Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1019: Fall of 1 Demigod

The witch doctor standing in the corpse mountain turned his venomous cold eyes and turned to look around.

A gust of wind blew, blowing his long hair, dancing, blood stained on his hair, and coagulating together. The paint smeared on him, the black blood stains, and the monstrous radiance that emanated from him had his own power.

The crowd surrounded him from a distance and did not dare to approach, and for a while formed a stalemate.

"Oh!" At this moment, a sharp blood shot from the witch doctor's neck, and a wound was drawn from the ear to the position of the collarbone.

Subsequently, the figure of the dragon thorn suddenly appeared behind it, and the holy dragon's tooth in his hand was dripping with blood.

The witch doctor twitched at the corners of his mouth, his body shook slightly, and seemed to be rolling down from the top of the corpse mountain.

But he managed to stand still, and immediately waved the branch staff in his hand, sweeping behind him.

However, the figure of the dragon thorn disappeared again, and the wand only hit his residual image.

Before the witch doctor took it over, the dragon thorn appeared on its side again, leaving several wounds on its waist, and then disappeared again invisibly.

In this way, under the attack of the ghosts in the depths of the dragon thorn, this witch doctor's injuries became more and more serious, and his repeated counterattacks did not produce any effect.

In the end, after dozens of wounds were left on the dragon thorn, the tortured witch doctor finally fell and became part of the corpse mountain.

If it was not seriously wounded by the wandering **** Carat, but fights with normal strength, Dragon Spike would not be so easy, and it would be possible to defeat such a strong one with all its strength.

After killing this witch doctor, everyone looked up at the clouds again, listening to the loud roar from above, waiting.

Next, from time to time, clouds will fall down one by one, such as acolytes of pain, dark knights, fallen generals, and so on.

They have different identities, occupations and forms, but all of them are top demons. I don't know how many famous battles I have participated in and how many legendary heroes I have killed. But now, after being seriously wounded by the wandering ambassador Carat, he was thrown away at will, and killed by men such as Tiandao, Dragonthorn, Qin Shiyu, and so on, making their levels soar.

This kind of make-up knife is too easy. With a little hands, you can kill a strong man who can only let everyone look up. There is no such opportunity at all.

This time was just taking advantage of the victory of the national war to spread the range of the heroic empire to the entire continent. This makes those top demons within the realm of the empire, and can be killed by guardians such as the wandering angel Kela.

In the future, the top demons will not run in silly to die, even if the guardians of the heroic empire want to kill them, they will never go out.

After killing seven top-level demons in a row, finally no more demons were left on the cloud. It seems that all of them have been killed, leaving only the most powerful Apocalypse four knights.

Demigods like the Four Knights of Apocalypse are almost mythological characters. It is unlikely that it will fall. Most of this battle will be over. The Four Knights of Apocalypse will leave safely. This battle is no longer necessary.

People started walking back in twos and threes, yawning from time to time, seemingly tired, and hurried back to rest. Some even went offline directly in situ.

Journalists from various media have also begun to conclude, preparing to end the live broadcast.

"Kill God, I'll send you a great gift!" Just then, the voice of the wandering God Carat resounded above the clouds, rolling across the world. Startled everyone!

Subsequently, a figure of a mighty shore broke through the clouds and fell turbulently towards the earth!

This fall, the momentum is far more than any previous Demon Strong!

The figure was riding a gray-green war horse, and the breath on his body was endless. He left a thick plume of black smoke in the sky behind him as he fell. Long lasting.

The trajectory of his fall from the sky made everyone on the ground inexplicably feel an oppression from his soul, as if the sky had fallen!

"This is one of the death knights of the Four Knights of the Apocalypse!" Some sharp-eyed players exclaimed suddenly, reaching out and covering their mouths.

All players stopped walking back!

All the reporters stopped understanding and said that they all looked up at the sky!

Audiences from all over the world are shocked!

What fell down this time was actually the death knight of one of the Four Knights of the Apocalypse!

This battle has not completely ended yet!

The wandering **** Carat was so powerful that even a demigod was hit!

Looking at any world, demigods are the most peakless enemies. They are called "masters of the gods" and begin to touch the ultimate power of divine power! The sum of all the demons that died in this war is not as good as a finger of a demigod!

Before, Huang Yi, Blade, Thor, Dragon Spike, and Sword had teamed up to kill an avatar of the Queen of Pain, but that was just a avatar, not a true demigod.

And this death knight is a true demigod, not a clone, not a projection!

As long as you kill him, this is the first time in the world that a player has killed a master of the gods!

"Boom!" Finally, the death knight fell to the ground!

At that moment, it was as if a meteorite had actually fallen on the ground, and the whole land was shaking violently. Countless players were shocked and fell to the ground at once!

The people quickly got up and hurried forward towards the fall!

Where the death knight fell, a large pit was smashed, and huge cracks cracked on the ground!

In that big pit, an endless stream of black magic gas evaporates, spreading out in all directions, like a dense fog.

