Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1033: quarrel

Huang Yi and others flew up into the sky again, and flew forward along the obvious footprint.

This time, they flew more cautiously. Luo Shao took you to this blood race to fly in the forefront to explore the road. Even if the demons found it, they would save their lives because of his blood race.

Huang Yi, Overlord, Qingming, Hetu, Zhong Erhao, and the five of them are far behind more than ten kilometers away. Keep an eye on the news that Luo Shao took you to fly, and if something changes, immediately Stop going.

Along the way, Huang Yi and others saw a path of other footprints, extending from other places, and eventually meeting each other to become one.

After countless intersections, the road of footprints has become a road. There are thousands of footprints on the road, countless, and they have extended towards the depths of the swamp.

Looking at the crooked footprints on the road, Huang Yi can roughly infer what happened before.

People passing by here should be driven from all directions of the Blood Moon continent, so from time to time there are branches in the swamp.

And these branches finally come together and become a road, which shows that although they come from all directions, they are deliberately driven together to go to a certain destination.

This situation is becoming more and more apparent. The demons seem to have a big plan that requires a lot of manpower.


At the same time, more than a thousand kilometers away, at the end of the road of footprints, the demons, blood and zerg tribe drove the mighty slaves together to an open grassland.

This grassland is called the Blood Moon Plain, and it has a vast expanse of horizons and wide horizons, without even trees.

Looking up, the starry sky appeared completely, and the stars were bright. In particular, the red star is the most dazzling, hanging obliquely from the heads of everyone, and even the craters above the planet are clearly visible, as if within reach.

"The red star here is very full of light. And there are no trees and mountains to cover it, which is suitable for our bees and insects to collect the red star light on a large scale to brew divine honey. Just build the hive here!" At this time, the front of the team. A beetle suddenly stopped flying and issued a hoarse command, with a firm tone and no discussion.

It looked up, those huge compound eyes. Looking up at the red star in the sky, reflecting the **** light, emitting a boundless pressure, spreading in all directions.

Thousands of slaves below, feeling the oppression, shuddered and stopped.

This beetle is the leader of all the beetle who came to the second world this time. It is named Ye Yehua and it is the only drone. Has reached the 292-level two-step ascendancy strength!

The rest of the bees and worms are all low-level worker bees, obeying its orders.

Not far from Zhuo Yehua, a demon was flying, wearing a black monk robe, his head was a bald head, and it was covered with blood-colored lines.

Holding a long whip in his hand, some flesh and blood remained on it. I don't know how many slaves have been killed along the way. Several flies hovered and danced. Fighting for the flesh and blood that remains.

His name is Fanyu, a top painful acolyte in the Pain Demon. He is also a 292-level two-step ascendant, and is currently in the blood moon continent. The leader of all demons.

Vatican's body also exudes a terrifying atmosphere, and the faint and burning night form a counterbalance.

"That's good!" Vatican responded lightly, shaking the whip in his hand, pounding the air, and turning his head to stare at the beetle. "Burning Yehua, you and your beetles are most familiar with the construction of hive. Then you stay here to preside over the construction. I will take my people back to the camp to rest. After you have built the hive, go to the camp. Notify me. Remember, don't bother me while I read the Sutra of Suffering! "

"No, I gave you the plan to build the hive before. You and your people stayed to preside over the construction task, and I returned to the camp." Zhuo Yehua shook his head directly and said without compromise. "I and I The bees and insects of the bees started from the Zerg galaxy and crossed half of the universe before coming here. Nearly half of the bees and insects died along the way. I have to rush back to the camp to deal with the bodies of the bees and wait for the hive to build When you are ready, you will come and inform us. "

"Huh?" Vatican's face suddenly cooled down. "Do you think that my order can be refused casually by you? Lord Queen Pain has brought you here, but it is only as a tool to make divine honey, we demons It's the queen of the Pain Queen. Don't get me wrong! "

"Our beetle has always only listened to our Zerg orders. No matter what, I must go back to the camp!" Zhuo Yehua said toughly.

After a while, he suddenly remembered something, and stretched his finger to a blood family not far away, and put forward a new suggestion: "Let's do this! Let Blood Tianyu stay here to preside over the construction task, and we will return to the camp."

In the direction of his finger, a blood race flew, and the body also exuded the breath of top heaven, but it was far less intense than the two of Zhuo Yehua and Fan Yu, and had not yet reached the stage of ascension.

The blood raced quietly aside, while flying, reaching out and wiping a whip mark on his arm.

"That's good!" Vatican nodded, turned to look at the blood race, and said politely, "Hey! Blood Tianyu, take your blood race with you, stay here and supervise the slaves to build the hive. If something goes wrong, it won't be as simple as a whip mark on you! "

Say ~ www.readwn.com ~ Fan Yu stared at Xue Tianyu, drew his whip sharply, and made a "snap".

Xue Tianyu shuddered in shock and nodded quickly, saying, "Okay, Lord Vatican, I must build a hive as soon as possible!"

Fanyu then smiled coldly, turned away from here, and flew away.

Zhuo Yehua also looked at Xue Tianyu and flew in the direction of Vatican.

After the two leaders had all flown away, Xue Tianyu looked down at the slaves on the ground, his face full of suffocation, and yelled, "You guys are not happy to build me a hive. Who dares to be lazy, I **** his blood!"

His voice was a little angry, and it seemed that he would vent all the breath he had just received from Vatican to the slaves below.

Suddenly, hundreds of millions of slaves across the earth began to work under the supervision of lower blood, zerg, and demons scattered all over the place.

On the road behind them, Huang Yi and others were rushing over the mountains and chasing after them. (To be continued.)

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