Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1018: Witch doctor

Huang Yi, Tiandao, Qin Shiyu, Dragon Spike and others are still in the previous battlefield, waiting for the end of the battle above the clouds. ??? E novel ?????

The wandering angel Carla, after dragging the masters of the demons to the clouds, the fierce roar has never stopped, penetrated the clouds, and echoed in the heavens and the earth, making people tremble.

Countless players and reporters gathered on the ground, looking up at the unreachable clouds.

No one knows how fierce the battle was above, but only to imagine the power of destroying the world based on the sound passed down.

"Kill God, this dark sacrifice has been seriously wounded, you can reap his life!" At this moment, the voice of the wandering **** Carat sounded above the clouds, and his tone seemed to be very clear in the battle. Easy.

The voice dropped, a black figure suddenly broke through the clouds, fell weakly towards the ground, and traced a blood-colored trajectory in the air, and finally hit the ground fiercely, raising the sky with dust.

Until then, everyone saw the shadow.

This is a demon in a black robe holding a bizarre bone bone staff in his hand.

But its black robe was torn and the bone bone staff was broken, leaving only half of it.

This is a dark sacrifice that has just been surrounded by many demons. The smoke-like magic has risen from the body. It can be seen at a glance among the endless demons, as bright as the stars in the night.

But now, this dazzling Demon Star has fallen down, like any mortal mortal, lying on the ground with a dying breath, with black blood flowing on his body, which can be slaughtered by anyone!

The Dark Sacrifice is a group of powerful men under the Lord of Darkness, each of which has at least 275 top-level heavenly strength! Before Huang Yi personally dealt with a dark sacrifice, it took a lot of effort to win.

The four leaders, Huang Yi, Tiandao, Qin Shiyu, and Dragonstab, stepped through the crowd and step by step to the place where the dark sacrifice fell. Looking down at it together.

Those players and reporters also followed up one by one, and surrounded the place, and pointed at the dark sacrifice. Talk to each other and laugh.

Those reporters even gave a close-up of the expression of the dark sacrifice, expecting to explain: "Now, a dark sacrifice lies on the ground like a dead dog. How should we kill it? Is it slow to catch? Slow torture. Kill him knife by knife? Or just give him a good time? Or maybe everyone goes together, everyone attacks him, and then divides it into tens of millions of pieces, everyone takes one piece back to be a Remembrance? In short, this dark sacrifice is a fun toy anyway, which will allow us to have fun and relax after the war ... "

The dark sacrifice listened to the sounds of discussion around, forcibly opened those weak eyes, stared round, and looked around with trembling.

It was originally a big man. With a wave of one's hand, you will be able to create a charcoal life, blood flow into the river, and kill thousands of such mortals.

But now, these mortals are all around, discussing **** him. But it can only lie on the ground in such a shameful way, looking at the mortals around him with a low-level perspective, looking up at him.

"Tiandao, your level is so low, this dark sacrifice will kill you! It should be able to raise you several levels! I am now at this level. It is already about the same level as the dark sacrifice, and I do n’t get much experience." Just then Huang Yi pointed down, pointed at the dark sacrifice, and turned to look at the heaven.

The life of a demons. In his words, he seemed to be a gift that he could give freely without any dignity.

"Okay! Then I'm welcome!" Tiandao nodded, smiling expectantly, and clenching the spear that cracked the sky. Step by step towards the dark sacrifice.

The sound of his footsteps became clearer and clearer in the ears of the dark sacrifice, and the tiny figure became taller and taller. The shadow cast by the body covered the eyes of the dark sacrifice.

The sand grains he kicked as he walked, even rolled to the face of the dark sacrifice.

The dark sacrifice smiled sadly, without making any resistance measures, and said quietly, "I-the great dark sacrifice-Xing Yuguang. In this life, he followed the seven devil kings, destroyed every world, slaughtered countless souls, and even returned I have killed many legendary heroes with my own hands. I once drank their blood, listened to the sorrow of despair when they died, and watched them crawling on the ground when they were dying and struggling. As for mortals, in my eyes, they are just ants, and even the interest in watching None. But I didn't expect that today, in this humiliating way, I died in the hands of an ant. Hey, how sad! "

After all, it closed its eyes and looked calm, waiting for death to come.

"Demons like you are long overdue." Tiandao raised his feet, stepped on the face of the dark sacrifice, held the spear of the sky with both hands, and slammed down!

