Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1038: Meet the deceased again

Huang Yi flew to the evening in the Scarlet Plain, and it was almost time for dinner before he was off the assembly line.

Getting up from the bed in the cell, Huang Yi came to the window and looked into the distance.

On the ground outside, a few green grass buds have emerged, bringing a breath of spring to this grim rose prison.

In a blink of an eye, he spent another year in this prison, but still don't know when he can leave here and really welcome it.

Life is like a novel. It takes a long time to pave the way for the exciting moment. It takes countless boring days to work in silence and the moment to realize the dream.

There are tens of thousands of nights in life, but looking back at the novel of life, only a few pages can be remembered, and the remaining long parts are laying the groundwork for those few pages.

Those students studied hard for ten years, only on the day of the gold list title; those athletes practice day after day, only in the Olympic Games can be a blockbuster; those singers on the stage may sing silently for decades before becoming famous.

Huang Yi is the same. He spent years and years in this prison just to leave here.

He looked away, left the cell, and walked towards the cafeteria.

As soon as he went out, he noticed something wrong. The inmates he met were walking silently, no one said hello to each other, and no one chatted or laughed. After coming to the cafeteria, this kind of abnormality is more obvious. The cafeteria is much quieter than before. Everyone eats silently with their heads down, and their faces are slightly heavy.

"Guo Yongwen, what happened?" Huang Yi took a dinner, took a spot and sat down, turned to ask a prison friend next to him.

"Good brother Yi!" The prisoner named ‘Guo Yongwen’ nodded and greeted him, saying gravely, “At 4 o’clock this afternoon, a prisoner died!”

"Dead?" Huang Yi suddenly hesitated and put down his chopsticks. "How did you die?"

"The inmate had a serious illness. He had applied to the prison for treatment many times before, but it has been rejected by the World Federation. Recently, his condition has suddenly deteriorated. At four o'clock this afternoon, one of his roommates went offline from the virtual world and went to the bathroom. He saw him lying motionless on the bed, his eyes fluttered, and he found that he was dead. "

Hearing this news, Huang Yi felt inexplicably sad, even though he had become accustomed to the dead, but could not help sighing about the fragility of life in the face of such old and sick things. Destiny is fickle, maybe someone who was fine yesterday, will leave forever in the next moment. I don't know when he will become one of them and leave the world forever.

"The World Federation is really **** fucking! I don't know how many people were killed by them in various ways!" Huang Yi exhaled a long breath and shook his head and sighed.

"What's the way? We can only survive now, as long as the day when the world federation falls, we may be free." Guo Yongwen said hopefully, "Brother Yi, in fact, is much better now, since I got a virtual After the device can enter the virtual world, the suicide rate in our prison has been greatly reduced! Last month, I found a girlfriend in the virtual world, and now we are developing well. If one day I can get out of prison, I will Marry her, and I hope you will be there to attend my wedding. After all, without you, I ca n’t enter the virtual world, and I will never meet her. I may find a base friend like many prisoners Through this life. "

"Okay! I will go by then!" Huang Yi nodded.

When there are no virtual devices, many inmates in the prison have embarked on the road of homosexuality. The place with the most homosexuality in the world is the prison. You can't see a heterosexual person all the year round.

But the emergence of virtual devices changed all this. Many inmates who had no girlfriends in the past found the other half in the virtual world.

However, this relationship is very fragile and can only exist in the virtual world forever, unless one day can leave the prison.

Huang Yi remembered Qin Shiyu again, and they could only fall in love in the virtual world. He has been dreaming that one day he will be released from prison, and he is holding the hand of Qin Shiyu squarely, like all ordinary lovers in the world, going shopping and watching movies.

To this end, he has been struggling for several years, and he will continue to struggle.


After dinner, Huang Yi returned to prison, took a cold shower, and looked into the forum.

"Africa's superb master [Soul] becomes the ninth god-given hero in the world, and the name is [Genie]!"

Upon entering the forum, Huang Yi saw a striking headline!

Soul is a super-class master with the same name as Pharaoh in Africa. When Huang Yi conducted the heroic trial at the Royal Academy of Oskan, he was fighting for the last hero aura with the soul.

At that time, Huang Yi and the soul completed the trial of the hero at the same time, but Huang Yi thought that he had not done well in the trial, and the last heroic aura should be obtained by the soul. Who knew that after meeting the Deputy Dean Marksman Ika, Ika gave the last heroic aura to Huang Yi. At that time, the soul was very angry. He also questioned the Deputy Dean, but only got the Deputy Dean's "ethical model" "evaluation of.

