Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1032: Scarlet Castle

"Master Redscale, this is not a good idea! Killing God is a godsend, and he can be resurrected after death. We have no use in killing him once!" Said another Naga twisting her own snake tail.

"Who said that he could only be killed once?" The old man with a red grin showed a cruel smile, his palms fluttered, and he took out a slender transparent bottle.

The bottle looks like a work of art, I do not know what material it is made of, the whole body is flowing with a bright light.

But this noble and beautiful bottle contained only a drop of colorless transparent liquid, and its appearance was bland.

Red Scale carefully pinched the top of the bottle with two fingers, staring at the drop of liquid in the bottle with fear, saying: "This is the drop of snake venom, and it also has a unique name-'Death of "Kiss." This snake venom can melt even the inanimate gold stones. Only this kind of magic crystal bottle specially used to hold the top-level liquid can be loaded with this snake venom! This magic crystal bottle is already a rare treasure, the universe. There are only a few demigod masters in it. But such a noble **** crystal bottle is only for holding this drop of death kiss! How can such a powerful toxin kill the **** only once? "

Said Red Scale, those slender eyes froze slightly, and said, "The snake venom, the kiss of death, will never be discharged once it enters the body. Even if the killer is resurrected, the toxin can still remain in him. In his body, it is useless to let him resurrect it many times, even if he died to level 1, the snake venom still remains in his body. From then on, he will become a complete waste. This toxin, even my five-step ascent Strength, shuddered, even unwilling to look at it, lest the toxin can spread through the eyes. "

The remaining Naga swallowed their throats and stared at the liquid in the crystal bottle.

The humble drop of liquid was the scariest drop of liquid they had ever seen in their lives.


After leaving Ross Island, after crossing a strait. Huang Yi and others finally boarded the Blood Moon Continent.

The place where they landed was on a sandy beach full of reefs, where the wind and waves were violent and huge waves hit the reefs. The drops of water that had risen from the sky fell down and hit everyone's faces, wet.

Huang Yi reached out and touched his face. He dropped the drops of water on it and turned to look around.

Look around. I can't see any figure, I can't hear the call of the beast, only the desolate sea breeze is blowing.

This desolate scene is quite consistent with the place where the demons raged. Where the demons pass, the birds and beasts are extinct and have no vitality.

The sky of the Blood Moon Continent is blood red. If it is in the Hero Continent, it should be noon at this time, and the sun is bright. But in the Blood Moon Continent. It was like the evening sunset.

Huang Yi looked up at the sky, only half of the sun could be seen, while the other half of the sun was blocked by the red star, reflecting the bleeding red light.

That red star seems to be the protagonist of the starry sky of this continent, and the rest of the stars are not as bright as that red star.

Just then, a figure flew out of the dense forest ahead.

He has a pair of flesh fins, and two fangs are exposed at the corners of his mouth. Amazingly, Luo Shao, who took the lead in exploring the road before, took you to fly.

He came directly to Huang Yi and reported: "Brother God, I have explored around here, and there is no trace of people nearby. It is safe."

"Trouble you!" Huang Yi patted his shoulder, then turned to look at the Overlord, and said, "What body of that beetle is located in the Blood Moon Continent?"

"I'll search again and see if you can wait for a while." The overlord said, and took out the tail spur of that beetle again. I closed my eyes and sang the weird melody again.

Soon, the overlord finished singing the melody, opened his eyes, pointed his finger to the northwest direction, and said, "The body of the beetle is in the northwest direction."

"Is it in the northwest?" Luo Shao took you to fly around and looked at the northwest. "In that direction, there are several areas such as Broken Wave Forest, Blood Swamp, and Scarlet Plain. I happened to have visited the Blood Moon Continent before Those regional adventures, let me show the way! "

After speaking, Luo Shao took you to fly, fluttering the flesh wings, and flew towards the northwest.

Huang Yi and others followed closely behind him, flying close to the ground, trying not to fly high, lest they be found by the demons.

Along the way, they didn't find any living things. There was a dead silence on the earth, only the red light shone.

"The atmosphere of the Blood Moon Continent is a little weird!" As Huang Yi flew, while watching the **** scenery, he felt a sense of restlessness in his heart.

The red light from the Red Star is omnipresent. No matter which direction the eyes turn, it is this red light. It doesn't work if you want to see other colors to ease it.

