Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1017: Defeat

Takigawa Ghost and Shizaki Kuang, both just heard the system announcement of Tiandao's surrender, and combined with the rebellion of the fleet's middle school students, they have realized that Tiandao is a traitor. One? Novel ?????

But now that their men and women have been killed, only their two bare-pole commanders remain, unable to return to the sky.

Yun Dan still smiled and didn't care: "According to the original route, we did not have time to reach Hero 6 before being caught up by the battleship. But the big brother of God of Killing was as good as God, and he had expected this situation today! So a while ago, he specifically asked Thor to consign Sun Island to Death Bay, which is the closest Hero 6 to East Sunda 6, we will change the route and soon reach Sun Island, even if the headquarters dispatches the fastest battle. Ships can't catch up with us. "

Sugawara Ghost and Shizaki Kazumi were pale, their bodies trembled slightly, and their eyes were completely occupied by despair.

They turned their heads and looked around at the numerous transport ships around. The flag of the East Guild was still flying, carrying the materials accumulated by the entire guild for several years, moving forward in the ocean in a mighty way.

Now, all these materials belong to the hero empire, and the future of the guild is buried in their hands.

The sea breeze blew, blowing Qichuan Ghost General ’s head fluttering backwards, revealing the eyes of the decisive, he said tragically: "I have no face and then go back to face the guild. Now, only by committing suicide can I save my last trace dignity."

After all, he flicked his wrist, held his weapon with his backhand, and slammed his belly!

The next moment, blood splattered!

Qichuan Ghost twitched his face, his eyes flickered quickly, and then he fell like a tower.

Shizaki Kousan lowered his head and looked at the body of the ghost general of Kawagawa. He finally closed his eyes and bit his silver teeth and said, "Today, your despicable conspiracy has succeeded, but in the future, we will certainly wash away the shame of today. ! "

Besides, she also committed suicide by cutting her belly with a weapon, and fell to the side of Qichuan Ghost General.

At this point, the entire fleet has been completely controlled by the heavenly men and women. There is nothing left between the two vice presidents of Battlefield and Fengxi.

Yun Dan still pursed his lips and bowed respectfully to the two bodies.

Then he raised his head again and waved his hand. Breath of breath: "Okay, let's turn our rudder and head for Sun Island!"

Subsequently, one carrier quickly reversed direction and began to sail in the other direction.

In addition to this fleet, similar things are happening in other places in the East Rim Guild.

The East Guild is not a private guild of heaven, but a state-level guild. Several government forces are operating behind the scenes, and they are inextricably linked with the world federation.

Tiandao has a group of henchmen in the guild. He is also a member of a free organization. Almost at the same time as Tiandao conceded, these men and women began to operate at the same time, and the fire settled the men of the two vice-chairmen of the battlefield and Fengxi.

The entire guild is now full of civil war, and the fumes of the guild are full of suspicion among members of the guild.

As a result of this change, the Eastern Conference has become very injured and it is difficult to restore its former strength.


After the Battle of Heroes VI, it affected more than just the country where Heroes VI and the invaders were located. More important accidents are born in the long river of time!

Previously, the nine Demigod Guardians of Heroes 6 were the dean of the Royal Academy of Oskar and the hero. It has been a long time since the avatars of the Seven Demon Kings have been defeated.

The Seven Demon Kings originally planned to wait for the end of the national war, and the demigod guardians of Hero 6 weakened, and then defeated them in one fell swoop.

However, the results of the national war were completely the opposite. The nine demigod guardians of Hero Big 6 not only have not been weakened, but they have also soared by 5o%!

One by one, their powers were stirred up, and the power of destroying the heavens and the earth was scattered between their hands and feet, and they caused a huge wave in the long river of time. Annihilation of countless history!

The avatars of the seven demon kings were beaten back quickly, floating up and down in the long river, their bodies trembling violently and hazy, and they seemed to collapse at any time, turning into the essence of primitive life.

Just then, the guardians of the nine heroic empires stared at each other, suddenly shot together, and attacked the queen of the painful queen!

Dean also clinging to Georgia's time, reached out and fiddled with the pointer above, turned to a scale, and made an urgent "tick"!

At that moment, a vacuum zone suddenly appeared in the long river of time, and all historical remnants could not approach this force!

"Oh!" The queen of Pain was hit solidly, and the power of a mighty shore burst into her body, quickly destroying her body.

Subsequently, the queen of suffering was directly crushed into pieces, transformed into a large piece of life, mixed with the tide of time, and seemed to disappear into the long river of history.

The king of **** hurriedly reached out his hand, five fingers into claws, and grabbed the life essence of the Queen of Pain!

Suddenly, those diffused essences of life converged into a long river, flowing backwards quickly, compressing and converging, and reconstituting the queen of pain.

At this time, her face was pale, and a little blood was still flowing from the corner of her mouth.

She had been killed by a five-person Huang Yi before, and was the weakest of the seven devil kings. Now this avatar can no longer resist the guardian of the heroic empire after his strength soared.

The Dean was holding Georgia's time tightly, dialing his finger back to the pointer scale above, he said quietly, "Seven Devil Kings, I said before that you can't win. You don't belong to this era. Celestial World. You have been stranded in the lower world ~ www.readwn.com ~ time and time again to get out of chaos to make troubles, what is it for? Do you really believe in the existence of God King Crystal? "

"This time is your luck! You won the national war of the God-given man. But next time, you will not have such good luck!" The King of Hell said lightly, and a smoke immediately rose from his body. Gradually dim.

The other six demon kings also abruptly gave up the battle and immediately stood around the king of **** in accordance with a mysterious formation. Consuming a large amount of the essence of life in each of their avatars, steaming out the magic energy and connecting with each other.

As soon as this formation came out, the long river of the whole time became dark, the clouds were rolling, the body of the seven demon kings gradually faded in the dark, and eventually completely dissipated.

The long river of time suddenly calmed down, and all the hustle and bustle before it all disappeared, leaving only those remarks from the depths of history.

"They finally retreated!" The Dean finally breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at the fading magic.


Sorry for the failure to update in the past few days. It has now been restored. (To be continued.)

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