Since then, Huang Yi has not seen the soul. There are rumors that the soul will join the national war on the hero continent, but it did not appear in the end. Presumably, Huang Yi grabbed his heroic quota and disrupted his plan.

Now the soul has finally become a hero. It is not difficult to speculate that the soul should have another adventure later. It is likely that the island with mysterious organs was discovered, absorbed the heroic aura, and finally became a hero.

Huang Yi continued to look at other news on the forum-

"[Frozen Queen · Frozen Lemongrass], commissioned by the Royal Academy of Oskan, left the Second World and went to the ice and snow plane to perform the task."

"A continent star monster was discovered in the New Zealand continent, and New Zealand's superb master [Abigail] led hundreds of New Zealand players to go to the siege!"

"Three ordinary players in South Korea found a relic of the Era in the Archean period and obtained huge treasures!"

"It's like breaking the bamboo! The Russian leader [Big Bear] shot strongly, breaking the 230th and 240th world records of the Tower of the Gods overnight!"

"A new edition of the World Masters Rankings is released! Thor is ranked first, Killing God is ranked second, Pharaoh is ranked third. The soul rose ten places and broke into the top five."


Looking around, the homepage is full of deeds made by masters of various countries. Since Huang Yi and others set off the godsend era, players in various countries around the world seem to be crazy, and have achieved a lot of brilliant things every day. Every minute, players discover new adventures, ascend to the sky, and rise to the ranks of masters. And those old super-class masters are also working hard to consolidate their position.

In the world masters list, Thor and Huang Yi firmly occupy the top two positions, but their current high strength, it is very difficult to make substantial progress, the leading advantage has become smaller and smaller, and has been The master chased meteor stride.

After a brief look at those popular posts, Huang Yi left the forum and entered the second world.

He rode on that soul warhorse and continued to drive towards the center of the Scarlet Plain.

There are two main purposes of his visit. One is to see if he can find those Naga and find out why they are coming from the First World to follow the demons. The second is to explore the Scarlet Castle by the way and see if you can find some clues related to the Bloodhoof.

However, this scarlet plain is too wide. Huang Yi has not yet come to the central area, but has experienced countless dangers along the way. Sometimes it flies calmly, and suddenly the ground will burst into blood, as long as one can't escape, it will die here.

At this point, the blood moon continent was already late at night, and the bright moon was hanging high, blocked by the red star in front, the moonlight was stained with a layer of blood red, and sprinkled on the **** plain below.

Below is a lush forest. The night wind blows, the canopy shakes, and the sound of leaves crashing with "wow-hoo-wow" is even more peaceful in the middle of the night.

"Huh?" At this moment, Huang Yi suddenly noticed that there was a slight light in the forest in front of him, swaying under the tree.

He took a closer look and found that the light seemed to be a bonfire!

The scarlet plain is extremely dangerous, and very few intelligent creatures dare to enter. Huang Yi did not find any intelligent creatures on the way. Only some ordinary wild birds and pheasants invaded. I did not expect to see a bonfire in this late-night forest.

This shows that someone is there.

Huang Yi quickly picked up the soul warhorse, quietly fell into the forest, stepping on the wet moss and fallen leaves, and fumbled in the direction of the bonfire.

After a while, Huang Yi came near the bonfire, looked through the dense branches of vines, and saw a bonfire under a big tree in front of him. A hunter was facing Huang Yi back, There is a pheasant roasted next to it.

This hunter wore a normal animal fur coat ~ www.readwn.com ~ with a bow on his back and a few short daggers around his waist, looking like a normal hunter.

From Huang Yi's perspective, he could not see the front of the man, only his lonely back, and a trembling uneasiness reflected under the swaying bonfire.

"Friends in the distance, come and have a barbecue together!" Just then, the back suddenly made a hoarse voice.

Huang Yi's heart was stunned, he was careful when he came over, he didn't want to let that person discover it, but he didn't expect that he found himself.

In addition, the person's voice was also faintly familiar, Huang Yi seems to have talked to him once!


Sorry I did n’t update last week. On the 25th, I had a high fever of 39.5 degrees. I took a taxi to the hospital for an infusion at night. After that, my body temperature kept repeating for a few days.

Many thanks to "" and many book friends for their great rewards in the near future. The book review area hasn't responded for a week. It should be completed in the past few days. (To be continued.)

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