Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1022: Artifact skills to kill the wrath of God!

When this national war is not over, I am afraid no one thought about it. In a short time, a demigod fell and was killed by Huang Yi in front of audiences all over the world!

The demons not only failed to destroy the heroic empire, but also lost an important figure. Even the mighty demons, the number of demigods is very small, each one is a hegemon, second only to the seven demon kings.

At this time, a sudden red light rose from the body of the death knight, and came towards the wrath of Huang Yi's killing god.

This kind of red light exudes a heart-warming breath, far more powerful than any other kind of power. That color and the red star in the starry sky come from the same source, which is the breath of the death knight's divine power.

Demigod Masters are called Divine Masters because they can already begin to gather the ultimate power of divine power. When all the power in the body has been converted into divine power, it is the top master of the **** domain, and it is also called "virtual god" with the image, and has the power to impact the god.

And Huang Yi's artifact embryo, Wrath of Killing God, is in the growth stage and needs to absorb a large amount of growth energy, such as epic equipment, broken gods, and so on. Divine power is one of the best supplements.

The death knight's divine power was absorbed by the wrath of the killing god, and the color of the wrath of the killing **** also gradually turned red. It seemed to be burning hot, and a hint of red divine power was steamed out, looking far away, as if The corona of a sun.

Now that this artifact embryo has a trace of real artifact majesty, just by seeing its appearance, you can feel a kind of earth-shattering power, not a weapon that the world can possess!

"[System Tip]: Your Artifact Embryo [Death Wrath] absorbs the power of Death Knight · Xi Xi, completes a reborn metamorphosis, is promoted to a third-level artifact embryo, and gives birth to the first artifact skill. Because of this artifact It is named after you, and the artifact skills need to be determined by you. The system will provide some types of artifact skills for you to choose. Finally, according to your characteristics, you will finally customize the first skill of the **** killing wrath. Because of your The number of skills is full, you need to sacrifice a skill first to get artifact skills. "

Huang Yi felt a joy. His artifact embryo was cultivated from scratch. He had previously absorbed two weapons, Bloody Warfare and Doom's Scythe, and was promoted to a second-level artifact embryo, but no artifact skills appeared. The power is slightly worse than their broken artifacts, such as blades, dragon thorns, and sharp swords, let alone sub-artifacts such as the spear of the heavenly sky. As for the pillar of the **** of the sea, the **** of the sea, it is even more heavenly do not.

The strongest part of the artifact is its special ability. The most important thing is to show up on artifact skills. Once the skills of Thor's finished artifact are used, even the Queen of Pain can be trapped! Without that artifact skill, Huang Yi could not have killed the Queen of Pain!

And now, Huang Yi, an artifact embryo, is finally about to give birth to his first skill!

Moreover, Huang Yi's artifact has an innate advantage compared to others' artifacts. This artifact is named after him and is not inherited from other places. The artifact skills of others are already destined, but his artifact skills can be customized according to his preferences, and have unlimited possibilities.

Huang Yi quickly sacrificed an ordinary skill. Free up a skill quota.

"Please screen the first type-attack, healing, defense." At this point, the system prompts finally let him choose the direction of the artifact skills.

"Attack!" Huang Yi made the choice without hesitation. He is a violent attacking profession, and the artifact skills naturally have to choose this direction, so as to maximize the fit with him.

"You have selected an attacking artifact skill, please continue to choose one of the following types: focus on attack power, focus on attack range, focus on attack effect."

"Focus on the power of attack!" Huang Yi continued to choose the direction of violent attacks.

"You have chosen an attacking artifact that focuses on attack power. Please continue to choose one of the following types: frontal battle, pursuit, assassination, and desperate counterattack."

Huang Yi thought for a while and finally chose to fight directly.

"You have chosen an attacking, attack-focused, and front-fighting artifact skill. Please continue to choose one of the following types: Consumption of Rage, Consumption of Nefarem, Consumption of Energy, Consumption of Reputation. Consumption The type is different. The effect, power, expression, and performance of the skill will be different. Please choose carefully. "

Huang Yi froze slightly, this artifact skill, even the type of consumption can be freely chosen!

Of these four options. The most difficult thing is to consume the anger value. As long as it is a warrior class, basically have anger value, just like the magic value of the mage, there is no difficulty in obtaining it. But the skills that consume rage will not be very powerful. Among all the skills of Huang Yi, only the skills of killing no amnesty, ninth clan, deciding to stand up, and Qing Jun side learned after being promoted to god-level occupations are considered to be powerful skills that consume anger.

