Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1040: Barren castle

? After Huang Yi left the Demon Dragon, he rode on the soul warhorse again and flew towards the center of the Scarlet Plain.

After flying into the night sky, he looked back behind him. In the distant forest, it seemed that the bonfire was still swaying. I don't know what the demon dragon will do next, is it going to adventure in Scarlet Castle?

Huang Yi seemed to see his own shadow on the little demon dragon. The Demon Dragon has always worked hard to get revenge, and Huang Yi has made unremitting efforts to overthrow the World Federation. In a sense, they are the same person.

Just don't know, what kind of scene will they see next time?

"Oh!" Suddenly, a blood light soared from the forest below, passing him by, but fortunately the soul and horse reacted quickly, and a flash of body hid.

This scarlet plain is full of danger, and will die here with a little care.

Huang Yi set aside her thoughts and began to concentrate on her way.

Gradually, a long night passed.

That night, Huang Yi encountered various dangers and even began to encounter the mysterious formation. Sometimes it flew and flew, and the surrounding scenery suddenly changed and fell into the fantasy formation method. However, he took the formative course at the Royal Academy of Oskar, and after taking some time, he escaped from those formative methods.

When the dawn of dawn appeared from the horizon, a mountain peak finally appeared on the horizon in the distance, and a magnificent castle was built on the peak.

The castle was built on a hill, and some buildings were even built directly on the cliff. The buildings in the city are dominated by stones, with gorgeous shapes. The spires and domes of each building are inserted directly into the sky.

The castle is well-equipped and has a small garden, a church, a mausoleum, a watchtower, an astronomical tower, a bell tower, and so on. In ancient times, the Ascendant Bloodhoof and his tens of thousands of servants lived here, and countless people worked in the manor and plantation on the Scarlet Plain outside the castle to maintain the operation of the castle.

But now, the castle has been empty, and it has been in disrepair for years. Some buildings have collapsed. Numerous plants have entangled the castle and grow wantonly. The stones of those buildings are covered with a layer of green moss. Spread through the windows of those buildings.

At this time, the golden red rising sun was rising obliquely from the sky, and the rest of the sky was golden red, but it happened to be over the castle, and a thick dark cloud hovered. When the sun shone around the castle, it seemed as if there was some obstruction and it couldn't shine in. Makes the castle always gloomy.

That castle seemed to be cut off from the outside world, forming a small world of its own, with its own weather system.

"The Scarlet Castle really deserves its name!" Huang Yiyao murmured to himself, looking at the castle.

Each of its own small world areas is a top-level area. For example, his hero prison, Thor's ancient **** ship, are all isolated from the outside world.

Huang Yi didn't dare to leap from the sky above the Scarlet Castle, and landed honestly, put away the soul warhorse, and walked to the foot of that mountain.

Looking up from the ground, the Scarlet Castle is even more magnificent, and it is incomplete when looking up. I can only see the mountain faintly, covered with layers of buildings, as if extending to the sky .

On the periphery of the mountain peak, there is a high wall made of megaliths, which is covered with moss and vines, which is unattainable. To enter, you can only enter through the only entrance in the high wall.

Huang Yi took a deep breath and watched it cautiously for a while, then walked in through that entrance.

The moment he stepped in, Huang Yi clearly felt a palpitation, as if something had been staring at him.

From now on, his life is no longer guaranteed, and he may die at any time. There are countless people in history who have explored this castle, and none of them who came here is the best master, but so far no one has completely explored this castle, and even the demigods dare not care.

At this point, in front of Huang Yi was a sheep intestine trail winding up to the castle on the mountain above. On both sides of the trail, there is an old oak forest. The oak branches are twisted and leafy, and they cast a huge shade, making the trail overcast, as if in the evening twilight.

When you look further away, you can't see the scene inside. A faint layer of mist floats in the air, blocking the sight.

Huang Yi followed the path into the oak forest, and slowly walked towards the top of the mountain. His shoes stepped on the dead leaves and made a rustling sound.

The forest was quiet, not even the birds' calls, as if only Huang Yi was alone. The ancient trees are like ancient guards, watching silently the arrival of Huang Yi.

