Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1036: Scarlet Castle

? Zhong Erhao turned his head to look around the vast grassland, shook his head slightly, and said, "We are searching without such clues. It should be difficult to find those naga? Is this grassland so? It's vast, and those naga are careful, who knows which corner to hide in? "

Huang Yi smiled and patted his shoulder: "We are looking for needles in the haystack, but we don't have to find them, as long as we can find any snake skin they left behind, or even one that fell off. Snake scales, we can all give it to the overlord, and let the overlord use his unique tracking ability to find the location of those naga! Just like the overlord finds the position of the beetle's body through the tail spur of that beetle same."

"Oh! That's it! So it seems that the overlord's tracking ability is so powerful!"

"That's for sure!" Huang Yi nodded and looked at the overlord and sighed. "The world is so big, it's not easy to find someone. There are few players with tracking ability, and most of them can't track across the continent, but overlord It can be done. Looking at the whole world, this is very top-level tracking ability! "

Next, the people dispersed according to Huang Yi's arrangement, and began to search for the traces of the naga in this vast grassland.


In an area far east of the hive, behind a group of tall grass, the old man with red scales and the men of Naga were quietly monitoring the slaves to build the hive.

"The **** slaves, they are too slow! When will the hive be built!" A naga with a green snake scale complained boringly.

He lay on the ground with his snake tail half-stretched, reached for a piece of dead skin on his snake tail, and threw it on the ground.

A naga with a half-snake tail broken yawned, squinting half-heartedly, holding back at will. Said: "Our old nest is comfortable and can sleep on a soft bed if you are lucky. There is also a beautiful female Naga who is lucky to us and take the initiative to meet us." He stretched out his snake-like tongue, licked his lips, and his eyes glowed with wickedness.

The old man with the red scales twisted the tail of the snake, turned his head and looked further away from the grassland, and said, "It will take some time to see the progress of the hive construction. We don't waste time waiting here. A place, that place is also an area we need to focus on exploring! Before we set off. The people above specifically requested that we must go there and explore again, where it is possible to solve the mystery of an ancient era in the First World. "

"Ancient mystery?" A Naga suddenly wondered, "Why the mystery of our first world, why go to the second world to find the answer?"

"This is not only the mystery of our first world, but also the mystery of the second world, but the second world, like us, has still not been able to figure out that mystery." The old man with the red scale shook his head and immediately twisted. Heading towards the end of the grassland, toward the tail of the snake.

The rest of Naga looked at each other and eventually followed one by one. Disappeared in the vast grassland.

In situ, there is only the piece of dead skin that has been cut off, reflecting the **** moonlight .

if nothing unexpected happened. That dead skin, like any weed, will dissipate lonely. The moon and the stars pass by the starry sky above it in turn, the horizon will rise with the rising sun, and then fall again, and it will go back and forth, it will experience moonlight, sunlight, starlight, clear wind and rain, and finally become a part of the soil.

But one evening three days later, a black hand suddenly fell from the top. Pick up this piece of dead skin.

Picking up this piece of dead skin is a demon race. But deep in his eyes, he didn't have the violent atmosphere of the Devil. But with a touch of joy.

"Hetu, do you think this looks like snake skin? Could it be those Naga left behind?" The mouth of this demons suddenly made a man's voice.

"I think it's very similar. We have searched for several days, but we haven't found any trace of Naga. This piece of dead skin is the thing we found most like Naga. Take it back and show it to the overlord!" Suddenly A woman's voice emerged from the mouth of this demons.

In this Demon's body, it seems that there is a man and a woman who can control the body to speak.

This demons was transformed from the integration of Qingming and Hetu.

After the two of them are combined, they can change into any race they have already seen, and even their appearance can be changed at will, and they can impersonate others.

Since a few days ago, the two of them have merged into a demon race. According to Huang Yi's arrangement, they searched for those traces of Naga in the area east of the hive, but there was no clue. Until this moment, they found this snake-like snake. Dead skin.

Not long after, they took the snake skin, found the overlord who was waiting on the other side of the grassland, and passed it over: "overlord, use this to search and see if it is Naga's thing."