After players contacted this dark mist, their skin was corroded one after another, and their health value decreased rapidly. Some low-level players even died of corrosion directly!

Countless players turned around and fled outside in horror, running all the way to a very far area before they stood still in horror and looked behind them.

Around the place where the death knight fell, it had become a restricted area, and the black mist was rolling inside, and everyone could not see the scene inside, let alone the death knight inside.

Demigod is indeed extraordinary, even if he was hit badly and fell down. Yu Wei also did not diminish, mortals can not approach at all.

In some historical legends, some demigod's graves are the forbidden world of the world. Their bodies did not rot even in the past countless years. After some grave robbers dug into their cemetery, instead of not being able to obtain treasure, they were shocked to death by the breath of their mighty shore.

"Brother Yi, this demi-god. I'm afraid you can kill it only by shooting yourself!" Tiandao looked at the dark misty area in front of him and turned his head towards Huang Yidao.

"Yeah! If it was us. It may have been corroded to death by the magic mist before we approached the death knight!" Qin Shiyu also solemnly said.

Countless players and reporters also looked at Huang Yi one by one with anticipation, waiting for him to shoot in person to kill this demigod!

Huang Yi nodded his head, clenched the wrath of killing the gods, and said, "Okay! I haven't killed a real master of the realm yet. Let's start today!"

Having said that, Huang Yi took a deep breath. With the attention of the whole world, step by step towards the depth of the dense fog, the figure gradually disappeared into the eyes of everyone.

Outsiders can no longer see the scene in the dense fog, they can only wander outside one by one, guessing what happened inside, waiting for Huang Yi to reappear.

At this time, Huang Yi felt a tremendous pressure. He arched and walked in the dense fog with very low visibility, and occasionally reached out and patted the fog in front of him. He squinted slightly, looking forward, looking for the deep pit where the death knight had fallen.

The closer he got to the center of the dense fog, the more intense the oppression he felt. As if approaching a sleeping peerless fierce beast, he might be killed at any time.

Fortunately, he has the blood of Nefarem. These magic mists are not corrosive to him, and his visual ability is far superior to ordinary people. In this dense mist, he can still identify the direction.

In the end, he successfully approached the deep pit and slowly came to the pit. Holding on to the wrath of killing God, he looked down cautiously.

At the bottom of the deep pit is a dense misty ocean of fog. Through the thick magic air, you can vaguely see the figure of a mighty shore lying below.

The figure lay motionless on the ground, blood was flowing from the corners of his mouth, his eyes closed. An endless stream of black magic mist emanates from his body, which is the source of all the magic mists in this world.

Next to him was a group of grey-green war horses, with their legs twitching and dying.

This person is one of the four knights of the Apocalypse, representing death-Death Knight · Xie Xi!

His Majesty the Seven Demon Kings has many death knights, but only those who reach the level of demigods!

He is a myth among the demons, admired by all demons, and ordered by the demons to follow!

But now, this fabulous Demon power is so deep in the pit, motionless, waiting for Huang Yi's kill.

Just then, the death knight suddenly opened his eyes, a cold light flashed, staring at Huang Yi beside the giant pit.

The eyes of the two penetrated the thick fog, looking directly together!

If Huang Yi was severely hit, the pedals took several steps back!

The death knight's gaze, like a real sword light, hit him, almost choking him!

Demigod is too strong, even if it is a look, it is unbearable!

Huang Yi looked at the deep pit not far away, still thinking of the gaze just now, still a little palpitated.

The death knight's serious injuries do not know to what extent, if there is even a little resistance, Huang Yi may have to die here.

But soon, Huang Yi's gaze became firm again ~ www.readwn.com ~ holding the wrath of killing God tightly, rushed to the huge pit, jumped directly and jumped down!


The names appearing in the text are basically the names of dragons registered by readers.

In the previous chapters, Shizaki Kurozo was also the name that readers applied for. I do n’t know if this is a character already in other anime game works, but it looks a bit like a Japanese name, so I used it. Later I read everyone's comments before I knew the truth.

When you sign up for the dragon set, it is best to use some original names! Friends who sign up for the Dragon Set role should not send it to me in QQ or open a separate post outside the book review area. There is only one place to sign up, that is, the "dragon cover collection post" with the essence and the top added. That is the place to collect the dragon cover. The reply in that post is only valid. I will only find the name of the dragon cover inside. I can't remember the rest, it was wiped out all of a sudden.

I now reply to the book review area about once every few days, and basically all will reply. If I have n’t responded to your post for a long time, it may be because I have n’t seen it and missed it. You can reply to a post by yourself and top that post so that I can see it again.

QQ is basically online once a week and unified reply once, some messages may not be seen, but as long as I see, I will basically reply.

Finally, I would like to thank friends such as "Sisters Borrowing Holes", "Ionian, Sword Girl", "Anos Vasine" and other friends for their recent great rewards.

There are also some friends who came from other places. I downloaded the client to support the genuine version for this book. Thank you very much!

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Thanks again! (To be continued.)

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