Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1021: Kill Demigod

This battle formed a brief stalemate.

But this will not last long. At this time, Huang Yi is constantly attracting the surrounding sand and stones, and his strength is on the rise every moment, and this balance will soon be broken.

And Huang Yi has just been promoted to the guardian of the world and has various privilege bonuses. One of them is-in the second world, when fighting against enemies outside the second world, he has + 10% of his full attributes and -10% of his full attributes. .

The demons are all enemies outside the Second World. Huang Yi can enjoy this bonus when fighting with them!

"Oh!" At this moment, Huang Yi's wrath of killing the gods split again, and the vast divine power finally split the sitting posture of the death knight.

The corner of the Death Knight's mouth twitched slightly. He immediately looked at the war horse that fell to the ground and twitched. He hesitated for a while, but finally spit out four words in a deep voice: "Death Enchantment!"

The words fell, and the body of the gray-green war horse suddenly turned into a thick essence of life, gathered towards the death knight, and finally formed a circle of magic system around him.

After Huang Yi's attack landed on the enchantment, he was blocked immediately, unable to harm the death knight in the enchantment.

The death knight took the opportunity to heal his injuries frantically.

The horses of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are not ordinary mounts, but an important part of their strength. They have been with them all these years and participated in the destruction of countless worlds.

After losing the war horse, their strength will drop a lot. But now, in this case, the Death Knight has no better way. He can only sacrifice his steed, resist him for a while, and give him a little time!

As long as his injury is a little better, he can regain a little bit of combat power, which is enough to fight against Huang Yi!

At this time, Huang Yi's strength had become increasingly horrible. Almost all of him was absorbed on the surface of the body. His body has risen to ten meters away, and he continues to improve.

More and more powerful powers poured over the enchantment over and over again, and the wrath of the **** of death danced almost into a series of golden lights. The enchantment was rippling.

But the life essence of that warhorse was extremely majestic, and the formation of the demon enchantment was extremely strong. Even Huang Yi, an ancient giant, must attack for a long time to completely break it. By then, I am afraid that the death knight has recovered to a war.

Huang Yi must use the fastest speed. Quickly break this enchantment!

The next moment, he simply gave up the attack, stretched out his palm directly, pressed on the enchantment, and used his 270 level Nefarem skill—


A faint **** light suddenly rose from his hands and touched the circle of black enchantment.

Suddenly, the place where the enchantment touched the palm of his hand began to turn golden yellow, and the strong magical atmosphere was transformed into a sacred atmosphere. And keep spreading in the other direction!

The entire enchantment has become half black and half gold, and the magical power is transforming into the divine power at a speed that is visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this, the death knight trembled violently, even more shocked than when he saw Huang Yi transforming into an ancient giant. His eyes almost swelled out, and he cried out, "How can you reverse the power of the magic system into the **** system Power? What exactly do you do? How could it be possible to have this taboo-like ability? "

Huang Yi did not speak, and continued to reverse the enchantment with all his strength.

Soon, the entire enchantment had all turned golden yellow, exuding a strong sacred breath. The death knight surrounded by the enchantment was severely burned all over the body.

He originally wanted to protect himself from this enchantment, but now the enchantment has become a prison cage that continues to hurt him.

Huang Yi stopped the reversal and waved the wrath of killing God again. Cut down towards the death knight in the enchantment.

This time, Enchantment didn't stop his attack. The divine power in that enchantment fits perfectly with the divine power in his Archaean giant form. After killing the wrath of the gods on the enchantment, it broke through smoothly and broke on the death knight.

"Oh!" The death knight can no longer resist Huang Yi's crazy attack, the vast sacred power. He raged on him without any obstacles, and even penetrated through the wounds, damaging his internal organs.

"Ah!" The death knight could not help but uttered a painful growl, the speed of healing could not keep up with the speed of injury.

The black magic energy that emanated from him quickly faded, and it was difficult to stabilize the posture of sitting cross-legged. He began to crumble, and he might fall again at any time.

At this moment, the players and reporters who are watching from a distance in the distance are all aware of the change.

I saw that the magic energy rising from the inside was much lighter than before, and the vision was much better.

Some reporters flew into the sky and looked down at the big pit where the death knight was located, and they could already see some vague images!

Some powerful masters even started to break into the fog, risking to be corroded, and fumbled in the direction of the deep pit.

