Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1013: Spike 8 Super 1 Stream Masters

13 Chapter 1013

In addition, when Huang Yi rushed out of the heroic empire to slaughter the enemy, he also used 10 points of Nefarem's power to fan the strongest killing wing, doubled all attributes, and all the skills and talents of the enemy Will be deprived of any potions or props for 1 minute.

This time, Huang Yi couldn't lose even if he wanted to lose!

Even if he is standing still, the eight superb masters will not kill him!

But the eight super-class masters have lost any means of life-saving, can not use any skills, props, potions, and even passive talents are not effective.

Huang Yi looked around at eight superb masters, as if looking at a group of dead people, saying: "I am not affected by the sky-breaking spear and can still use skills. But for the sake of fairness, I am like you, and also Use only normal attacks! "

He said, he rushed into the battle circle of eight super-class masters, and the wrath of the **** of death drew a simple track, and arbitrarily split on the nearest Dante!

"嘭!" Dante exploded directly into the sky, leaving no corpse!

Take a trick to kill!

Dante Gui is a super-class master, but Huang Yi was killed by a trick!

Huang Yi did not use any skills, it was an ordinary ordinary attack, and he killed a superb master!

After Huang Yi was promoted to a god-level professional tyrant, he added a new god-level talent—

[Ling Chi's Execution]: Enemies killed by the tyrant will not be able to be resurrected by any resurrection ability, and will permanently lose the upgrade attribute added to this level.

This talent caused Dante to permanently lose this level of attributes. Even if he re-upgrades to this level in the future, there will be no increase in this level of attributes.

This is permanent weakening!

The remaining seven super-class masters were shocked and intensified the offensive. Toyo sword, staff, bow and arrow, and other weapons, frantically greeted Huang Yi's body, but no matter how he attacked, Huang Yi could not be harmed in the least.

"Damn! Our attacks have no effect on him!" Then they finally showed a panic look!

For them, Huang Yi is an invincible existence.

After killing Dante. Huang Yi's death-like eyes rolled around, locked on the floating disturbance, and rushed forward!

The lingering turbulence did not come from the ground, and the spine became cold, as if strangled by an invisible hand of death. Frightened, Huarong hurriedly urged His Majesty's mount to run away crazy!

胯 Her Majesty's mount is a black lion, but has two heads, exposing four pointed fangs. This mount is called the Ghost Lion. Coming from the mysterious underworld, the rank is as high as ten, it is the most top contract creature, and it is also the iconic pet of this top hunter.

The Phantom Lion immediately exhibited the speed of the top pets, and gently pawped it into a black shadow, almost teleporting to another area, and the speed was almost unclear.

But it is useless, Huang Yi's attributes are too much beyond her, and the wings of freedom are slightly. Even if you do n’t use the skill effect, you can easily catch up!

Killing the wrath of God draws a trajectory of death and splits it on the tangled body.

"嘭!" There is no suspense, and the entanglement of entanglement has also burst into the sky!

Second super-class master, was spiked again! Can't carry even one trick!

Next, Huang Yi's eyes rolled and locked on Emperor Eiffel.

Eiffel's face suddenly turned pale, and he wanted to use the teleport to leave subconsciously, but at this time he couldn't use any skills, he could only step forward with two legs and retreated madly.

But I haven't taken the second step yet. Huang Yi appeared in front of him, and the wrath of the **** of death marked a dazzling golden trajectory and split on him!

"嘭!" The Emperor also burst open and disappeared into the void battlefield.

The third spike!

"The Emperor is a hero. He was killed by the **** of killing! He is so strong!" The rest of the people were already frightened, and quickly fled away, away from Huang Yi at the fastest speed!

Huang Huangyi's eyes looked around once again, and he stared at Ronald not far away ...

无 Countless people and reporters in the audience stared blankly at the empty battlefield. There was a sound of corpse bursting from above.

Super-class masters can only make them look up, but Huang Yi has a trick to kill one, even a hero like Fa Huang is no exception!

Whoever fancy Huang Yi fancy, who will be smashed into the sky the next moment! There is no way to escape!

Next, Huang Yi killed Ronald, Ganges, and Pope three super-class masters in a row.

On the market, very soon only Miyamoto Musashi and T.N.T joined the super class masters of the Mozu. They were pale, had given up on any form of escape, and stood so still, their weapons dropped, waiting for Huang Yi's slaughter.