"A lot of players will feel this way when they first come to the Blood Moon Continent." Luo Shao takes you to look up at the red star in the sky and introduces: "The Blood Moon Continent is the closest to that Red Star. A continent. The red star blocks in front of the sun during the day and before the moon at night. Whenever it is bleeding red, it always shines on the blood moon continent, making the day and night of the blood moon continent always look like this , Permeated with a layer of blood. "

Luo Shao took you to fly and said, turned to look at the wrath of killing God in Huang Yi's hand, enviously said: "Big God, in fact, this blood moon continent is also helpful to your artifact. Wait for your artifact When the embryo is promoted to the finished artifact, if it is required to be quenched, it is best to come to the Blood Moon Continent to complete this process. Since ancient times, there have been many demigod masters or master craftsmen who tried to make artifacts. The lunar continent is quenched. It is because it is closest to the Red Star and is always illuminated by the Red Star. "

Huang Yi capped the wrath of God in his hand, felt the delicate touch of the glyph on the handle of the axe, and shook his head with a smile. "This artifact was promoted to the third-level embryo. Only one artifact appeared. I do n’t know when Promoted to a finished artifact. "

"I have faintly heard that there seems to be a castle built by the Ascendant Bloodhoof in the Bloodmoon Continent?" At this time, the second-good boy stroked his yellow hair and asked the wind.

"That's right!" Luo Shao took you to fly and nodded. "On the eve of the Ascendant Bloodshoe Seal God, he appeared in his Scarlet Castle, the place where he last appeared. In ancient times, the Scarlet Castle was established. On the scarlet plain of the western continent at that time, there were various landscapes such as manors, forests, lakes, mountains, etc., not so much a castle as a country. But in the ancient times, the battle of the seven demon kings invaded and put things Two super continents were shattered, and a large land centered on the Scarlet Castle, shattered from the western continent and became the current blood moon continent. "

"Is there a Bloodhoof castle here?" Huang Yi thoughtfully. "I received a world mission to investigate the mystery of the death of Bloodhoof a long time ago. If we have the opportunity, we can explore his **** castle. And see if you can find anything! "

"Okay! OK! I like castles the best! I have been dreaming since I was a kid that I can live in the castle with my prince of the white horse." He Tu clapped his hands, turned his head to look at the clear, and spit out his little tongue. "Unfortunately, Qingming can't afford the castle, so I have to look at it in this virtual world. The blood hoof castle should be very romantic."

"Romantic? Stop dreaming! Scarlet Castle is dangerous!" Luo Shao took you to fly and shook his head, and said solemnly, "In the past, the people in the blood family have told me many times that Scarlet Castle is the forbidden land of the Blood Moon Continent. Historically, There are countless strong people who want to enter the castle to explore, but none of them come out again. Later, some players rely on themselves to be able to resurrect and venture into the Scarlet Castle, but before they explore the core area of ​​the castle, they are all destroyed. No one has succeeded so far. "

"What are you afraid of? Our team is not an ordinary team. There is a big brother to kill God!" He Tu said indifferently.

In this way, the people flew forward while talking, and gradually passed over a forest and reached a swamp area.

"Huh? Someone has come here!" Just then, Huang Yi suddenly stared at an area in the swamp below, Shen Sheng said.

The people immediately turned their heads to see the past, and saw a dirt road not far away that was clearly trampled by countless people.

The muddy road was full of fresh footprints, converging together and extending to the end of the line of sight.

Judging from these footprints, there should have been a team that has passed by here and moved forward.

Huang Yi immediately stopped her wings and landed in the swamp. He took a close look at those footprints.

The footprints are different in size and even different in shape. Some are human footprints, some are claw footprints, and some are webbed.

But these footprints have a common feature ~ www.readwn.com ~ That is that the front and back distances are different, the angles are not the same, and they are crooked. It can be inferred that those who stepped on these footprints should be very tired. It's very difficult to walk.

At this time, Luo Shao took you to squat down and looked at the footprints, saying: "The duck web-like footprints should be left by the swamp people; these three-toed footprints are unique to the mountain dwarf; this claw Like footprints, there are blood ape people. These are some small races on the Blood Moon Continent, but now they appear here collectively, and they seem to be very sleepy in walking. It should be that the demons enslaved them and rushed them to somewhere. Place, what to do. "

"Then we follow this path. Demons and Zerg are allies. As long as we find the core camp of the Demons, we should be able to find those Zerg." Huang Yi stared at the footprints that extended into the distance.


This volume has reached a new big story. The previous chapters need to be padded with some things, which will be very bland, just like when Huang Yi had just returned to the mainland of Singapore, he was writing some daily chores every day, which was difficult to get exciting.

But this kind of bedding plot is indispensable, and it is necessary to explain enough information to slowly build up the next one. (To be continued.)

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