Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1035: honeycomb

In the picture shown by Eye of Time, when the demons, zerg and blood races drove the slaves away, a wave of people appeared behind them!

This wave of people followed the demons and slaves at a distance, hiding their behavior, turning their heads from side to side, and watching everything around them vigilantly.

Their appearance is also quite strange. The upper body is like a human, but the lower body has a huge snake tail. When it moves forward, it relies on the twist of the snake tail to meander.

This group of people is headed by an old man whose snake scales are bright red and the breath is unfathomable. It is actually stronger than the agony acolyte with a whip. Heaven stage, and in this stage has been promoted to several levels of the world's strongest.

Even if you look at the central continent to this extent, only those ethnic holy places or leaders of large forces can have them. For example, you have gone to the heroic continent to hunt down the yellow orc leader of the orc holy land before-295 barbaric saints!

Characters at this level, following an order, are followed by many people and have a distinguished status, and they generally disdain to do such things as sneakily tracking others.

And this red-scale strong, but led a group of men, quietly tracking the demons in front of them.

Is there a force still tracking those demons?

What purpose do they have?

For a moment, Huang Yi's mind aroused a lot of doubts.

"Brother Yi, have you discovered anything new?" At this time, Luo Shao took you to see Huang Yi's shocked expression, and couldn't help asking. The others were staring at Huang Yi.

Huang Yi took a deep breath, closed the eyes of time, and nodded: "Yes! I discovered a new situation, in addition to us, there are a group of people who are following those demons. The head of this is a 290 Multi-level super strong! These people are human-like in the upper body and a huge snake tail in the lower body. I wonder if there is such a race in the Blood Moon Continent? "

"The upper body is a human body, and the lower body is a snake tail?" Luo Shao took you to fly and tilted his head for a while to think, then shook his head, "There is no such race in Blood Moon Continent! And you say that the person headed is a super master of over 290 .On the whole Blood Moon continent, only one person has achieved such strength, that is, the chief of our blood family, but from the appearance you describe. Obviously it cannot be him. As far as I know, even the strongest central On the mainland, a strong person who has reached this level of strength does not have the shape of a human snakehead. "

"Then they should be from outside the Second World. Maybe Naga from the First World!" Huang Yi said thoughtfully.

He had previously heard the dean of the Royal Academy of Oskan talk about Naga's appearance. Naga has the blood of Nashash. The upper body is humanoid, and the lower body has a snake tail, which is exactly the same as the group seen by the Eye of Time.

In addition, Naga is one of the most powerful races in the First World. According to the dean, the patriarch Snake-haired Banshee Medusa is an extremely powerful demigod. From this point of view, there are naturally a group of powerful men in the Naga tribe, the old man with red snake scales. May be one of them.

If this is the case, then the purpose of these Naga's visits to the Second World is very strange.

They quietly came to the second world, but did not go elsewhere, but they came to the Blood Moon continent to track the demons. What was it for?

"This trip to the Blood Moon Continent may be more complicated than originally thought!" Huang Yi turned his head and looked around at the others, exhorting, "Everyone be careful! Now our advantage is to hide in the dark, whether it is The demons, blood, zerg, or those naga in the back. We don't know that we exist yet. "

"Okay! Then I will continue to explore the way ahead!" Luo Shao took you flying and said, flew back into the sky, and hurried forward along the road of those footprints.

Huang Yi and others deliberately delayed for a while, and followed them far behind. move on.


In a flash, two days passed.

In the past two days, apart from a few people who were eating, drinking and going to the toilet, the rest of the time were basically on their way.

In fact, at their flying speed, it doesn't take so long, but they must be careful in the Blood Moon Continent. Dare not fly at full speed.

That evening, several people from Huang Yi finally flew to the marginal area of ​​the swamp. The ground below had little muddy water, but began to turn into hard soil. The plant type has also changed, and further forward is an endless steppe.

At this point, the bright moon had begun to rise into the sky, but was half-covered by the red star, making the moon look like a blood moon, **** moonlight and starlight, sprinkled on the grassland in front, with a strange beauty .

"Brother Yi, I found them." Just then, Huang Yi suddenly received the news that Luo Shao took you to fly.

Everyone was shocked to speed up the flight. It didn't take long for them to see Luo Shao waiting ahead to take you to fly.

