Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1020: Become an Ancient Giant

Huang Yi broke through the heavy magic mist and landed steadily on the bottom of the deep pit, only a few dozen meters away from the death knight.

The death knight was still lying on the ground, covered with blood, and a pair of sharp eyes kept staring at Huang Yi.

Staring at this, Huang Yi's goosebumps were all over his body. He squatted slightly, made a defensive posture, held the wrath of God tightly, and sweated in his palms.

This close distance to a demigod is like being locked in the same cage with a peerless beast, and it may be killed in the next second.

It was dim in all directions, without any reliance, but on his own.

The guardian wings behind Huang Yi directly wrapped around him, and then walked towards the death knight.

"Kill God, just you, do you want to kill me?" Said the death knight faintly, his voice hoarse and weak, but there was still a kind of high majesty, not offensive.

With the fall of his voice, the enchantment emanating from him suddenly became ten times stronger!

Billowing magical energy, spreading in all directions like a wild wind, rolled the dirt in the deep pit into the sky.

Huang Yi suddenly became uncomfortable, his cloak and clothes were blown up, and then fluttered frantically, each step took a huge amount of energy.

He must put the wrath of the **** of death into the soil fiercely to ensure that he is not blown out.

Those who were watching from afar, only felt that the magic mist inside had suddenly become more intense, and there had also been a sandstorm in the city.

The crowd could only retreat continually, looking at the direction of the deep pit, not knowing what happened to Huang Yi, which made such a big movement.

Finally, Huang Yi was close to the death knight, and there was only the last ten meters between them!

Huang Yi could even feel the breath exhaled by the death knight, feeling that his decaying heart was beating rhythmically in his chest.

Every heartbeat of the death knight is like the pulse of the earth. It came along the dirt, shaking his body through his legs, and affecting the frequency of his heartbeat.

"Hum!" The death knight snorted suddenly, and suddenly rose from the ground. Sitting cross-legged on the ground.

Then his breath became stronger and stronger, and wounds began to heal at a rate that was visible to the naked eye. The breath of his life that had been crumbling began to become firm again.

This death knight is doing his best to heal! Just wait for his injuries to heal even a little. Huang Yi could not kill him anymore.

"Death Wings!" Huang Yi fluttered the Death Wings behind her hard, and the endless sea of ​​fire suddenly filled the entire deep pit, burning the magic gas full of it.

The death knight was sitting cross-legged in this sea of ​​fire, motionless.

After the flames burned on him, it had no effect at all. He was like a King Kong in flames, his body was immortal, and it was useless to burn by Huang Yi.

"Wings of Liberty!" Huang Yi speeded up, his figure flashed. Directly broke through the heavy fog, came to the death knight, held up the wrath of killing God, and smashed a heavy sentence!

This is his strongest single attack skill, and he has now reached a super high level of 285!

This time, the judgment was fierce, and the axe blade and the magical spirit were rubbed fiercely, and the hot red light was lit, and the space was slightly shaken, as if to be split by this axe!

"Dang ~" When the wrath of the **** of killing was split on the death knight, it suddenly seemed to knock on a golden bell! Make a sound of incompatibility.

The death knight stood still. Still sitting cross-legged on the ground motionlessly, without frowning.

Huang Yi's heavy sentence was so fierce that he didn't even have a wound left.

Huang Yi reluctantly continued to raise his axe and hacked again towards the death knight!

This time. Without using any skills, he used his most common ordinary attack.

His normal attack comes with 50% sacred damage, which is the devil's nemesis!

Sure enough, this attack had a slight effect. After cutting the axe on the death knight's body, he cut open his skin. A fine wound was left.

But soon, the healing power of the death knight healed this little wound again, offsetting Huang Yi's damage.

After such a delay, the death knight's injuries have become much better. Several wounds have even been healed, leaving only a faint scar.

His breath was also more violent than before. Huang Yi stood beside him, as if he was standing next to a hot fire, and the skin on his body obviously felt a sting!

There isn't much time left for Huang Yi. If he still can't kill the death knight as soon as possible, he will be killed by the other party.