"Kill God, even if you can kill us, you will not be able to resist the wrath of the Seven Devil Kings! They have listed you as the number one enemy! Even if you are promoted to demigod, they are not their opponents!" Miyamoto Musashi stared gnashing his teeth. Huang Yidao, almost flames are coming out of his eyes!

Huang Yi stood quietly in the void, instead of rushing to rush up, but stared at them both calmly, saying, "In fact, I knew very early that you have joined the Seven Devil Kings. These days, the Devil's So I will help you fight this national war, because of the two of you. As the guardian of the world, I will judge you before killing you! "

He said, using the privilege of the guardian of the world, Huang Yi issued a solemn declaration towards the entire second world—

"I, kill God, as the guardian of the Second World, announced that Miyamoto Musashi and TNT have been corrupted by the demons, which seriously endangers world security and is extremely guilty. It is specifically sentenced as the" public enemy of the world "! ! "

Huang Yi's voice, like a system announcement, rang through every corner of the Second World, no matter which continent, no matter who he was, he heard his voice.

After all, Huang Yidong used the privileges of the guardians of the world and waved his hands to release two blood-red rays, flying towards Miyamoto Musashi and T.N.T, quickly infiltrating into their bodies.

Then, they began to emit dazzling blood, like two blood-colored suns, so striking that they could be clearly seen even far apart.

From then on, this dazzling blood will follow their lives and cannot be eliminated in any way, showing their identity as the public enemy of the world.

所有人 Everyone in the Second World, seeing this dazzling blood, can know that they are the public enemy of the world. After killing them, not only will they not receive any penalty for their evil value, but they will also be rewarded.

It's like a mouse crossing the street, everyone shouts!

Miyamoto Musashi and T.N.T lowered their heads and looked at their blood-emitted bodies, stunned in place!

For a long time, they have enjoyed the benefits of joining the Devil, but have not been punished accordingly, so that they have the illusion that they can do whatever they want.

Until today, they are officially judged as the public enemy of this world!

"Now, you can die!" Huang Yi dropped a word, and finally rushed over with the wrath of killing the gods, two axes easily hacked them to death!

At this point, the void battlefield has finally dissipated!

In less than half a minute before and after, Huang Yi killed eight super first-class masters in a row, without any suspense!

His current strength is already invincible at the player level. Only the demigod master, or the top heavenly powerhouse who has reached the ascension stage, can threaten him.

If these super top players do not rush to improve their hole cards, then they will not be worthy of Huang Yi and will be called super top players.

Next, Huang Yi came back to the battlefield below, and began to deal with those masters who can really fight in the first place-the top celestial powers of the Devil!

After Huang Yi became the guardian of the world, his mission to deal with the demons has been upgraded.

【Guardian of the World】 ——

守护 The guardian of the world, shoulders the responsibility of guarding the second world, destroys any enemy that harms the world, and has the highest power in the second world. He can rename the second world and enjoy many privileges.

提升 Increase physical strength, strength, agility, and intelligence by 2,000 domain points each.

Can be transmitted across continents and can be used in all public cities around the world without activation.

In the Second World, you can make announcements to the world and call on people from all over the world.

In the Second World, you can consume reputation to judge anyone and power, and judge it as [public enemy of the world], so that it will be eye-catching on any place in the Second World ~ www.readwn.com ~ Public enemy aura, and all attributes are -10%, everyone wins it. Players will not only get no penalty for sin value, but also get rewards after killing public enemy in the world.

Actively attacking anyone will no longer receive punishment for evil value.

In the second world, when fighting against enemies outside the second world, all its own attributes + 10%, all enemies -10%

Know all the ethnic languages ​​in mass distribution in the Second World.

He can spread his forces to the whole continent and accelerate the expansion of the rest of the continent.

Can set up 100 [World Enforcers], each World Enforcer has + 10% of all attributes, and has the ability to transmit across continents, and can use the transmission arrays of all public cities around the world without activation.

Uh ...

守护 The guardian of the world is the biggest unexpected joy that Huang Yi has gained since the end of the national war, which has brought him too much convenience, especially the privilege of expanding his territory.

溢 Originally, Huang Yi planned to consume the guild contribution value to expand the territory of the heroic empire after the end of the national war. After the victory of the national war, it will definitely obtain a large amount of contribution value, which can be used to expand the territory.

What he didn't expect is that after the victory of the national war, he will become the guardian of the world! Use the privilege to directly expand the hero empire to the entire continent, and save a lot of power for him!

But rights and obligations are there. While Huang Yi enjoys these rights, he also undertakes the mission of destroying all enemies, including the Seven Devil Kings! (To be continued.)

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