Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1041: Diary of ancient times

Chapter 1041: Diary of Ancient Times

Huang Yi could hear the sound of their prayers, as if coming from another world, hazy, with a slight echo.

After the prayer was finished, the headmaid held out her white wrist, took out a small knife, and said to the rest of the waitress, "Put our blood of the Virgin into the Holy Grail, Lord Bloodhoof is already pressing It's up! "

After that, she wielded a knife and severed her wrist.

Suddenly, the wrist was bleeding, all dripped into a golden cup.

The other maids also took out knives and began to cut their wrists and bleed.

It didn't take long for the golden cup to be filled with blood and some to overflow.

The headmaid immediately picked up the cup and hurried toward the outside of the room.

At this time, Huang Yi's invisibility time just ended, and she was completely exposed to them.

But they didn't seem to see Huang Yi at all, and omitted him directly. The headmaid even passed through Huang Yi's body.

These maids are indeed an afterimage, without substance.

From this point of view, the "tick" sound that Huang Yi heard in that bell tower before should echo this kind of historical image. It was the sound of the bell tower turning, but it has traveled through a long history, echoing in this time and space.

Judging from the maid's words just now, the other party dedicated the blood in this holy grail to the blood hoof. Huang Yisong no longer explores aimlessly, but follows the image of the maid.

The maid walked skillfully through the castle, crossing small gardens, corridors, cemeteries, and countless dense roads and corners, and gradually penetrated the most central area of ​​the Scarlet Castle with Huang Yi.

After walking for a long time, the maid came to the peak of the mountain. There was only one building in front. It was a hall, standing on the top of the mountain, with a proud and independent style.

The maid walked directly into the hall, and Huang Yi quickly followed.

As soon as he entered the hall, Huang Yi was slightly startled.

The interior of the hall is ornately decorated, with carved windows on the walls, chandeliers on the ceiling, closets, homes, and even oil paintings in the picture frames, all intact and not eroded by the years like other buildings seen before.

The maid hurriedly held the cup of blood, and went up the spiral staircase in the hall, all the way to the top floor, and came to a place similar to the study.

There is a bookshelf in the house, which is stuffed with various books and literature. There is also an astronomical telescope near the window, and the lens is pointed at the sky outside the window. Next to it is a wooden desk with books on it.

At the end of the study was a closed door, and the maid came to the door with the glass of blood. She seemed a little nervous, took a deep breath, and then walked in, the figure directly penetrated the door and disappeared into Huang Yi's sight.

At this point, Huang Yi's way was finally blocked. He wanted to go in and see what he had to do, and he had to open the door.

Huang Yi came to the door and looked carefully.

The door was closed so tightly that it couldn't even see the seams of the door. The silver handles were as luxurious as works of art, making people inexplicably want to turn the handles and open the mysterious door to see what was inside.

At this time, Huang Yi tentatively reached out his hand, touched the doorknob, took a deep breath, and turned his wrist.

However, the doorknob remained motionless, and Huang Yi added some strength again, still unable to turn it.

It seems that the door cannot be opened, and those who are fortunate enough to come here to explore in history are most likely to stop here and not be able to enter the door to find out.

Huang Yi had no choice but to move around in this study.

He came to the closet, and there were some silver teapots and teacups on it, exquisite and small, and at first glance it was the kind of high-end items unique to top nobles. He reached out and opened the lid of a teapot, and a few cockroach spiders crawled out.

Although the hall still maintained the gorgeousness of that year, it did not rot with the passage of time. But these cockroach spiders still exposed the barrenness in this hall, like a gorgeous grave.

In the end, Huang Yi came to the desk, and there was a chair beside him, and he sat down directly.

In the center of the desk, there is an open leather note. It seems that someone has read this note once, but when I saw half of it, I left. I had to reverse the note and keep the original page number so that I can continue next time Scroll through.

Huang Yi simply picked up the cowhide note and looked back. The page number to which this note is currently turned is page 38. The note contains handwritten handwriting, the texture of a quill pen, and neat writing.

