Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1034: Open Eyes of Time Again

? "Brother Yi, I found a corpse of a swamp man." After flying along the path of footprints in the swamp for a while, Huang Yi finally received a message, which was forward detection. Luo Shao of the road took you flying over.

"You are waiting in place, we will come right away." Huang Yi returned a message and immediately speeded up the flight.

After flying about ten kilometers forward, Luo Shao took you to the front of the figure.

At this point he was squatting in a mud puddle in front of him, watching carefully.

Huang Yi and others landed next to him and looked at the mud puddle together.

At this moment, a strange body was lying in the mud puddle.

The shape of the corpse was a bit human, but the skin was moist and smooth like the skin of a frog, the feet were webbed like ducks' feet, a harpoon was held in his hand, a fishing basket was carried on his back, and a fishing net was hung around his waist.

The body was covered with whip marks, which seemed to have been stabbed to death with a whip. It should have been dead for some time, it has begun to rot, some maggots have begun to grow on it, countless flies are hovering and dancing, and the stench is smelling.

Everyone was a perennial adventurer in the wild, and they didn't feel discomfort when they saw this rotting corpse. Only Hetu, the only woman in the team, looked pale, stretched out his little hand to cover his mouth and nose, and hid behind Qingming.

Luo Shao has taken you to the corpse for a long time before taking you to fly, and now actively introduces: "This is a typical Swamp corpse. This race has lived in the swamp for generations, but it almost never crosses the corpse. In the wild, because the swamp people are very poor, they depend on frog hunting and fishing to make a living, but the swamps are fickle, and fish frogs are not often found. Swamp people often cannot eat their abdomen, so once a similar person dies, the rest of the people will Its body is eaten. It will not be abandoned. So, this swamp man. It must have been killed by the demons and discarded here. "

Huang Yi stared at the whip marks on the corpse, which faintly exuded a familiar black gas, and nodded his head: "The corpse's whip marks faintly exude magic, which is indeed the demons killed of."

"I seem to have smelled the Zerg!" At this moment, the second-year good boy suddenly said.

Huang Yi and others quickly turned their heads. Staring at the second-year good boy motionlessly.

They came to the Bloodmoon Continent, not to track the Demons, but to track the Zerg, which is the focus of this trip.

At this time, the good boy in the middle two reached out and put a strand of yellow hair behind his ear, flapping the Zerg wings, hovering in the surrounding sky for a while, sniffing deeply, as if he was sensing the remaining breath in the air.

After a while, he nodded again. "Is there a zerg breath here, I can be 100% sure."

Qingming touched his chin and asked: "How are you sure? Our level is so much higher than you. But none of them are abnormal. Only the demon brother only found the trace of the demon race ."

"Don't underestimate any player. Each player may have abilities that others don't have. Brother Brother God is just good at one aspect." The second-good boy smiled with pride and touched his nose. "Zerg Although it is one of the most powerful races in the universe, the world knows very little about this race. Even the famous "Honey Honey" has not been seen by anyone. I just heard that it is the best healing fetish. I've had Zerg adventures. That's why I know how to tell the Zerg breath. "

The second-year good boy paused, as if to show off his expertise. "Where the Zerg passes, there will be a substance called 'secretin' left. The rest of the race will not smell it, even if there is a cup of secretion in front of your eyes, you will not notice it. , I thought it was an ordinary liquid. But the Zerg are very sensitive to this secretion, so I can smell the secretion smell in the air, and you can't! "

The second middle-aged boy said, took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and seemed to be savoring the taste of the air: "The taste of this secretion is more noble than the ordinary Zerg, and it should be left by the top-level Zerg Zerg, and It is the kind of top-level celestial powerhouse who has reached the stage of ascension. However, there is a hint of violentness in the secretion, which is a bit like the zerg's full body tension. The flavor secreted during the upcoming battle shows that the zerg should be It was very angry, and it seemed to be ready for a fight. "

"Shoot a battle?" Huang Yi pondered the word and groaned. "Since the Zerg appears in this place, it should be to drive away the slaves with the Demons. Those slaves are of low strength and it is impossible for a top-level Celestial Zerg Shoot a battle, just as the Swamp man can kill directly, it can't rise to the level of 'shoot a battle'. So speculate that only the master of the demons can give the Zerg the possibility of a battle. "

"You mean ..." The Overlord narrowed his old eyes, "Although the Demons and the Zerg are allies, they are actually not in harmony and are fighting each other?"