The skills that consume Nefarem's power are just the opposite. They are so powerful that they can often change the situation directly. Whether it's Huang Yi's Nefarem skills, or his sister's nefarem skills, this is the category. However, Nefarem's power is too precious to be obtained, which directly restricts the frequency of Nefarem's skills, and is only willing to use it at critical moments.

The third option is the energy value, which is the standard configuration of the top skills in the eyes of the public. The exclusive skills of rare occupations consume energy values. In addition, the professional skills of ordinary players also consume energy values. As a result, the energy stone has become a strategic consumable that players always have. In the past few years, Huang Yi also often lacked energy values, but now he has no shortage of energy stones. The Heroes Guild has a power stone manufacturing factory that can continuously produce energy stones.

The last option makes Huang Yi feel novel most. It actually consumes reputation. This is an unprecedented skill consumption!

This kind of data of reputation value represents the player's popularity. Players with high reputation are public figures, generally world-famous players, which are equivalent to stars, and can be responded to.

However, the role of reputation is very vague. It is generally used to achieve certain behavioral conditions, such as starting a national war.

Ordinary players cannot take the initiative to open a war declaration mode against other countries. Only if the prestige value reaches a certain condition and has some popularity, can represent the player in that country to a certain extent, is eligible to declare war to other countries.

Huang Yi's reputation is the highest in the world, but this value has little effect on him, and his status is almost equivalent to the achievement value.

Achievement value is also useless, the biggest effect is to buy some weird gadgets from expert traders. Huang Yi has been in the Second World for so long, and only met the Merchant Merchant once, that is, the merchant he met in the desolate sand when he first went to Longdu and the No. 9 Qin Shiyu round.

At that time, he bought several strange items with the achievement value in the hands of the expert businessman. The best one was the medicine bottle, which gave birth to a random potion every day.

However, the number of such merchants is too rare, and many players will never meet one in their lifetime. The achievement value is rotten in their hands, and the flowers cannot be spent.

The reputation value is almost the same, and it is generally not used. Huang Yi has so far obtained only one way to consume reputation. That is, after becoming a guardian of the world, he can consume reputation and set some players or forces in the second world as "public enemies of the world". Just now he used this ability to set Miyamoto Musashi and T.N.T as public enemies of the world.

Now, another opportunity to consume reputation is in front of Huang Yi!

"Consume reputation!" Huang Yi simply chose this one to satisfy his curiosity.

The skills that consume reputation are definitely different from all the skills I have seen before!

"You have chosen the attacking, focusing on attacking power, frontal combat, and reputation-intensive artifact skills. Combined with your characteristics, the first artifact skill of Wrath of Killing God has been customized-[Call of Killing God ]: Killing God is angry, raising his arms and shouting, the responders gather! After using this skill, he can borrow murderous gas from the rest of the players. No matter where the player is, as long as he raises his hands, he can span an infinite distance and borrow murderous gas Here you are. After wielding the wrath of killing gods, you can burst out the borrowed killing gas towards the enemy, causing horrible damage! The more players respond to your call, the stronger the killing gas and the greater the power. Every time you use this skill, you need to consume a certain amount of reputation. The more responders, the more reputation you consume. "

Finally, the first artifact skill to kill the wrath of the **** was born!

This skill can be released by consuming reputation, and it really is different from any of his previous skills. No matter from the name of the skill, to the way of showing and displaying ~ www.readwn.com ~, it is completely different from the previous skills.

The power of this skill is beyond the control of Huang Yi, and is in the hands of the remaining players.

To release this skill, Huang Yi must rely on the cooperation of other players. He must collect murderous power from the remaining players.

If no one responds to Huang Yi, then this skill is an obsolete skill, useless at all.

But if there are many people responding to Huang Yi, then this skill will be very scary, and it will be enough to cause nightmare damage to the enemy.

Huang Yi's reputation is not a problem. Every player in the world knows him. His fans are countless, and there will be countless people responding to him.

And his own power has hundreds of millions of players, whether it is the hero guild, the hero empire or the heroism, are all large forces, and he will surely get a response when he shakes his arms.


Thank you "a rowing boat", "you know ..." and other friends for their great reward! (To be continued.)

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