Huang Yi looked directly at the content written above--

"... Master Bloodhoof has not been out of the door for three months, but when the night is quiet, weird sounds always come out of the room. Sometimes the bloodhoof exaggerated to a crazy smile, sometimes it was It ’s a weird sound, even talking to strangers. But the door has been closed. No one has been in for three months. Who is the Bloodhoof talking to? Every time I pass by his room, I can only look at the closed door and imagine what happened inside ... "

After reading this diary, Huang Yi was completely attracted by the contents. This seems to be written by a servant such as a steward of Bloodhoof, which records some of the daily conditions of Bloodhoof.

Huang Yi turned to the next page and continued to look at the diary behind—

"Today, the door of Lord Bloodhoof has finally been opened! After a few months, I finally saw the Lord Bloodhoof again. But the Lord Bloodhoof seems to be a little different. His face is pale and his eyes have no luster, I do n’t know what he experienced in the room in the past few months. However, the most significant change in the Bloodshoe is his dress. In the past, he liked to wear refreshing breeches and a pair of riding boots. He rode outside the castle, but this time after he came out, he always wore a red mop, like a woman's skirt, completely covering his lower body. When the Lord Bloodhoof went out, he proposed a weird one. He asked the virgins in the church to consecrate their blood to the holy grail ... "

After reading this diary, Huang Yi suddenly remembered the maid she had just met. The maid cut his wrist and bleed in the church, poured it into the golden cup, and sent it into the closed door. Corresponds to the description in this diary.

Huang Yi continued to lean on the chair, turned another page, and looked at the next diary.

"A lot of weird things happened in the castle during this time. Since Lord Bloodhoof went out of the room, the whole castle seems to have grown dark. The sky has been hovering with a cloud of clouds, and the mountains are clear and clear. But the castle was dark. Lord Bloodhoof's temper became even more irritable. If we make a mistake, our servants will be executed. Lord Bloodhoof no longer takes us to the plain below the mountain as before. Riding a horse. Now he hides in his room every day and rarely goes out. Every morning and evening, the maiden is offered a glass of blood. More and more subordinates were executed by him, and the castle has insufficient staffing. Yes, everyone is terrified. I don't know when it will be executed. "

"Last night, the chief maid of the church, Caesari, delivered the blood a little late and was executed by Lord Bloodhoof. Today I temporarily replaced the blood into Lord Bloodhoof's room. This is a few months since I The first time I entered the room of Lord Bloodhoof. Previously, the Bloodhoof Lord would open the curtains to let the sun shine outside, but now, the curtains in that room are closed tightly, and there is no light in it, as dark as night The Lord Bloodhoof was sitting on a chair in the middle, wrapped in a tight robe. I couldn't see his face in the dark, and I could only see a silhouette vaguely, almost integrated with the darkness. I am inexplicable Some palpitations, tremblingly holding the glass of blood, and placed it in front of him. Lord Bloodhoof seemed to be contemplating, ignoring me, and I bowed out slowly. As soon as I got out of the door, I found out the back It was sweating, as if I had just experienced a life and death. I suddenly wanted to leave the castle. Alusid had already told me yesterday that he wanted to go back to his hometown. Maybe I should consider his proposal. ...... "

That's it ~ www.readwn.com ~ Huang Yi is in a study room in the empty and scarlet Scarlet Castle, looking page by page through the diary handed down from the ancient times, his thoughts seem to have followed the ancient times. Those things that happened here that year.

In this piece of diary, there are some things about Bloodhoof. The blood hoof closed behind the closed room door for a period of time, during which a lot of weird things happened. After he closed the retreat, he had completely changed a person. His daily behavior and habits were all the same as before. If two people, there is a dim smell.

The Scarlet Castle was a turning point from that time. There is a clear description in this diary. At that time, some servants even escaped quietly. The castle was deserted day by day.

After reading a dozen diaries, Huang Yi looked at the time and was going to eat breakfast offline.

At this point, he had seen page 56 of the diary, and he had buckled it on the desk as he had before the diary, but the page number spread out had changed from the previous page 38 to page 56.

Then he went offline and disappeared into the Scarlet Castle.

———————————————————————— (To be continued.)

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