"Yes!" Huang Yi nodded, "Every ally relationship is difficult to achieve true coordination and integration, and some disputes will inevitably arise. If their contention is fierce, it may be more convenient for us to act ... … Let ’s do this, I will use one of my abilities to test it out, but it will take some time, and you wait patiently! "

Huang Yi said, blinked, opened the eyes of time, and looked at the past of this area.

Everything that happened here, like the reverse movie, began to show up quickly.

He patiently adjusted the speed of the upside down, carefully looking for the moment when the slaves passed here, which took some time to find.

At the same time, the energy value is consumed as quickly as flowing water.

This rate of consumption, if let ordinary players know, do not know what it will be distressed, such things as energy stone, in the eyes of ordinary players are still high-level treasure. For Huang Yi, a wealthy man, there is no shortage of energy stones, but it is just a shortage, not to the point where he can squander waste. If it is not a special case, he will not open the eyes of time casually.

The Eye of Time is a very powerful ability of Huang Yi. You can see the success rate of battle souls, the explosive items of the Tower of the Gods, the next combat action of the npc, and so on. But the stronger the power, the higher the consumption.

The speed of energy consumption of the Eye of Time is divided into different situations.

Looking at the future is the most fierce and the worst. It can only see the future of npc a few seconds later, and it is impossible to see the future of the player, because this is the player's self-consciousness, not a program set by the system .

If you look at it in the past, the effect is much more obvious, because it is something that has already happened, and the system has an image record.

Looking at the past is also divided into different situations, seeing dead, living, environmental landforms, etc., all have different consumption speeds . If you look at the player's past, that consumption will be greater than the consumption of npc.

The lowest consumption situation is like Huang Yi now, looking at the past of a region. However, this "low consumption" is compared to the eye of time itself. For ordinary players, this so-called "low consumption" is still an unaffordable high consumption.

Huang Yi stared at the swamp so impassively, his eyes exuding a strange and fascinating light.

The other few people saw Huang Yi's expression, and one after another guessed that he should be using the ability to see the past.

Before the end of the national war a while ago, Huang Yi told the audience in the world and said the insignificant things that counter-attack league players have done in the past, causing a sensation among players around the world. Countless people have speculated that Huang Yi should have the ability to see the past.

At this time, the second-year boy was like a curious baby, crooked his head and stared at Huang Yi's eyes with strange eyes, looked around him several times, and then swallowed a spit, saying: "Big God Brother I should be watching it, I really envy this ability! If I have this ability, I will go to see the girl I like and see how she showered last night ... "

"Good idea, it's despicable and shameless! But I like it!" He Tu said, his eyes brightened, he laughed, turned his head to look at her boyfriend's clear, smiled unwillingly, "If I can look past, I'll see if I can hide in the bed without doing anything unseen."

Qingming shook his head and said, "This ability should be limited! For example, when you see sensitive pictures, you will play mosaics and the like. If you can see the specific details of bathing and intimacy between men and women, then I want to go to the times The company complained, which clearly violated the player's *! "

"But this is not a big problem. After all, as far as we know, only the brother of killing God has this ability, and by the nature of the brother of killing God, there is no such bad taste of peeking at a woman's bath." Fei hurried to maintain Huang Yi.

The people just chatted as they waited for Huang Yi's result.

"I found it!" At that moment, Huang Yi's eyes brightened, and finally he made a noise.

His eyes of time finally adjusted to the picture of the slaves passing through the area.

He saw a sorrowful acolyte in pain, holding a whip, and screaming violently at the slaves below.

Beside the painful acolyte ~ www.readwn.com ~ A bee-like creature also spoke something. Then the two of them confronted each other, exuding a strong breath on their bodies, the atmosphere was so suffocating as if they were going to fight at any time.

But at this moment, a blood race suddenly came forward to fight the round, but was whipped by the painful acolyte on his arm, reprimanded a few words, scared the blood race to retreat quickly, shivering, and never dare to interject.

Afterwards, these people continued to move forward, disappeared into the horizon, and could not see their follow-up.

This time, Huang Yi watched this area, not those people, and only the pictures of those people passing through the area will be displayed. There is no way to know what happened to those people, unless you see them in person and use them as the object of time.

However, from the picture just seen, the relationship between the demons and the zerg is indeed very tense, they are competing with each other, and they have even reached the point where they are about to fight.

"Huh? What's that ?!" Just as Huang Yi was about to close the Eyes of Time, he suddenly widened his eyes and saw an incredible picture. (To be continued.)

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