"Boom!" At this time, Huang Yi's wrath of killing the gods fell on the death knight again!

The death knight spit out black blood, his face was pale, his body shook violently, and finally he fell down again!

The healing power on him came to an abrupt halt, and he was restored to the previous state of dying! The magic energy evaporating from his body was almost exhausted, leaving only a hint of it.

At this time, Huang Yi had grown to a height of more than twenty meters, and his huge body was even about to grow out of the deep pit to see the outside scene.

The sacred breath emanating from him was as strong as the same round of scorching sun, completely suppressing the magical qi emanating from the death knight.

This side of the world is no longer a dark misty landscape, but replaced by dazzling golden light, which is no longer corrosive to players.

Those onlookers in the distance started to walk back, narrowed the encirclement, and rushed over to watch the change.

"Oh!" The wrath of the **** of killing fell on the death knight again and again, the sound of chopping meat came out from the deep pit, to the ear of an individual outside, it sounded like a kind of Inexplicable weirdness.

The crowd leaned over to the edge of the deep pit and looked down.

The next moment, everyone saw a shocking picture!

I saw a giant, twenty or thirty meters tall, in a deep pit, attacking the death knight on the ground frantically. The flying sand and rocks everywhere were all attracted by the giant and attached to him, making his body getting taller and stronger, and his strength more and more turbulent.

The death knight has no resistance, and bears fierce attacks again and again, more and more wounds on his body!

"That weapon is the wrath of killing gods! Is that giant a **** of killing !?" At this time, some sharp-eyed reporters had recognized the weapon in Huang Yi's hands and speculated in horror.

Huang Yi has never transformed into the shape of an ancient giant outside. It is regarded as an unexposed means of concealment, but has now been discovered by the outside world.

Audiences from all over the world were so shocked that they couldn't speak, so staring blankly at the huge figure in the deep pit, staring at him unscrupulously raising his hand again and again to cut off the axe, and then pulled it out Lift it up again, keep cutting it, and start again and again.

Dignified masters, like pork on a cutting board, are still chopped by this figure repeatedly!

At this time, Huang Yi took a deep breath, and suddenly slowed down his movements, raising his arms, raising the anger of killing God higher than any previous time!

After accumulating some power, the wrath of killing the gods surpassed any previous strength, and severely split it!

This is like the axe that breaks the ground, the air in front of the axe blade hissing violently!

The majestic sacred breath, forming a circle of golden air hood on the axe blade!

"Oh!" The wrath of the **** of killing made a bang with a final sound, and split it on the neck of the death knight!

Then, the head of the death knight was directly cut off and rolled all the way!

Those round eyes were staring obliquely at Huang Yi, but there was no more glory in it!

At that moment, the whole world seemed to tremble!

History is created at this moment!

An unreachable demigod, a fabulous character, was killed by life!

This is the first killing of a demigod among all players in the world!

The next moment, a vast voice broke through the world, circulating back and forth between continents, endlessly-

"[System Announcement]: [Kill God] killed the Death Knight · Xixi (Semi-God), becoming the first god-desire to kill the Demi-God, create myths, and enter the annals of history! Reward 1000 public reputation and get [Only Achievement]-[Kill Demigod], world honor value +1. "

Another system announcement!

A little more world honor!

Create myth again!

Audiences all over the world are blinded!

Huang Yi can already kill demigods!

This is simply a dream, it is impossible to happen!

But the system announcement sounded so real! Make people have to accept this fact!

Just then, Huang Yi's body suddenly flashed a dazzling golden light, and it was lit three times in a row, almost blinding everyone's eyes!

That is the light of upgrade!

Huang Yi was promoted to three levels at once! Soared to a super high level of 288!

He is a **** class ~ www.readwn.com ~ four times more difficult to upgrade than ordinary players!

And his rank is the first in the world, even if this level is difficult to ascend to the top!

But now, a 300-level demigod has fully promoted him to three levels.

Just looking at the difference in level, he only jumped more than ten levels! But the identity of the demigod is too noble, and the experience value cannot be calculated by common sense!

At this point, Huang Yi has completed another achievement that can only be looked up to--kill a demigod!


I see that some readers are asking about the group number. The group number is related to the starting work, and my QQ number is also on it. However, the group is very messy, and everything is sent. I'm not sure I can see the group message. Ask for a referral ticket and a monthly pass! It seems to be double the time now, one vote becomes two votes! (To be continued.)

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