light, piercing the sky!

Then, he opened his mouth and issued a solemn declaration to the entire world: "I—the heavenly path—is the heir of the barbaric deity!

His figure stood among the endless enemies, holding up the spear of the sky, piercing the sky, the white wind of his white robe blew with strong wind, and the imposing manner of the magnificent shore could not be approached!

At this moment, people seem to have an illusion, it seems that the first god-sealer in the second world-the barbaric **** · split sky. Came here in person!

"How is this possible! After the wild desolate **** and the split sky seal god, the spear of the split sky has never existed in the world, and countless famous powers in history have not found it, how could it appear in the hands of heaven!"

"On those historical documents. Isn't it speculation that the Skyspear is gone? Why is it now alive again!"

Even the demigods such as the Four Knights of Apocalypse were horrified, their eyes locked on the spear in the hands of Tiandao, and Shen said: "The spear of the split sky is the oldest and most mysterious artifact in the second world, even the Seven The Lord Devil has not been found, and I did not expect it to be in your hands! "

this moment. The whole world is in a stagnation because of the appearance of this artifact!

The spear that cracks the sky is the first artifact in the second world, from the first god-sealer-the barbaric **** split sky!

This is the oldest artifact, with the least amount of information passed down. It is far less famous than artifacts such as the Pillar of Poseidon, the blade of the sword emperor, and the blade of the sword emperor. It is the most mysterious of the top ten artifacts, ranking the last!

Among the top ten artifacts, those scholars most want to study is the spear of the split sky, because the barbaric **** split sky is the longest first god-sealer. He is the most mysterious character in history—the disciple of Huangdi. Through him, he may find clues about Huangdi's only words!

In history, there were once demigods, adventurers, collectors, grave robbers, and even the strongest in the rest of the Ganges who came to the second world. They used various methods to dig the ground and search the mountains. Looking for the sea, but I have never found this artifact, so many historical documents suspect that this artifact is long gone!

However, this most mysterious artifact has actually appeared in the hands of Heaven!

"What about the spear of the cracking sky! I also have an artifact, let's kill him together!" The pope hummed, the artifact in his hand, a thunderbolt of thunder and lightning, released a huge thunder dragon, flashing thick The electric mang growled and smashed into the sky.

The rest of the super-class masters also calmed down from shock one by one, looking at the spear of the heavenly spear with anger and jealousy, attacking the past fiercely!

"Your lightning scepter is far from regaining power, but my Skyspear has been restored to the Artifact!" Tiandao calmly looked at the skills of those super-class masters, and looked at those who used various skills. The demons and invaders who ran away with mad skills showed a smile slightly, turning their wrists, holding the spear of the sky directly and making a circle, and spit out two words-"Fengtian!"

In a short time, a dazzling light of God soared into the sky from the spear of the cracking sky, submerged into the sky!

The entire sky suddenly turned purple, mysterious and gorgeous, pressed against the heads of everyone, and the sky became purple, making people feel an oppression!

神 This artifact skill is called Fengtian-it can make all people below their level unable to use any skills. As long as Tiandao has maintained the posture of this skill release, Fengtian can continue.

In the vast battlefield, there are endless skills shining in the light!

Under this purple sky, those billions of skills seemed to be dumb, and the entire battlefield was instantly cleared! Only a few sporadic people above the level can use skills.

Countless invaders and demons who are using skills to escape, one by one have been blocked, and can only run slowly with both legs.

The skills of those super-class masters attacking Tiandao dissipated in the air one by one, only ordinary attacks can be used!

Yun Tiandao's level is the highest in the invading army's super-class masters. After he was closed, all these super-class masters can no longer use skills.

I swayed the staff in my hand, but I couldn't release any skills. I gritted my teeth and yelled, "We killed him with a normal attack!"

Those super-class masters all gave up using their skills, carrying their own weapons, and rushed towards the heaven!

At this time, Tiandao must maintain the posture of Fengtian, and it is impossible to make a hand to fight back, and it will soon be overwhelmed by the super-class masters!

"I declare-Miyamoto Musashi, Pope, Floating Disturbance, Dante, Ganges, Ronald, Emperor-Dead!"

无 A relentless voice, ringing the world!

Critical moment, Huang overflowed his hand!

He directly turned to the super-class masters of all invaders, and opened the judgment skills!

"Boom!" In the next moment, in the purple sky, nine bright lightnings slashed down and landed directly on the ground below!

Subsequently, Huang Yi and eight super-class masters of the invading army were forcibly dragged to the empty battlefield in the high air, isolated from the outside world, and caught in an endless battle. Only one party could die before they could leave!

The reporters on the market were stunned one by one and looked up at the empty battlefield!

If Huang Yi does not make a sentence, then he also has the demigod guardian of the heroic empire to help. And once the verdict was pronounced, the help of the demigod guardian was isolated, and the eight super-class masters of the invading army had to be dealt with alone!

This is simply dead!

However, ~ www.readwn.com ~ Huang Yi stood calmly in the void battlefield, hooked his fingers toward the eight superb masters in front, and said, "Let's go together!"

How arrogant! Defiance!

Huang Yi faced a group of super-class masters, and let them go together as if they were ordinary players!

"Furious tone!" The sound of entanglement was so sharp that he opened the bow and arrow in his hand and fired at Huang Yi!

The remaining seven super-class masters also issued their own attacks, besieging Huang Yi together.

Xi Huangyi turned a blind eye to these attacks, and did not even do any defense measures. He directly held the wrath of killing the gods and rushed towards the other side!

Suddenly, the attack of eight top-ranking masters fell on him, and drowned him in an instant.

However, he is still very good, not even a little damage, completely ignore all the attacks of the enemy!

此时 At this point he has reached 285, and most of these eight super-class masters are only in their early 200s, and the two sides have a gap of 60 or 70.

In the name given by Huang Yi's killing god, there is an impressive attribute-after the level exceeds the enemy's level 30, any attack of the enemy is invalid to itself, and his attack ignores the enemy's defense attributes! [Unfinished To be continued This text is provided by 闪 神 影 组 @ 影 承 Bring on @ 听风 的 狼 @ 字 书 文 @ 伤感 xiao 滴滴 @ 仙 波 nice]

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