"Kill God, don't struggle, you can't kill me with this level of skills! Demigods have gone beyond the ordinary skill category! The battle between our demigods, even disdain to use skills." Death Knight stared at Huang Yi, said calmly.

His voice was obviously much better, not as weak as before!

"Is that so? How about this skill?" Huang Yi said, switching form decisively!

His body began to swell quickly, and his skin became dazzling yellow, as if plated with gold, exuding a strong sacred breath.

His muscles began to bulge and his body became taller and taller. He was originally a thin boy, but instantly became a strong man five meters away. The whole body is full of explosive force.

At this point, his form has completely changed into another race! An extinct race!

"Ancient giant!" The death knight's face changed, his eyes rolled wide, and the demigod master's calmness disappeared for a moment!

The ancient giants were once the nemesis of the demons, the nightmare of the entire demons, which can cause more serious damage to the demons than the rest of the race.

Later, the seven demon kings joined forces to manage to destroy all the ancient giants, and made their bodies into famous giants, which became a great weapon for the demons to destroy the world.

Now, the extinction is a long time ago, and it has appeared in front of the death knight! He can even feel the sacred breath of the ancient giant, which makes him a demigod.

The next moment, Huang Yi's body suddenly exuded an attractive force. The sand and stones in all directions seemed to meet magnets. They all gathered towards him, attracted to him and put him on a layer of sand and stone armor.

Huang Yi's body quickly became taller and taller, his appearance became more and more blurred, and he looked like a huge stone man.

This is exactly the racial skill in the archaic giant form--

[Taikoo Giant]: It can only be used in the form of the Taikoo Giant. Once this skill is used, it can absorb external materials to strengthen itself. It has the true Taikoo body. All attacks are sacred attacks and the defense attributes are doubled. The duration can be up to 10 days and the cooling time is 30 days.

Huang Yi has never used this skill before, but he has already seen it.

During the contest that year, in order to weaken the strength of those contestants, T.N.T specifically let several demons come out and attack the continent where the masters are. One of them wants to attack the hero continent.

At that time, the giant was in such a stage of absorbing external matter and strengthening himself.

As long as there is enough time to absorb, the archaic giant's size will become towering into the clouds, larger than the mountain peaks, and far beyond the size of ordinary creatures.

At that time, the strength of the giants will also become extremely powerful, casually stomping, can set foot on a city. A few kicks can destroy a mountain.

To deal with the Archaean giant, it is best to kill it in the cradle before it has completely absorbed the foreign matter.

At that time, he invited the Emperor Hailong, and while the giant was still adsorbing foreign matter, he first subdued it. He also received the blood of the Archaean Giant, and later absorbed and evolved into the Archaic Giant form.

Now, Huang Yi, the archaic giant, has begun to use this trick!

As long as he continues to be absorbed, his body shape will gradually become powerful, and his strength will rise.

At this time, Huang Yi's huge palm clenched the wrath of the **** of killing, and split it again towards the death knight!

This time, the rich sacred breath poured out frantically from the wrath of the god.

The entire axe became golden and bright, and the surrounding magic mist met this kind of golden light and receded in all directions.

The area where the axe is located forms a vacuum zone, and all the breath of the magic system cannot be approached!

"Oh!" The next moment, the wrath of the **** of killing broke into the death knight's body completely, tearing a huge wound, and oozing blood.

There was even a "zizi" barbecue sound at the wound ~ www.readwn.com ~ The black flesh glowed with a hint of golden light, and suffered severe burning.

Huang Yi, an ancient giant form, all attacks are divine attacks. Dealing with demons such as the death knight will cause more serious damage than ordinary creatures!

The expression of the death knight finally twitched, a flash of impatience flashed in his eyes, and he wanted to hurry to stop Huang Yi.

But now, his injury is not good enough to get up and fight, he can only watch Huang Yi raise his axe again and attack himself frantically.

In this way, Huang Yi was madly attacking the death knight while adsorbing the surrounding sand and stones.

The death knight's healing process was blocked. Although he was constantly healing, new wounds continued to be produced, and he was always in a state of serious injury.


A friend asked me why I could n’t find my name in the creative process. I did n’t do it before. Now that I have done it, I can find my name and vote for me. Thank you. (To be continued.)

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