Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1045: Collecting Red Star Rays

? At this time, the working instrument is slowly transferring the breath of liquid in the bottle of Shenjing to the other bottle. But the magic bottle just faintly formed a tiny blister. I want to copy a complete drop, I don't know how long it will take.

Huang Yi reached out his hand tentatively, picked up the crystal bottle, and looked closely at the drop of liquid in the bottle.

That drop of liquid is nothing special. If it is not loaded in a crystal bottle but in a container, it will be treated as a drop of ordinary water, and it will not be thought of as a precious liquid.

Huang Yi shook his palm, and directly put the crystal bottle into the storage ring. Just this bottle is already a rare treasure.

As for the other magic bottle, it was firmly fixed with the instrument, and it could not be taken out and taken away, so it had to be stopped.

If the filtrate is a treasure, quickly research it in the laboratory, but it takes some time to fully understand what the drop is, and it will not produce results immediately.


In the Blood Moon Continent, Huang Yi's body left the basement and returned to it from the spiral staircase.

He went straight down the mountain and left the Scarlet Castle.

As soon as I left the Scarlet Castle, the sun shone again, as if I had come to another world at once. The feeling of darkness and depression immediately disappeared. The barren buildings and the afterglow that appeared from time to time seemed like a nightmare to go.

Huang Yi turned his head and looked at the blood-colored castle behind him, the densely packed buildings, still shrouded in the dark clouds that never dissipated, and did not know how many secrets were still hidden.

This time he considered the purpose of this trip, found the traces of those Naga, and explored in the Scarlet Castle. It's a pity that the door in that study could not be opened, and the scene inside could not be seen.

But he has no time to continue exploring here, he is going back to the hive to monitor the zerg!

He immediately took out the teleportation ring, and the figure disappeared in place, directly across countless distances, and teleported to the area near the hive.

The ring was transmitted by the player who took him to play "Legend" in the Internet cafe more than 100 years ago during the trial of Huang Yi's three-turn trial. After the three-round trial, the ring was also retained. This ring has an active ability called [Teleport], which can be teleported to where you have been before, and can be teleported across the continent. The cooling time is only ten days.

After the teleportation, Huang Yi reappeared in the vast grassland.

At this point, there are already a few people standing around, it is Bawang, Qingming, Hetu, Luo Shao taking you to fly, the second middle school boy. They were looking into the distance, confused, talking in a low voice to each other.

Seeing Huang Yi suddenly appear, they all stopped talking.

"What are you talking about?" Huang Yi asked.

"Brother Yi, the Zerg are busy flying in and out of the hive, I don't know what we are doing, we are all guessing!" Luo Shao took you to fly and pointed at the hive in the distance.

Huang Yi turned his head.

At the end of the line of sight, there was a honeycomb shaped like an egg, densely lined with countless hexagonal holes, and the length of each hole was exactly the same, exuding a geometric beauty.

At this moment, dense bees and insects flew in and out of the hexagonal holes. After flying out of the hive, they flew aimlessly over the sky. After a while, they returned to the inside of the hive, busy, but did not seem to do anything.

Huang Yi's visual ability is very good, and he looked closely.

Soon he noticed faintly that the red starlight over the hive seemed to be a little lighter than the rest.

In addition, all bees that fly into the hive are redder than those that fly out of the hive.

It seemed as if the rays of the red stars were collected by the bees and sent to the hive.

"They seem to be collecting the light of the Red Star and transporting it to the inside of the hive. It may be used to brew divine honey!" Huang Yi guessed.

"It's possible!" Luo Shao took you to fly and nodded, "Blood Moon Continent is the continent closest to Red Star in the Second World. Red Star is full of light. Red Star is the source of artifact hardening, which is inseparable from the magic In terms of relationship, those bees and insects came to the Blood Moon Continent to collect the red star light to brew divine honey, and it seems to be justified. "

"We watch carefully, and I have detected that those Naga should also come for the Zerg! It may conflict with our plan!" Huang Yi urged.


Huang Yi and others are monitoring the hive, but they can only see the outside of the hive, and do not know the structure inside. Inside the huge beehive, the most central area is called Wangtai, and the leader of this batch of beetle, Zhuo Yehua, is here.

In front of him was a pond, which contained a viscous liquid, and a meat ball was soaked in it. There was a small hole in the meat ball, and some maggots were crawling out into the pond. Those maggots quickly absorbed the thick liquid in the pond ~ www.readwn.com ~ and became faster and faster with the naked eye.

The liquid in that pond was just the nutrient solution processed from the dead beetle corpses. The meat ball soaked in it is the ovary rewarded by the Queen of Pain. Zhuo Yehua has spent her entire life to mate with that ovary, causing a large number of larvae inside the ovaries. After the larvaes absorb the nutrient solution, they will quickly Growing up greatly replenishes the number of bees and insects. By then, the speed of brewing honey will be accelerated dozens of times.

At this time, Shao Yehua looked very tired, and it seemed that even flying had become a problem. He stood beside the pool with his wings blankly. After mating with that ovary, his strength dropped greatly. He was originally a two-step ascendant, but now he has almost fallen below the ascendant stage.

However, his eyes were full of expectations. As long as the task of brewing divine honey was completed and the Queen of Pain was met at that time, she would be rewarded by her, enough to make up for the loss this time.

"As long as I get the reward from the Queen of Pain, by that time, what is Brahma?" Zhuo Yehua imagined herself after receiving the reward from the Queen of Pain, and then thought of what she received at the Blood Moon Continent's demon leader, Fan Yu these days Angry, could not help but murmured to himself. (To be continued.)

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