"Oh!" The artifact was fully inserted into the chest of the dark sacrifice, blasting a black blood, splashing on the white robe of heaven, and even a few drops fell on his face, contrasting him with some coldness.

The dark sacrifice trembled, and then it was motionless and completely dead!

At that moment, a dazzling golden light rose from Tiandao's body, making everyone almost unable to open their eyes. After blinking nine times in a row, it finally stopped.

Tiandao is only the primary heavenly domain. It has a huge level difference with the dark sacrifices at the top heavenly level. After killing it, you enjoy a high experience bonus! Actually raised nine levels in one breath!

"The leapfrog killing monsters really escalated very fast! If it is ordinary means, I don't know how long it will take to get to the ninth level!" Tiandao looked at the corpse of the dark sacrifice, and pulled out the spear of the cracking sky with a sigh.

"Many of my grades have been raised this way, especially during the reincarnation period, and they have killed too many senior powerhouses. Otherwise, my grade is about the same as you, and cannot be so high." Huang Yi said, Looking up at the clouds expectantly, waiting for the wandering ambassador Kela to send down the second Demon Strong.

The crowds of players and reporters all looked up and waited together.

Under the eyes of countless pairs of eyes, the voice of the wandering angel Carat soon sounded again above the clouds-

"Kill God, this cursed wizard is dying. I will throw it away! Let you play!"

Later, another figure broke through the cloud, dragging a long tail flame, and fell towards the ground, like a meteorite.

"Boom!" This figure slammed onto the ground fiercely, just hitting a pile of Demon Corpses.

A demon corpse was smashed out of it and scattered.

And it became the top of the corpse mountain, the most prominent location, entering the field of view of countless players and reporters.

Soon, Huang Yi and others, as well as those players and journalists, left the dark sacrifice corpse and surrounded the newly fallen demons.

The demons that fell this time were a ugly figure with a stature.

It's like the primitive human in the jungle tribe. It doesn't even have decent clothes on its body. It only has a circle of leaves around its waist, its bright skin is painted with bright pigments, and its head is colored with animal feathers.

He had a twisted branch staff in his hand, and a circle of animal bones hanging around his neck. His eyes were blood red, with a weird and evil look, and he did not know how many cursed witchcraft he had performed.

This is a cursed wizard, a top heavenly powerhouse of His Majesty the Cursed King.

In the kingdom of the cursed king, there is a vast virgin forest, and there are scattered tribal tribes.

In each tribe, there is a powerful wizard who is good at cursing and poisoning. It is like a shaman in the primitive human tribe, which has extremely high rights in the tribe. Therefore, the cursed wizard is also known as "Dark Shaman".

At this moment, the cursed shaman saw Huang Yi and others around, a flash of anger flashed in the red eyes, and he stood up and braced.

Holding the twisted branch staff, he stood crookedly on top of the corpse mountain, looking around at the crowd around him.

"People who are close to me will suffer the curse of eternal life ..." The cursed wizard spit out a black blood, sounded hoarse and low, strangely strange.

The crowd stopped and surrounded the corpse mountain from a distance, afraid to pass by.

This cursed wizard's injury is not as serious as the dark sacrifice just now, and it seems that there is still a battle.

The next moment, the cursed wizard waved the stick of the tree branch in his hand, emitting a black smoke, covering himself.

Then ~ www.readwn.com ~ the wounds on his body ceased to bleed, and began to grow granulation and heal.

Huang Yi froze slightly, this cursed wizard actually has medical ability!

Few wizards are proficient in medical skills, but wizards with this ability are all the strongest among wizards, and they also have a new name-witch doctor!

This witch doctor is obviously delaying time to heal his injuries. If the delay continues, the consequences will be disastrous!

"Dragon Spike, this witch doctor is a bit tricky, let you handle it!" Just then, Huang Yi turned his head and said to Dragon Spike.

Huang Yi's level is also top-level heaven, similar to this witch doctor, after killing it, he will not enjoy the leapfrog bonus.

The dragon thorn is more than 25o level. Killing this witch doctor will have a good experience bonus.

"Good!" Dragonthorn nodded, turning the dagger of the Holy Dragon's tooth in his hand, the figure disappeared directly into the air, and took out the assassin's signature stealth ability. (To be continued.)

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