Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1046: Vatican Conspiracy

? At the same time, in the Devil's Base Camp of the Blood Moon Continent, the Temple of Pain, Vatican is sitting quietly cross-legged in the right hall, like an appointed monk.

But he didn't settle down, but instead turned from time to time to look in the direction of the left hall.

Zuo Dian was originally the place where the Zerg leader Zhuo Yehua lived, but now the other party has temporarily left and moved to the hive.

Fan Yu stared at the empty left hall, her eyes moved, she seemed to be hesitating in contemplation, and her eyes glowed with evil.

After a while, he seemed to have made up his mind, and Shen said, "Seven nights, ghost!"

"At!" The next moment, there was a sudden tremor in the air, showing two 290 top-level Celestial Demons, who were the two most important confidants of Vatican.

"Go and call Xue Tianyu!" Fan Yu ordered.

"Yes!" Qi Ye and Ghost both nodded respectfully and turned to leave.

After a while, a series of slightly panic footsteps sounded, and walked in quickly from the outside, it was Xue Tianyu.

Blood Tianyu was originally one of the three celestial beings in the blood race, with a level of 290, and is about to enter the stage of ascension. He has a high status in the blood race, calling for the wind and the rain, and with an order, countless people will be stunned to the ground and chanting his name.

However, since the blood family took refuge in the demons, Xue Tianyu was regarded as a subordinate by Fanyu, and he was called randomly. As long as he did something wrong or even said a wrong word, he would be beaten by Fanyu. dignity.

He was already full of resentment in his heart, but was forced to submit to Fan Yu's obscenity.

After Xue Tianyu entered the right hall, he quickly stepped in front of Fanyu, bowed deeply, and the blood-colored wings behind him just closed, and said with a low eyebrow, "Master Fanyu, what do you want from me?" thing?"

Vatican looked at Xue Tianyu high above the ground and said lightly, "I want you to kill someone."

"The one that Lord Fan Yu is going to kill, I must raise his head personally, I don't know who the Lord Fan Yu is going to kill?" Xue Tianyu nodded quickly, looking loyal.

Vatican slowly spit out three words--

"Burning Night!"

"What?" Xue Tianyu suddenly raised his head, eyes widened, and stared at Fanyu inconceivably. "Shao Yehua is the leader of these Zerg clan, our allies, so why kill him ?!"

Vatican squinted his eyes and licked his lips: "Zerg is indeed an ally of our demons, but Shao Yehua does not represent the entire Zerg. These days, he is against me everywhere, and I have long seen him unpleasant. If he Completed the task of brewing divine honey, seeing the Queen Queen of Pain, it is very likely to be rewarded, and the strength and status will be greatly improved. At that time, we are likely to be retaliated by him. We might as well kill him first. Then, I will never suffer the future, and then I will give the **** honey to the Queen of Pain personally, and then the reward of Queen of Pain will be given to me, and when I get the reward, it will not lose your benefit. "

Xue Tianyu swallowed his throat and asked nervously: "Ke Shao Yehua is the person in charge of brewing the divine honey. If he kills him, the thunder will definitely be thundered! And after killing him, what is the task of brewing divine honey? Go finish it? "

Vatican smiled unhurriedly and said, "You don't have to worry about this at all. If Shao Yehua died of an accident, the people above will naturally not be angry, so you should pay attention to it when you start, so that He seems to have died by accident . In fact, even if the people above find out, there will not be much trouble. In our demons, it is normal for us to kill each other because of power struggles. People also keep one eye open and one eye closed. They think that this can eliminate the weak and make us demons survive the fittest, and become more powerful. As for the task of brewing **** honey, it can be given to the rest of the Zerg, Scorching Night Hua has already mated with the ovary and has produced a large number of larvae. He has no use value, and without him, it will not affect the production of divine honey. "

Xue Tianyu was still in a panic and was at a loss. He didn't dare to take on such a task. Assassination of Shao Yehua was something he had never dreamed of. The opponent is a super-powerful two-step superpower. He is a high-level figure he can only look up to, not to mention killing the opponent, even if he is a little offended.

Even if he really kills Zhuo Yehua, he will cause great trouble. Although Vatican vows to say that the above people will not pay too much attention to this kind of thing, if the above people really want to check it, Vatican will definitely Pretending to be unaware, pushing everything to him, asking him to carry this blame.

"Why don't you keep quiet? Do you want to refuse me?" At this moment, the tone of Vatican's voice suddenly condensed, and the breath of the magnificent shore suddenly covered Xue Tianyu, as if a thunderous anger was brewing.

Xue Tianyu was about to suffocate, his body was cold and unable to move, and a layer of sweat appeared on his forehead. His mind was moving fast, and suddenly he thought of a reason, like a life-saving straw, to seize it: "Shao Yehua is a two-step ascendant power, and I did not even reach the ascendant stage, not his at all. Opponent, it is impossible to kill him! "

"The reason I gave this task to you naturally was to take this into account." Fan Yu said lightly, "Zhao Yehua has spent all her life mating with that ovarian, and now it is extremely weak, and her strength has fallen to the top. The world is down, you can kill him! "

With that said, Vatican took the palm of his hand and pulled out a piece of gold foil the size of a slap, which was engraved with mysterious black characters, exuding a mysterious and majestic atmosphere.

Fanyu passed the gold leaf directly to Fanyu, saying: "For the sake of safety, I will lend you my [Sanskrit runes]. This rune is written by the Sanskrit of Painful Demon, which contains profound meaning. Even if it is a defenseless mortal, if you get this rune, you will get great power. With it, you will be able to kill Shao Yehua, and you can even give this rune to yourself without your own hands. Your few capable men will just let them do it, it will be more secretive. "

Xue Tianyu bit his lip in despair. He couldn't think of other reasons, but he couldn't refuse Vatican, otherwise he would probably die here now.

"Okay! I ~ www.readwn.com ~ I will try my best!" Finally, Xue Tianyu closed his eyes helplessly, said with a trembling voice, and reached out to take the Brahma rune.

"It's not a try, but it must be done!" Fan Yu smiled slightly and patted Xue Tianyu's shoulder. "I'll say it again, you must be clean and don't leave any handles."

Xue Tianyu nodded, as if the whole person had lost his soul, holding the Sanskrit rune, turned around, and left the hall as a walking dead.

When Xue Tianyu left, a cruel coldness appeared on Fan Yu's face, and said lightly: "Seven nights, ghost!"

"In!" The next moment, the air trembled, Qi Ye and Ghost two henchmen appeared again from the air, kneeling respectfully on the ground.

"You go over to the hive to monitor Blood Tianyu, and after he kills Shao Yehua, you immediately shoot and kill him." Fan Yu said without emotion.

"Yes!" Qi Ye and Ghost both nodded and disappeared into the air. (To be continued.)

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