At this point, he was hovering at the border of the grassland, hesitated to move forward. When he saw Huang Yi and others coming, he immediately pointed his finger at the distant horizon, and said, "Brother Yi, there are countless slaves in the grassland ahead. It seems that they are building something, and I am afraid they will find them flying forward.

Huang Yi and others immediately looked up and saw countless weeds fluttering in the night wind in the vast grassland ahead, covered with a layer of blood-colored starlight.

At the end of the horizon, faintly can see countless small black dots, busy in the blood moon, a closer look, those small black dots are a personal creature, seems to be the group of slaves.

At this moment, the slaves were building a huge strange building.

The building stood up on the flat grassland, and the whole was an oval shape, like a huge erected egg, covered with countless hexagonal holes, arranged very regularly, each six The holes in the side should be several meters high and wide, leading to the interior of the building, with a rigorous beauty of geometric figures.

Many slaves are in and out of the hexagonal holes. There were also some people who looked like supervisors flying around. There were blood, demons, and zerg. They were patrolling and monitoring around them. As long as slaves were lazy, they would immediately take lessons.

"They're building a hive!" Just then, the second good boy suddenly said.

"Hive?" Luo Shao took you to fly and wondered, "What is this? What's the use?"

"That's the exclusive building of the beetle family." The good young man in the middle looked at the building under construction in the distance and explained, "The three royal families of the zerg family have different buildings. The ant family is built underground Ant holes, spider worms are cobwebs, and bee worms are hive. Bees make honey, which is carried out in the hive. "

Huang Yi looked at the building and searched for a while, focusing on the demons and bees that looked like supervisors.

According to the pictures he saw in the eyes of time before, the bosses of the demons and bees were both powerful men. But now, he did not find the two strong men.

Huang Yi thought about it and simply turned to look at the Overlord, and said, "Overlord, once again you can feel the body of the beetle and see if it is near that hive?"

"Okay!" The overlord nodded, took out the tail spur of the beetle again, closed his eyes, and began to sing that weird melody.

When the melody was finished singing, the overlord opened his eyes and shook his head, and said, "The body of the beetle is not near the hive, but in another area, a long distance from here."

"So it seems that the place you said should be the home base of the Demons in the Bloodmoon Continent!" Huang Yi stroked his chin and speculated, "After these Zerg came to the Second World, they entered the Bloodmoon Continent, and The demons and blood races drove the slaves together, searching for a place to build a hive, and finally chose this grassland. During the hive construction, the beetle and the leader of the demons may have returned to the demons' base camp. "

"Would we like to go to that base camp of the Demon Clan to investigate?" Qingming said, turning to look at Hetu aside, and laughing. "After I and Hetu are combined, they can change into any we have ever seen. The race looks like it's perfect for getting in there. "

"Observe it for a while before talking!" Huang Yi shook his head ~ www.readwn.com ~ We are weak and weak now, it is best not to act lightly, otherwise it will be found by the Demon and Zerg, and there is only a dead end. The two leaders of the Demons and Zerg are both powerful men who are better than us, and they also have some top-level Celestial men, which are not at all able to compete with our six-person team. Since this hive is a key building, let's stay close to it. After the hive is built, the leaders of the demons and zerg should appear here again. "

Huang Yi said, turning his head to look at the rest of the grassland, glanced through the vast weeds, and said quietly: "Now, we all know the construction site of the Demon's base camp and the hive, but we still have left. An uncertain factor is the group of people who are suspected of Naga. At this moment, they are likely to be hidden in this grassland, hiding behind a group of grasses like us, and monitoring the construction of that hive. Find them, and monitor them together, so as not to affect our plans. "

After Huang Yi finished speaking, he glanced at several people in turn, and dispatched the mission: "Qingming, Hetu, you two have merged and changed into a demon-like race, go to the east of the hive to search; Luo Shao takes you to fly, you Use your blood race form to search south of the hive; middle two good boys, you use your Zerg form to search west of the hive. I can transform into a demon form, I go to the north of the hive to search. In this way, Even if we are found, we will not reveal our true identity. As for the Overlord, we are monitoring the hive here, and if any party finds anything, we will send messages to each other. "(To be continued.)

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