The overlord took this piece of dead skin, looked it over, and nodded: "This thing you found is still a bit reliable, something like snakeskin, etc., has something to do with Naga. It was just S2 The young boy asked me to search for a wild fruit, and said that the wild fruit was delicious. Let me search for somewhere else, and he wanted to pick it. It really served him! "

After that, the overlord squeezed the dead skin tightly, closed his eyes, and hummed the tracking melody again.

When the melody was over, he opened his eyes again, and a hint of surprise flashed, saying: "This thing does have a counterpart! It is likely Naga! But the amount of dead skin is too small, I can only vaguely sense It's about northwest, but I can't feel its specific location. If there is more body tissue, I can track it more accurately. "

Qingming and He Tu shook their heads, regretfully: "We only found this piece of snake skin, and no more body tissue."

"Then I will send a message to the **** of killing! Let him decide." After the overlord said, he immediately sent a message to Huang Yi.

At this time, Huang Yi was searching for the traces of Naga in the northern area of ​​the hive construction site.

The grassland was too extensive, and he had to be careful when searching, trying not to expose himself, and searched for days without any clues.

Just then, he received the news from Overlord, and he opened it and looked at--

"A Yi, Qingming and Hetu found a piece of snakeskin. I followed it up and found that the original owner of the snakeskin was northwest of this grassland. The angle with me was about 47 degrees and 13 minutes. distance."

Huang Yi's heart was certain, and he turned to look to the northwest, where the vast grassland was not visible at first glance .

The northwest is a very general orientation. It may be tens of kilometers to the northwest, or thousands of kilometers to the northwest. It is difficult to find the naga.

He thought about it, and finally decided to go deep into the north of the steppe to try his luck and see if he could find the naga.

He always felt that the group of Naga might be a huge variable, and if he didn't figure out their tracks, he would be uneasy.

And the hive still has some time to fully build, and the Zerg brewing of **** honey also takes some time. He still has time to search for Naga.

He immediately summoned the translucent soul warhorse, spread his wings, and hurried towards the azimuth angle given by the overlord.

This time, he used full speed. The soul warhorse is like a shooting star across the sky, and the ground below is rapidly receding.

Huang Yi's eyes were like a scanner, staring intently, without missing any details.

In this way, he gradually flew over the grassland, over the mountains, over the mountains, across the forests, across the rivers ...

An hour later, Huang Yi came to a plain.

The land of this plain is blood-red, which is not caused by the red star's light, but the color of the soil itself is blood-red, as if stained with blood.

At the same time, this plain also faintly emits a strange breath, which should be fertile and thousands of miles, which is extremely suitable for human habitation. But when you look around, you don't see any cities or villages, not even man-made buildings.

Huang Yi was suddenly curious, took out a blood moon continent map prepared by the overlord before, and found his area.

The map shows that this area is called the Scarlet Plain. In the middle of this area on the map, a more conspicuous icon is marked. The icon is like a castle. The whole body is blood red. A skull is drawn on it to indicate that the castle is extremely dangerous. Four big red characters-Scarlet Castle.

"It turned out that the Scarlet Castle is here!" Huang Yi muttered to himself, raised his eyes from the map, and looked back at the plain in front again.

He finally knew why this plain would faintly emit a weird breath, because this is the scope of the Scarlet Castle!

The Scarlet Castle is the former home of the last god-setter Ascendant, Bloodhoof ~ www.readwn.com ~ in the Second World. Later, the blood hoof sealed the god, but encountered a mysterious accident when he sealed the god, and his death fell. His body fell to the second world and turned into a continent, which is also known as the Land of Fallen Gods.

But his head flew towards the starry sky and became a star near the red star.

During that time, countless astrologers pointed the telescope at the star and found that the star was absorbing the light from the red star.

Later, the star was no longer visible. According to astronomical records, in a meteor shower in ancient times, the star broke down into seven meteors and fell to the second world, but it is not clear where it fell.

Throughout the ages, many people have wanted to explore the cause of the death of the Bloodhoof. The investigation site is mainly in the Land of the Fallen God, and the other is in the Scarlet Castle.

However, both areas are very dangerous. No one has completely explored this Scarlet Castle. It has always been a forbidden area on the Blood Moon Continent, and few people dare to set foot. (To be continued.)

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