After climbing up the steps along that path, Huang Yi finally crossed the oak forest. Looking back, the canopy of the oak grove was already at his feet. At this height, he could already overlook the entire oak grove.

In front of the trail is a clock tower. The clock tower had been damaged, the mechanical clock had stopped working, and a huge hand did not know when it fell down, like a huge sword stuck in the earth, covered with rust. A blood-colored rose entangled there, blooming several bright flowers.

"Tick and tick!" Suddenly, Huang Yi heard the sound of the clock turning, dimly, and it didn't really sound like it came through something.

Huang Yi turned his head to look around, but his eyes became deserted. The clocks on the bell tower were indeed damaged and did not turn any more. That ticking sound should not come from the bell tower.

When Huang Yi wanted to listen carefully again, the ticking sound was like hide and seek, and suddenly disappeared again, as if everything was an illusion.

Huang Yi shook his head, crossed the clock tower, and continued to explore.

Next, he passed the watchtower and arrow tower successively, without encountering any danger along the way, but the atmosphere was very dark and uncomfortable.

Gradually, Huang Yi has reached the middle of the mountain peak and started to enter the important area of ​​the Scarlet Castle.

At this moment, a huge church sits ahead. At the top of the church stood a statue of a religious figure, and stretched out his hands to make a stroking movement, as if touching the tops of all beings. But under the perennial wind and rain, the statue was almost weathered, leaving only a hazy outline.

The windows of the church are domed, presumably it should have been inlaid with beautiful stained glass, but it is now broken. A gust of wind blew into the dilapidated window, making a deep whining sound.

Huang Yi stepped on the fallen leaves in front of the church.

The interior of the church was a mess, the dust accumulated on the ground became a thick layer of soil, moss and roses grew stubbornly on it, and vines extended in all directions, almost occupying the interior of the church. Among the partial houses around the church .

Huang Yi turned his head and looked around. Originally, the wall of the church was supposed to have a mural, and the ceiling should be a magnificent crystal chandelier, but now it is no longer visible. The whole church was empty and almost nothing was left.

Huang Yi walked around in it, and gradually came to the side of the prayer monument, which is still a standing stone under the baptism of long years. But the top had been eroded by a layer of green moss, and a morning glory spiraled around it.

Prayer monuments are usually an important part of a religious church. They either sculpt the teachings of this religion, or write excerpts from this important classic, or the pope's word.

In Huang Yi ’s heroes ’temples, prayer tablets are written with doctrines that spread to every hero ’s church in the world.

Huang Yi thought about it, and finally reached out and peeled off the moss on the prayer monument, tore off the twining morning glory, revealing the original appearance of the prayer monument.

Sure enough, a carved text appeared on the prayer tablet, and even after countless years passed, it was faintly discernible—

"I follow in the footsteps of the sages,

Pray for all beings,

Open up new paths.

I use the death of a world,

In exchange for the glory of another world.

For this, I will pay the price of my life,

But this is not my final destination.


I will return again,

Show my true colors ... "

Huang Yi whispered softly and read the passage. This text is written in the most common general language, and anyone can understand it, but it is very difficult to understand the specific meaning. This discourse reveals a mystery, it seems to be telling an ancient story, half-covered, no guessing the truth.

"Huh!" Suddenly, a cold wind came in from the window ~ www.readwn.com ~ It seemed to bring a clapping of curtains or cloaks.

Huang Yi turned his head and saw that the surrounding windows had already been damaged, and there were no curtains at all. Suddenly, the corner of his eye was faintly aware that a shadow seemed to flash in a partial house east of the church.

Suddenly in his heart, he fluttered the wings of freedom like a conditioned reflection, exerting an active effect, and concealed himself.

At the same time, the speed of the wings of freedom allowed him to flash into the side room for the first time and see the scene inside.

The next moment, Huang Yi was shocked.

I saw five sacrificial maids in scarlet robes appearing in that partial room, but when Huang Yi came to look in this partial room before, they were not found.

But soon, Huang Yi found a difference. The figures of these maids are faintly translucent. They do not seem to be real people, but a residual image.

At this moment, they were serious, holding a staff in their hands and forming a circle, and there was a word in their mouths, as if praying. (To be continued.)

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