Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1037: Patriarch

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Huang Yi was full of curiosity about Scarlet Castle before. He originally planned to explore it. Now he is looking for Naga from this direction. Although he knows that it is dangerous, he still urges His Majesty. The soul warhorse continued to fly forward and entered the legendary Scarlet Plain.

In ancient times, the entire Scarlet Plain was basically the area of ​​the Scarlet Castle. The Scarlet Castle is like a country, with plantations, wineries, artificial lakes, scenic mountains, castles, gardens and other facilities.

The Bloodhoof is like a king, living in the most central castle, serving him by tens of thousands of servants, reclaiming land, planting estates, brewing fine wine, and so on.

But since the death of the Ascendant Bloodhoof, the Scarlet Castle has been desolated. All the servants disappeared overnight. The old gardens were quickly overgrown with weeds, and the farms that planted crops were gradually wilded and turned into forests. And become part of nature.

At this point, the scarlet earth quickly reversed below, looking out into a barren field, with no animals. The **** moonlight shone on Huang Yi and the soul warhorse, casting a shadow across the ground.

"Oh!" At this moment, a **** light suddenly soared from the ground, like a magma column ejected from a volcano, hitting Huang Yi.

The soul warhorse's pupils shrank, quickly flapped its wings, and moved a distance away side by side!

The blood light immediately passed by Huang Yi and rushed directly into the distant clouds, leaving a blood-red trajectory in the air, like a wound in space.

Huang Yi's heart was stunned, and he couldn't help but reach out and touched his arm. His skin felt a faint sensation of pain under the blast of blood that had just hit the blood.

He bowed, leaning on the back of the soul warhorse, carefully protruding his head, and looked towards the ground below.

I saw on the ground below, I don't know when a crater-like mouth appeared, and the **** light just erupted from that mouth.

Before, Huang Yi didn't find the mouth on the ground. When he passed, the mouth suddenly burst from the ground and sprayed light on him, just like an organ.

This scarlet castle was really dangerous, and Huang Yi had just come in, and he was inexplicably attacked.

No wonder no one has been able to fully explore this area. If it weren't for Huang Yi, a master, he would be replaced by an ordinary person, and the blood had just killed him.

Huang Yi continued to urge the soul to advance, but the speed was much slower than before, and his nerves were tense at all times to guard against the danger of coming at any time.


Countless miles away from Huang Yi, in a virgin forest, there is a huge magic hall.

This magic hall is made of black monoliths, simple and simple, exuding a sense of magic, making the entire forest misty and haunted by a strange atmosphere.

This demon house is called the Pain Demon Hall, which is the base camp of the Blood Moon Demon Clan, but only the group with the highest status is eligible to enter here.

At this moment, a strong figure broke through the dense fog, descended on the huge stone steps in front of the hall, and raised a piece of leaves falling on the ground.

This figure is wearing a red monk robe, a red monk hat on his head, and a red zen stick in his hand, exuding a mysterious religious breath.

As soon as he descended, the entire magic hall seemed to be one point short, unable to compete with his breath.

This man has some temperament of suffering acolytes, but obviously more advanced. The usual acolyte of suffering is a bald head, wearing a black monk robe. But this man was wearing a red monk robe, a monk hat, and a zen stick.

Throughout the Pain Demon, only one person is qualified to do so, and that is the leader of the Pain Demon, Groll Cannian.

He is a demigod master with a distinguished position. He was a powerful assistant to the Queen of Pain for several epochs. When the Seven Demon Kings invaded a while ago, it was he who conquered the Blood Moon Continent.

Groll Cannian was expressionless, holding the scepter, stepping into the magic hall step by step. When the scepter hits the ground, it emits a rhythmic "da da" sound, which resounds the entire magic hall, bringing an unparalleled pressure.

After entering the hall, the man came to a vast hall and stood calmly.

The Hall of Pain is divided into three parts. In addition to the atrium where Gerol Cannian is located, there are also the left and right halls.

In the right hall, the demon leader of the blood moon continent, Fan Yu, was sitting cross-legged on the ground, holding a scripture book and concentrating on it. The time of chanting is his most focused time, and he must not be disturbed. Even if his subordinates have something to report, they must wait until the end of his chanting.

But at the moment when Gerol Cannian just came, his body trembled suddenly, as if he noticed something, quickly put down the scripture in his hand, got up and walked out.

After a while, Vatican came to the atrium, bowed his head to the man, bent down, and said respectfully, "I've seen Lord Lord."

"Where's the Zerg leader?" Groll Cannon asked lightly.

"Sorry Lord, I'm late!" As soon as the voice dropped, a respectful voice came from the left hall of the demon house. A Zerg fluttered his wings and stopped with his head lowered next to Groll Cannian. It is the leader of the Zerg-Zhuo Yehua.

Although both Fan Yu and Zhuo Yehua were in the Temple of Pain, they lived distinctly in the left and right halls and did not communicate with each other.

With a flash of his palm, Groll Cannian took out a round body filled with slime and handed it to Zhuo Yehua, saying, "You came here from the Zerg galaxy, and lost a lot of manpower. This is The Queen of Pain has given you an ovary. You are a drone. After mating with this ovary, you can give birth to a new batch of larvae. You can supplement your manpower to brew divine honey faster. The Queen of Pain is limited to one month. , You must get **** honey. If you ca n’t complete the task, then I do n’t need to say more. When you mate with this ovaries, you will consume all your energy and will be in a severe state of weakness, but if you can complete this successfully Sub mission, then after seeing Queen Queen of Pain, she will definitely give a generous reward. "

"I must be as soon as possible!" Zhuo Yehua's face was ecstatic, and he quickly took over the ovary, carefully closing it.

The beetle in his status is high to outsiders, but he is not qualified to mate with the Queen of Pain, and can only mate with an ovaries rewarded by her.

But even so, it is also his God-given opportunity. If he can see the Queen of Pain and get her reward, then he may take a big step directly on the road to heaven ~ www.readwn.com ~ to reach three steps to heaven, or even Higher status.

Fan Yu stared at Zhuo Yehua enviously, and couldn't help biting her lips, a little jealous.

Glorn Cannian's eyes glanced at both Fan Yu and Zhuo Yehua, saying: "In the near future, seven Lord Demon Lords will enclose three new Kings. At present, the Eighth Demon King and the Ninth Demon King, You have arrived in the Bloodmoon continent, and you have to do an important thing. What are their requirements here, and you try to satisfy them. When they finish the things here, they will be sealed off by the Lord of Hell. By then, they will be Lord, the devil. "


Sorry that the update may be unstable recently. I had already taken the last interferon shot the day before yesterday and ended the two-year course of treatment, but today I suddenly had a fever, very weak, I do n’t know if it has relapsed, or it may be a gastrointestinal bleeding. Symptoms of stomach pain start late. Go to the hospital the day after tomorrow to see what the specific reason is. Now this state can't be written. Today, this chapter was written in the library all day. It was only written from 10 am to 5 pm, and it was very messy. It is really impossible to modify. The update in these days may be very unstable. very sorry! (To be continued.)

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